Vlasoglavy and trichocephalosis, photos of parasites, causes and routes of infection, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment of human worms in children and adults

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If we talk about many types of diseases caused by human worms, then one of the most dangerous is trichocephalosis, the causative agent of which is a parasitic worm-ear. The causes of infection are hidden in the ingress of the mature eggs of this helminth into the patient's body. This can occur as follows:

  • Insufficient heat treatment of products;
  • Eating unwashed vegetables and fruits;
  • Non-observance of the rules of personal hygiene, basically a rare washing of hands.

Trichocephalosis is ubiquitous, but residents of the humid zones of the subtropical and tropical zones, especially those living in rural areas and engaged in horticulture and truck farming, are most at risk of infection. Recently, experts have identified another cause of infection with trichocephalosis - the dogs that hurt them. It has already been proved that vagally-headed animals can easily infect the digestive organs of people.

But direct contact with the person who has fallen ill with this disease, using common objects of everyday use and toys with it, can not cause the invasion, since the conditions necessary for the maturation of the eggs of the wet-headed condition are present only in the soil. If the eggs of this worm have got into it, the probability of their infection with a person persists for a long time and can reach half a year. Most often, trichocephalitis is caused by children from 1 to 14 years of age.

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Paths of parasite spread begin from the intestine already infected by these helminths. Specialists in total allocate such basic ways of penetration of a whip in the patient's body, as contaminated soil and water. Children can cause the development of trichocephalosis can easily swallowed by them when bathing in places not provided for this. For babies this way of penetration into the body of eggs is considered to be one of the main.

Vlasoglav in children

This parasite causing trichocephalosis in children is quite dangerous, as it causes serious damage to the intestines of the baby, being injected with the help of the sharp end of its body into its walls. This leads to internal bleeding in children and the formation of ulcers on the mucous membrane. The appearance of this worm-worm and its action inside the child's body can be well seen in the photo and video materials devoted to the cycle of development of this parasite. Videos and photos reveal the full picture of the danger that lies in wait for the baby in the event that he lacks the necessary medical and preventive measures necessary for this misfortune. Also in the photographs with the head of the head there are also pictures of the possible symptoms of trichocephalosis in a small child.

Infected with a trichocephalic pathogen, the baby may complain of symptoms such as intermittent stitching and cutting pains in the abdomen, unstable stools, headaches and general weakness. Babies affected by the penetration of this worm in their body begin to lag behind in their physical and mental development. The severest pathology occurs when the child has a history of OCD or amoebiasis. In order to identify a trichocephalosis in a child, a three-fold analysis of the feces is required. In the event that even one result was positive, it is necessary to begin appropriate treatment.

Symptoms of human lycopodium

Symptoms of parasitic disease, the causative agent of which is this helminth, depends on the patient's presence of any pathologies, especially those taking place in chronic form, physiological response of the organism, and also the degree of invasion. In the early stages of trichocephalosis, pronounced specific signs are either absent altogether or expressed very poorly. The corresponding symptoms begin to appear as the intensity of the invasion is increased by the withered head. First of all they concern the defeat of the central nervous system and the intestine. Anxiety symptoms, which should cause concern to the patient and make him urgently consult a specialist, is as follows:

  • In a patient with trichocephaly, appetite disappears, nausea appears, often resulting in vomiting;
  • Glist-vaginal head causes painful sensations in the abdominal cavity, similar in clinical picture with acute appendicitis;
  • When trichocephalosis is always broken stool;
  • Symptom indicating the presence of vaginal head in the human body can be called increased salivation;
  • Such neurogenic signs as sleep disorders, irritability and frequent headaches also indicate the development of trichocephalosis in the patient.

All symptoms of the disease are related to the degree of damage to the organs of the digestive or nervous system. If, at the appearance of suspicious symptoms, to ignore the conduct of appropriate complex diagnostic studies, and not begin timely treatment, the patient can very quickly develop inflammation of the blind part of the intestine or segmental colitis, chronic diarrhea with the presence of fecal secretion in the stool and prolapse of the rectum. Especially these signs are characteristic for children.

Diagnosis of trichocephalus

Diagnostic tests that reveal the patient's presence of parasitic worms and the degree of invasion by them should be carried out with at least one symptom indicative of the infection. In order for trichocephalosis to be diagnosed correctly, the specialist needs the following important items:

  • Presence of clinical data similar to invasive withered headache. In the case when trichocephalosis has nonspecific symptoms, differential diagnosis is performed. During it should be excluded OCI, ascariasis and other helminthiases, acute appendicitis, viral and bacterial enteritis;
  • Epidemiological data that indicate the person's belonging to the group of persons who in their labor activity have direct contact with the soil;
  • To identify trichocephalosis, an overall blood test will help, from the transcript of which it is clear that the patient has increased ESR and eosinophilia up to 10-20%;
  • When used to diagnose the presence in the body of vaginal head of sigmoidoscopy, its results indicate a hyperemic, friable and edematic mucosa, in which parasites can be seen entering into it.

To confirm the diagnosis of trichocephalosis, stool analysis is needed, performed by the method of enrichment( with minor invasion) or coprogram. When conducting them, it is possible to detect the eggs of the pathogen in the patient's feces. Only this analysis with thorough accuracy will confirm the development of trichocephalosis.

Complexity of treatment of parasites-slag

All necessary medical measures for this disease can be carried out both outpatiently and permanently. The degree of invasion affects the choice of the method of therapy. Special antihelminthic agents are used to treat trichocephalus. Their efficacy is significantly improved when performing a diathermy procedure on the right iliac region or introducing oxygen into the rectum. Sometimes medicines intended for the destruction of vaginal head are combined with phytotherapy.

In the case when painful sensations intensify against the background of treatment of trichocephalosis, the appointment of antispasmodics and pain medications is not recommended, since when they are taken it is possible to miss such a complication as acute appendicitis. If trichocephalosis is accompanied by severe anemia, at the end of the course of treatment with vaginal head, it is necessary to start taking iron and vitamin B preparations. Often it also happens that it is not possible to get rid of the whip at the first try. In this case, repeated treatment of trichocephalosis is prescribed.

No less effective in getting rid of vaginal head and antiparasitic treatment with folk remedies. To use non-traditional methods in the treatment of trichocephalosis has brought good results, you can use the following proven by many patients recipes:

  • Dried or fresh herb tansy, taken in an amount of 3 tbsp.l.pour a glass of boiling water and insist for 1 hour. After the cooling of this product, prepared according to national recipes, it is filtered and taken for 1 tbsp.spoon throughout the day with small intervals;
  • Well washed cake of pomegranate is poured into a glass of boiling water and kept on low heat for 15 minutes. After cooling down, it should be drunk for 1, 5 hours, and 4 hours after the last use take a laxative drug;
  • To drive out the withered head will help and folk remedies, cooked on the basis of garlic and milk. Do not use it for those patients who have an anamnesis of inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Prophylaxis of infection with dandruff

All preventive measures aimed at preventing primary or repeated infection of humans with slabs are as follows:

  • Careful observance of personal hygiene rules. Wash hands contaminated with soil should only be with antibacterial or household soap;
  • For preventive purposes, boiling water taken from open sources is also necessary;
  • Be sure to thoroughly wash, or even better, boiling water, all vegetables and fruits intended for consumption in raw form.

Also performs a preventive function well in preventing the penetration into the body of the whip and the development of trichocephalosis, a special antiseptic gel that treats the skin of the hands, thus destroying the parasite eggs on it.

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