Diseases of the conjunctive sac and medical measures

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1 Location of the body

In the case when the eyelids are tightly closed, the conjunctive bag is completely closed from the outside, forming this same bag from the inside. By its size this bag is small, its volume can be filled with 1-2 drops. Conjunctival sac is used to instill almost all drops into it. For convenience of carrying out of this procedure doctors recommend simply to delay a lower eyelid and to drop in the bottom arch of a bag.

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Medical terminology is not clear to every common person and often leads to a dead end. The same thing happens with the search for a conjunctival sac.

Explanations sometimes rely on memories of a disease such as conjunctivitis. In general, finding a conjunctival sac is not so difficult. When a person pulls one of the eyelids( upper or lower), then his view is a space with a dense cluster of capillaries, this space is a conjunctive bag. Accordingly, it is easy to conclude from this that the upper bag is above the upper eyelid, and the lower sack is below the lower eyelid. It is in the lower bag that various healing drops are instilled, since from there the solution spreads easily across the entire surface of the eye and its corners. In order for the solution to disperse more quickly, it is necessary to blink as often as possible.

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2 Types of diseases

Diseases affecting the conjunctival sac are most often associated with eye hygiene. Such diseases usually occur in toddlers who prefer to ignore advice on the need to frequently wash their hands. One awkward touch by the dirty hands of the face and eyes leads to the development of conjunctivitis, which manifests itself by the following symptoms:

  • is an inflammatory process localized on the tissues of the conjunctival sac;
  • increased tear;
  • irritation and itching;
  • purulent discharge;
  • redness of internal tissues.

This disease in most cases affects only the lower conjunctive sac, in which the accumulation of pus excretion occurs.

But this disease can appear not only from dirt. Its development can provoke allergies. Very often there is confusion, in which the inflammation of the tear duct is confused with conjunctivitis. And besides that they are confused, so they also start to treat using various drops, rinses and other therapeutic agents. But this treatment is not suitable and only aggravates the situation, because these two diseases are completely different and require each their treatment. Therefore, before proceeding to treatment, it is necessary to consult a doctor and find out the exact diagnosis, and only then begin the treatment procedures.

It is very important not to engage in self-medication. Any suspicion of inflammation should lead to the office of an ophthalmologist. Only a doctor can make a diagnosis by conducting a number of necessary studies. And only the doctor can prescribe the correct and necessary treatment.

The doctor will help determine the cause of the disease and prescribe a comprehensive treatment that will help prevent the recurrence of the disease. Most often in the treatment of various ointments and drops that are placed in the bottom bag.

You can put drops or put ointment yourself. For this, you do not need to do something complicated. You just need to pull the lower eyelid and inside it to drip the required amount of solution or put the ointment in the bag.

If the treatment was prescribed to the child, then during the instillation, one more adult may be needed, which will help fix the baby's head in a stationary state.

Conjunctival sack and conjunctiva of the eye are the most delicate organs of vision, which must be treated very carefully, especially when they are susceptible to various inflammations and infections.

3 The process of instillation of eye drops

The instillation of drops necessary for the treatment of the disease is allowed exclusively in the lower region of the conjunctival sac. To obtain the maximum result of treatment and quick action of the drug, it is required to perform the correct instruction of instillation of the solution as accurately as possible.


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The technique is quite simple and easy to perform:

  1. A bit of a head back.
  2. With one hand, pull the lower eyelid downward, forming a noticeable pocket.
  3. The second hand to take a pipette( or a bottle) and drop 1-2 drops into the bag.
  4. You need to release the eyelid.

Many medicines cause pinching or burning, but this effect lasts only a couple of seconds. After instillation it is best to lie down for a while with your eyes closed or to blink, allowing the drug to disperse all over the eye area.

Do not touch the mucous membrane with a pipette. It is important to remember that the instillation process is carried out exclusively with clean hands.

Quite often with conjunctivitis, doctors advise dripping the medicine in both eyes, even if the second eye is not infected. The fact is that this infectious disease, and to prevent the inflammatory process in the second eye immediately after the treatment of the first, it is necessary to treat both simultaneously. Accordingly, in the second eye the dosage is prescribed less.

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Instructions for the second eye are carried out in the same way as for the first. All actions must be repeated from beginning to end.

Problems with instillation often occur in the treatment of children. When they are drenched in one eye, they already know that it will be painful or unpleasant, and in the second eye they do not give a drop. Here, only the second adult can come to the rescue, which will help fix the baby's head in a stationary state, allowing the procedure to be carried out without harm to the child.

4 What to do if foreign body gets into

The eye is very difficult to protect from getting into it of various small litter, especially when the street is windy and all the dust flies directly into the face. Fragments, mote and other small dust fall directly into the area of ​​the conjunctival sac. When the eye begins to move, the foreign body moves, causing painful sensations. The appearance and form of the foreign body will depend on the unpleasantness and soreness of the sensations.

To detect a foreign body, an external examination of the eye is necessary. Complaints usually describe a picture of the presence in the eyes of sand, increased tear, photophobia, visual impairment may occur. If the foreign body is in the eye for more than one hour, the eye begins to swell and blush.

Foreign body should be removed from the eye as quickly as possible in order to prevent the development of the inflammatory process and various complications.

5 Extraction of foreign matter and first aid

First aid can be provided by a medical professional or any other person familiar with the rules for conducting it. When removing, you need to give maximum attention to safety.

First Aid:

  1. Pull off the lower eyelid.
  2. Asking the patient to look up.
  3. Carry out a close inspection of the bottom bag.
  4. Find a foreign object.
  5. Remove the mote with the help of the corner of the gauze pad.
  6. If an item has not been found, it should be searched in the upper conjunctival sac.
  7. Pull off the upper eyelid and turn it outward. If a person does not have the experience of twisting the upper eyelid, then the examination should be entrusted to the medical worker!
  8. Perform an examination of the upper mucous layer.
  9. If a foreign body is found, remove it with a napkin corner.

It is possible that the mote can be on the cornea, therefore, it is also necessary to inspect it.

Before taking the mote, it is impossible for the patient to give painkillers. It is on his personal feelings that the finality of the extraction work is checked. If the foreign body is removed from the eye, the pain immediately disappears;If the pain remains, then you need to again inspect. After the extraction procedure, it is necessary to instill drops against inflammation.

It is impossible to extract a foreign object on its own, it's better to visit a doctor, putting a bandage around your eyes.

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