What is neurocirculatory dystonia?

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1 The main causes of

The reasons that trigger the development of neurocirculatory dystonia are quite diverse. But their list does not include lesions of the nervous or endocrine system.

Usually in adolescents, this ailment is caused by the fact that neuroendocrine mechanisms that regulate vegetative processes are imperfect. In addition, in the pubertal period, such an ailment is also facilitated by physical and emotional loads, the environment.

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In people of any age, the dystonia of the neurocirculatory type is caused by infectious diseases in acute or chronic form. Negativity is affected by lack of sleep, constant fatigue. Reflect various mental trauma. The effects of chemical and physical factors also need to be considered. For example, this applies to climatic conditions, vibrations, insolation. Poor way of the day, poor nutrition. By the way, both physical inactivity and physical overload will also have a bad effect. It is necessary to take into account intoxication, and not only drugs or other substances, but also tobacco or alcohol intoxication.

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Hormonal rearrangements of the cardinal species in the human body also affect the development of the neurocirculatory type of dystonia. For example, this is due to puberty. Also concerns menopause, pregnancy and abortion in women. Still need to consider dysfunction of the ovaries.

Some people( especially children) also have a hereditary predisposition to such a disease.

The effect of these factors leads to the development of a dysfunction of control of the neurohumoral species in the vascular system and the heart. Here, the pathogenetic element is just a violation of the pituitary and hypothalamus structures, which are responsible for the coordination of such processes.

Further develop disorders of those systems that are responsible for cholinergic, kallikreinkinovy, sympathic-adrenal, histaminoserotonin and other processes. This is a trigger mechanism that leads to changes in carbohydrate, acid-base, water-electrolyte metabolism, hormonal background and mediator system.

Biological active components( kinin, serotonin, histamine and others) are activated in myocardium cells. This leads to violations of metabolic processes and dystrophy. The tone of blood vessels fluctuates, spasms of peripheral vessels appear, the microcirculation slows down. All this leads to tissue hypoxia. As a result, these processes become autonomous, and the dystonia of the neurocirculatory type is an independent disease.

2 Symptoms of pathology

Symptoms in different patients will differ. However, there are common manifestations. For example, this applies to the neurosis-like state. At the same time the patient experiences weakness, lethargy, quickly becomes tired. He has problems with sleep, memory worsens. The person is nervous and irritated. Concentration of attention also worsens. To this are added disorders of the functional circulatory type.

In cardiac type of the development of the disease, cardialgia is manifested. The patient feels a strong palpitations. There are interruptions in the work of the heart muscle. Sometimes shortness of breath is painful at high physical exertion. With this form of the disease, there are no significant changes in blood pressure indicators. It is possible to determine arrhythmia of the respiratory character, tachycardia, paroxysms. There is also an extrasystole in the supraventricular region, a change in cardiac output, which is inadequate to the load. On the ECG you can see the changed voltage T - it is either reduced, or, on the contrary, overestimated.

If a person develops an antihypertensive type of neurocirculatory dystonia, then signs that are characteristic for vascular insufficiency in a chronic form are observed. For example, the pressure decreases, it will be less than 100 mm of mercury. Feels chills in the feet and hands, muscle weakness, fainting or even collapse of the orthostatic type. The patient quickly gets tired, his headache. As a rule, patients with this form of illness have an asthenic physique. The skin is pale, palms moist and cool.


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In the hypertensive form of NCD in a person, the pressure rises. For the upper indicator up to 130-140 mm of mercury, and for the lower indicator up to 85-90 mm of mercury. With this in most patients, subjective well-being does not change. Such an ailment is revealed only with a physical examination. Less often patients complain of headaches. Sometimes palpitations are felt. The person gets tired quickly.

If the patient has a mild disease, the symptomatic pattern will be moderately expressed. Symptoms of the disease are manifested only with mental or emotional overload. The patient's ability to work is practically unchanged, although the endurance becomes less. Medicamentous therapy is not needed.

With an average degree of disease, the symptoms will be multiple. Working capacity is reduced by half. If the work capacity is temporarily lost, then medication is prescribed.

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With a severe degree, the symptomatic pattern will be stable. Sharply reduced or completely lost ability to work. Inpatient treatment is required.

3 Classification of

Dystonia of the neurocirculatory type is still known as neurocirculatory asthenia, heart neurosis or an excitable heart. Among the violations of this plan are conditionally isolated vegetative-vascular and neurocirculatory. If the first form includes manifestations of vegetative dysfunction, the neurocirculatory form differs in that most often the symptomatology affects just the heart and blood vessels.

With such a disease, you need to contact therapists, cardiologists and neuropathologists. Such an ailment occurs in about half of the patients who turn to the cardiologist. Disease can appear at the age of an adult, both in an adult and in a child. Women are 3 times more likely to suffer from this ailment. The disease rarely appears in humans until 15 and after 50 years.

There are several classifications of this neurocirculatory dystonia. Such forms, depending on the etiology of the disease, are subdivided as follows:

  • is hereditary;
  • is toxic and infectious;
  • is psychogenic;
  • dyshormonal;
  • by mixed type;
  • with physical overvoltage.

The second classification identifies forms depending on the clinical syndrome. Developed by Nikitin V.P., and Savitsky N.N.There are 4 main forms:

  1. Hypotonic( blood pressure decreases).
  2. Cardiac( cardiac disorders are observed).
  3. Mixed( there are disorders in the functioning of the heart, and changes in blood pressure).
  4. Hypertensive( blood pressure rises).

Another classification is known, depending on the degree of severity of the patient's condition. Here the following forms are distinguished:

  • heavy degree;
  • average degree;
  • easy degree.

Depending on the course of the disease, there is a stage of remission and exacerbation.

4 Applied treatment

Diagnosis of neurocirculatory dystonia is difficult due to the fact that the symptoms are not very specific.

It is required to carefully verify the established diagnosis before starting treatment.

The patient should be monitored for 2 months. Among the complaints should be a feeling of palpitations, cardialgia, lack of air, pulsation in the neck, weakness, lethargy, fatigue, irritability, anxiety, sleep problems, dizziness.

On the ECG will be seen arrhythmia( usually ciliary), tachycardia( including paroxysmal), extrasystole, migration of the pacemaker and other disorders. Still need an ECG with a load. For example, make a test with hyperventilation. It takes half an hour to take deep breaths and exhalations. An orthostatic test is also suitable. First a person should stand for 15 minutes, and then take a lying position. Still apply medicinal tests, when special medicines are taken.

Treatment of such pathology should be comprehensive. An important role is played by non-drug methods, which are designed to improve the adaptation of the organism to environmental conditions. Doctors recommend hardening. It is necessary to exercise regularly. For example, swimming and athletics are suitable. It is necessary to normalize the regime of the day and rest. In a day it is necessary to sleep approximately 7-8 hours. It is necessary to alternate rest and work. Do not overexert. It is best to avoid stress - both physical and psychological. Rational psychotherapy is also recommended.

Balneotherapy positively affects the body when NTSD.It helps to train the regulatory processes of vegetative functions. The same goes for physiotherapy. For example, a special therapeutic bath and shower, reflexotherapy, electrosleep. You can do electrophoresis with the addition of novocaine, magnesium and bromine. The doctor selects spa treatment. Recommended therapeutic gymnastics.

If a person is constantly feeling irritable, or has problems with sleeping, then various medications with sedative properties will work. For example, tinctures of valerian and motherwort, valocordin are useful. Sometimes tranquilizers( Nozepam) are prescribed.

In a cardiac or hypertensive type of neurocirculatory dystonia, the doctor prescribes the administration of beta-blockers. For example, Trasicore, Anaprilin or Atenolol is suitable. They eliminate the manifestations of tachycardia, cardialgia, hypertension. More drugs are being prescribed that help improve metabolic processes in the heart muscle. For example, Riboxin, vitamins from group B, preparations containing potassium will be useful.

If a person has an antihypertensive type of neurocirculatory dystonia with asthenia and orthostatic disorders, the doctor prescribes tincture of ginseng( aralia, magnolia vine).Caffeine is also suitable.

Any type of neurocirculatory dystonia does not provoke heart failure, cardiomegaly, or other problems with heart rhythm or conductivity. In adolescence, if the time to begin to be treated, the outlook is optimistic. But with age, the prognosis for complete recovery gradually decreases. During the exacerbation of the disease, some patients experience disability. Do not exclude the development of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease.

5 Conclusion

Neurocirculatory dystonia is a disorder in the functioning of the cardiovascular system, which is associated with a violation of the regulation of the neuroendocrine type. There are many factors that can provoke the development of such an ailment. Therapy is prescribed depending on the type of manifestation of the disease and its causes. It is necessary to improve the adaptive capabilities of the body and monitor the regime of the day.

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