Lamblias in children, giardiasis in infants and newborns, at 1, 2, 3, 4 years old, at 5-6 years, adolescents - photos, video of Dr. Komarovsky

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Giardiasis is a parasitic disease, which is most often caused by children. Out of 100% of cases of infection, 70% falls on children. And all because it is this age group that poorly complies with the necessary hygiene rules and sanitary norms. Ways of infection in both adults and children are the same. The disease begins when the inside of the gastrointestinal tract is not the worms, but the cysts of giardias( in the photo you can see how they look).These are microscopic spores of the simplest flagellum microorganisms, they have a fairly dense shell. It dissolves only when the cyst enters the duodenum. The action of bile starts the process of turning cysts into trophozoites - into a special vegetative form, which actively parasitizes mainly in the upper parts of the small intestine.

Children's giardiasis can proceed in different ways. The features of the clinical picture largely depend on the age of the infected. Let us examine in more detail which symptoms are characteristic for this or that age category, what effect giardia has on the growth of the child, how the intestinal infection is diagnosed, what features the treatment of children's lambliasis has.

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Today lamblia( pictured), unlike worms, are found out literally in all children. The peak of infection is diagnosed when the child begins to go to pre-school and school facilities. Close contact at the household level leads to the fact that lamblia is instantly transmitted from person to person. Children up to a year become infected because they have a habit of taking everything in their mouth, it's horrible. Breast infections are transmitted from the mother, there are cases of infection of infants during labor during the passage through the birth canal. It is extremely difficult to treat an infection at this age, so mothers are advised to observe the rules of personal hygiene even during pregnancy, it is necessary to be inspected for the presence of flagellar microorganisms in the feces of the cysts, to detect the presence of the disease in time and to treat it at early stages.

What are the symptoms of pediatric giardiasis?

A detailed description of the clinical picture, taking into account age, was formulated in her scientific works by T.V.Zalipaev. Lambliasis is rare in infants. How do the simplest flagellar microorganisms enter the body of newborns? A child is infected from the mother for up to a year. Symptoms of lamblias in infants are uncharacteristic. This is anxiety at night, a storm of gas, a lack of weight gain. If such symptoms in the baby go in the compartment with allergic manifestations on the skin - this is an occasion to suspect the presence in the body of the baby of the simplest microorganisms. To confirm the diagnosis, feces are analyzed. The stool of the infants in the presence of infection shows the growth of putrefactive microflora. The photo shows how the feces can look.

Giardia in children of younger age group( from 2 to 3 years) provoke the development of intestinal infection, which manifests itself in the form of symptoms, characteristic of any disease of the gastrointestinal tract. That is why in the acute phase dyspepsia disorders predominate( diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite and weight loss).But during the carriage of the simplest flagellum microorganisms they develop against the background of asthenic-neurotic manifestations( headaches, dizziness, irritability, tearfulness, a sharp change of mood) and against allergic dermatological syndromes( diathesis and urticaria).The photo clearly shows how this complication looks like. Pain in the abdomen is almost never felt.

Giardia in children of middle age( from 4 to 7 years) cause the same dyspeptic disorders. But it was noted that 75% of infected babies complained of pain in the upper abdominal area. In diagnostic examinations, half of the indicated number of children showed changes in the pancreas( clinical manifestations are reactive in this case).Since giardiasis at this age is particularly acute, 37% of infected children show atrophic changes in the duodenal mucosa. Parasitizing worms such pathologies do not cause.

Giardiasis in children aged 8 to 12 years develops with a predominance of pain symptoms. It causes the most complex pathological changes. Intestinal infection in children of this age can lead to complications such as functional disorders of the pancreas, the functions of the biliary system. The pathologies of the gastroduodenal region are of an organic nature. Almost all patients of this age category acute lambliasis leads to the appearance of ulcers or erosions of the duodenal mucosa. It helps to see the complication from the inside. That is why when one or two of the above symptoms are detected, it is so important to seek medical help on time and begin adequate treatment.

Giardiasis in adolescents( children aged 13 to 15 years), according to the author of the described classification of clinical manifestations, occurs with the predominance of dyspeptic disorders with the preservation of pain syndrome. All the typical symptoms of lambliasis become heavier. Therefore, the emergence of dangerous complications - organic disorders of the digestive system.

The chronic form of giardiasis in children is necessarily accompanied by neurotic symptoms. They quickly lose their strength, they get tired, they seem weak, cry a lot, get irritated from any external influences. They can complain about headaches, unpleasant discomfort in the chest area. As with worms, at nights children can find a squeak of teeth. With a sharp increase in the number of lamblia( pictured), a large number of toxins form inside the intestine, which is immediately absorbed into the bloodstream and causes the formation of allergic reactions. In addition to urticaria, children have a rapid development of bronchial asthma, possibly a persistent inflammation of the eyelids, the onset of the inflammatory process in the joints. As a rule, allergic symptoms immediately disappear after the course of treatment. It consists of three stages.

Treatment of giardiasis in children
  • Treatment of giardiasis in children takes place in three stages:
    • In the first stage( as well as in helminthic invasions), the most vivid symptoms are treated, the doctors try to adjust the gastrointestinal tract, reduce the "heat" of allergic manifestations,restore the secretion of bile. It is recommended to adhere to a special diet, whose action is aimed at the formation of unfavorable conditions for the existence of giardias. To decide the question of what to feed a child with lambliasis alone can not. The diet should be the attending physician.
    • The second stage is the direct treatment of Giardiasis, Giardia, as well as worms, are destroyed with the help of special medicines. The pharmacological method is supported by means of traditional medicine and phytotherapy. Self-medication in this case is not allowed. And all because the mass death of lamblia in children leads to the formation of a large number of toxins. They significantly worsen the general condition of the patient, and increase the risk of unwanted complications. That is why the treatment of children's lambliasis should be carried out in a hospital setting under the supervision of a pediatrician. Only a gastroenterologist can calculate the correct dose of medication for a newborn baby and for a teenager. Age is the main criterion for choosing and prescribing an antiparasitic drug. Along with antiparasitic treatment, the immune system is being adjusted. Prescribed supplements, vitamins, probiotics.
    • The third stage of treatment involves rehabilitation. It is carried out with the help of biological preparations. An important aspect of this period is the prevention of re-infection.

    If a child is found lamblia, the whole family should be treated for infection.

    "School of Dr. Komarovsky" about a child's giardiasis

    Komarovsky( pictured), like many other practitioners, believes that not every child lambliasis should be started immediately. He refers to the fact that one-third of all those infected on the ground carry lamblias in themselves, and these protozoan flagella microorganisms( unlike worms) do not cause them any inconvenience.

    Doctor Komarowski draws attention to the fact that some doctors, when they reveal the first signs of a digestive disorder, suspect this is the lamblias. They prescribe to young children toxic antiprotozoal drugs when, in the treatment of discomfort, you can do without them. Sometimes a special therapeutic diet helps to get rid of lamblias in children. About it more than once was told in the "School of Doctor Komarovsky."Freshen the memory helps the video. The basis of the curative menu should be the products that are most useful for a weakened child's body. In the diet of kids and adolescents included, and fats, and carbohydrates, and vitamins, and minerals. But it is important to limit the reception of fast-digestible carbohydrates as much as possible. They are the basis of the diet of giardias. All products that are part of the food are specially heat treated. Dr. Komarovsky draws attention( and in the video it is seen) that it is important to give dishes cooked with cooking or steaming.

    When diagnosing lambliasis, Dr. Komarovsky advises that the maximum amount of acids be included in the children's diet. Giardii do not survive in an acidic environment. Therefore, it is important to give half an hour before a meal to drink kefir or juice, survived from sour fruit. Fruit, curds and products shown in the photo work well.

    Video of Komarovsky's lectures on lamblias in children tell about the importance of observing some preventive measures that help to prevent re-infection. They are based on extremely simple principles:

    1. The compulsory rule is to wash your hands every time after going to the toilet and walking outside.
    2. It is important to immediately stop any bad habits.
    3. If animals live in the house, it is necessary to look after them with special care.
    4. You should not be allowed to play in that sandbox, the purity of which is not certain.
    5. You can not encourage the habit of eating on the go on the street.
    6. The main aspect of successful prevention is to constantly strengthen immunity, at any time of the year.

    When answering the question whether it is possible to attend a kindergarten when a lambliosis is detected, Komarovsky points out that the contact-household way of infection is the most common way of transmission of infection. That is why it is worth refraining from attending educational institutions. Knowing how to treat giardiasis in toddlers and adolescents than feeding a child while treating an infection, you can prevent the occurrence of dangerous complications.

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