Fix and break nails: causes and treatment

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Many people face a deterioration in the condition of the nails, when they are very hard to break and break. Do not underestimate this condition, it can talk about serious problems in the body, a broken nail plate - poor finger protection from mechanical damage.

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Nails break and break - reasons

The reasons why fingernails or legs or foots, fingernails or nails on the legs or foots, set are flattered. There are several basic reasons why this can happen:

  1. Lack of necessary vitamins and minerals. For a healthy nail surface you need protein, magnesium, sulfur, calcium, which enter the body in sufficient quantities only with the right, balanced diet.
  2. Diseases of internal organs. Problems with nails persecute people with kidney disease, pancreas, thyroid gland, iron deficiency anemia.
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  3. Intoxication, individual reaction or side effects of medications.

For internal reasons, the nails of the baby are often cracked, during pregnancy, if there are no obvious external ones.

Nails can be destroyed by external influences. Some women do not know why the nails are varnished after the varnish. They neglect the rules of correction of the nail surface, in such cases the puffing nails are a consequence of mechanical damage.

External influences harmful to the nail plate include:

  1. Working with chemicals can also lead to the destruction of the nail surface. The same applies to the use of detergents, varnishes and paints without gloves at home.
  2. Improper use of tools for correcting nails, improperly staged and misapplied.
  3. Using the nails themselves as tools, for example, to open or scrape something.
  4. Bad habit of gnawing nails.

The nails on the legs are cracked: what does this mean?

Folding nails on the legs - a more serious symptom than problems with the nail plates of the fingers. In general, the reasons are similar, but there are some subtleties.

When wearing tight shoes, the nail on the big toe begins to fade. This situation is dangerous ingrowth, which is fraught with severe inflammation, suppuration and a long unpleasant treatment.

Layering nail plates of toes can also talk about serious problems with blood circulation. If you exclude external causes, you should consult a doctor, this may be a symptom of varicose veins, other diseases associated with impaired blood circulation in the lower extremities.

If a child's nails are cracked, this is an additional reason for concern. In most cases, it speaks of a serious avitaminosis, a fungal infection, or an incorrectly selected shoe, which can lead to incorrect growth of the foot in the child.

Important! The main thing - immediately deal with the elimination of the cause that caused problems with the nail surface.


Usually, when the causes that caused the destruction of the nail plate disappear, the problem disappears. Therefore, the approach to therapy is individual, depends on what caused the stratification. It is better to combine several methods of treatment, the result will become noticeable faster.

If the nails are loose, what vitamin is missing?

Even if there was mechanical damage to the nail plate, you need to balance your diet, otherwise it will be hard and long to heal. There are a number of vitamins and minerals, the lack of which always leads to problems with the skin, hair, nails.

  1. Sulfur. This element is necessary for strong nails. In large quantities it is found in brewer's yeast, walnuts, liver, sprouted cereals.
  2. Magnesium. This substance is difficult to obtain from everyday products, so it is better to replace it with vitamin-mineral complexes.
  3. Protein. Protein is necessary for healthy growth, it is abundant in products of animal origin: meat, milk, butter. Also a lot of protein is contained in legumes, for example, soy.
  4. Selenium. This element is important for healthy skin and nails. Its a lot in sea fish, coconuts, pistachios.
  5. Silicon. Without this substance, the nail surface becomes fragile. To make up for the deficiency, you need to consume more oats and barley.

Some of these elements are difficult to digest directly from products, so after consultation with a doctor, you can start taking mineral complexes.

What should I do at home?

The specialist does not always need help, if the nails are loose, for example, after gel lacquer. If the nail plate is not severely damaged, you can restore yourself.

First of all, you need to find the right tools and tools for care. The file should be with fine spraying, if the nail surface is in exceptionally bad condition, it is worth to refuse grinding, it can aggravate the problem.

Manicure for the deplorable condition of the nail plate should be special. It is necessary to use medicinal varnishes, for example, Smart Enamel with the maintenance of proteins. You should not save on the funds from the layered nails, the cheaper the varnish, the more likely that an allergy to the components will occur. To remove varnishes, you should use gentle means, without acetone and similar elements.

Important! If the condition worsens, the manicure should be discarded altogether.

Baths and masks for nails

There is a mass of tools for strengthening the nail surface, available for home use. These are special oils and creams sold in pharmacies and specialized stores, tools that can be prepared literally from improvised components.

  1. Olive oil. Excellent nourishment of the nail plate, strengthening it. Apply at night a couple of times a week, mixing with a drop of lemon juice. For best effect, cotton gloves should be worn.
  2. Sea salt. This remedy is one of the most popular home remedies for strengthening the nail plate. On a glass of water you need to take one spoonful of salt, keep your hands for about 15-20 minutes. Then smear your hands with a fat cream. The procedure is carried out about three times a week.
  3. Iodine. In case of serious damage, the nail surface can be covered with a thin layer of alcohol solution. But it is better to make baths, a glass of water needs a few drops of iodine and a spoon of sea salt, hold hands for 15 minutes, then apply a moisturizer.

Important! If you are allergic to these drugs, they should be discarded.

In salons for strengthening of nails offer to make a special nutritious covering. First, the nail surface is polished, then a special mixture of minerals, proteins and other elements is rubbed into it, sealing the nail surface. Above you can impose another, decorative varnish.

Is it possible to make shellac on layered nails?

It is highly recommended not to apply shellac to the problem nail surface. Why? Shellac's fingernails crack if they were not strengthened or were severely damaged before the procedure. This coating negatively affects the nail plate and can spoil it.

During the treatment of puffing nails, permanent care of their surface is important, which is impossible, until the nail plate is covered with a strong layer of shellac. A competent master for this type of manicure will always advise you to cure before applying the gel.

What if I cracked a nail?

It happens that the nail plates not only break down, but break. This happens if you neglect the care of sick nails and start their deplorable state. Even from this situation it is possible to come out with minimal casualties.

The crack can be sealed with a colorless varnish and a paper napkin. To do this, attach a piece of napkin to the place of the crack, top to drip lacquer. Pieces of napkins that are not stuck clean. Top again with a clear coat. You can apply a colored layer so that the crack is not so noticeable.

Professional sealing of cracks is similar, though instead of usual varnish use biogel. If possible, it is better to contact a specialist immediately.

The appearance of cracks, broken nails - a sure sign that you need to take care of your health.

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