First aid and signs of concussion of the brain, code for the ICD 10

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1 The course of the disease

Light concussion can not be called extremely dangerous for human life. There is one nuance, because of which it is necessary to pay attention to trauma of this type. A concussion has the same signs as a bruise, a second type of injury requires mandatory hospitalization.

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It's hard to say exactly what happens to the brain at the time of the concussion. Even if you carefully examine the human brain, then it is almost impossible to detect any irregularities in his work.

It is known that with a slight head injury there is a possibility of disruption of the nerve cells, this may be due to the displacement of the layers of the brain tissue. Brain tissues are responsible for the nutrition of cells. If there is a violation of the integrity of the tissue, some unfavorable changes are possible. Poor nutrition contributes to impaired communication with other cerebral formations.

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With severe form of concussion, there is a risk of rupture of blood vessels. In the case of intracranial hemorrhage, the work and viability of the brain structures that get the blood got worse. Swelling of the brain is a possible consequence of severe trauma.

2 Symptoms of the disease

With a mild concussion of the brain, a temporary loss of consciousness occurs. In some cases, its loss may not be. Most often, loss of consciousness is not observed in children and people of advanced age. Basically, the violations of all processes are temporary and soon normalize. The temperature of the body does not change.

Main symptoms:

  • rapid breathing;
  • vomiting;
  • heart rate changes;
  • memory corruption.

The patient may also experience sleep disorders, headache, tinnitus, and general weakness. As a rule, the condition improves within one to two weeks. Regardless of the injury received, the best option is the timely access to a doctor.

Age defines the picture of the flow of concussion of the brain. In children under 3 years, as a rule, the trauma proceeds without a temporary loss of consciousness. Symptoms characteristic of an infant - frequent regurgitation, sleep disturbance, vomiting. Usually in 3 days the picture is normalized. Pre-school children have a rapid heartbeat, drowsiness and vomiting are possible.

Cases when an elderly person loses consciousness with a concussion is rare. In the event of an injury, a severe headache may occur, localized in the occiput, and temporary disorientation. The picture is normalized within seven days after receiving the injury.

Usually, with a concussion of the brain, a person temporarily loses consciousness. The condition can last a few minutes. It all depends on the severity of the injury. There have been cases when a person was severely injured, which entailed a coma.

Most often, with concussion of the brain, there is a temporary disorientation. There may be a loss of memory, a person can not remember what is happening at the time of injury. Often in such cases, specialist help is required.

Concussion is characterized by the manifestation of certain conditions, such as vomiting, tinnitus, rapid breathing and pulse. Head trauma leads to impairment of the neural pathways that are responsible for eye function. The dilatation of the pupils is also characteristic of this condition. A distressing symptom is the enlargement of only one pupil, it can speak of damage to one hemisphere.


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3 What to do

Of course, if you suspect a head injury, you need to call a doctor.

First of all, you need to provide the victim complete peace. It is advisable to make cold compresses, which can significantly improve the condition. You can make the injured tea, in this case, the intake of liquids is not prohibited. The intake of alcohol is contraindicated. If you receive a serious injury, you can not leave the victim, there is a chance that he will need to do artificial respiration. If the patient is in a shocked state, you must carefully monitor his breathing and pressure.

When getting a head injury, patients are usually assigned bed rest and appropriate medication. Do not carelessly treat shocks, it is the lack of treatment can lead to severe consequences.

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