Treatment of nonspecific ulcerative colitis of the intestine, how to treat - recommendations, methods, surgery, diet, whether it is curable, how to cure?

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Very often, the symptoms of a strong intestinal disorder, which do not pass through themselves, become the cause of the patient's treatment to the doctor, despite the fact that a person takes adsorbents such as activated charcoal and tries to dull the pain and stop diarrhea with herbal decoctions.

In most cases, with such progressive symptoms after a diagnosis, he hears from the expert horrifying words: "You have ulcerative colitis in acute form and requires urgent hospitalization for appropriate treatment."

It's not for nothing that most patients are frightened by such a medical verdict. Many are well aware that this disease when it becomes a chronic form becomes perennial and almost uncontrollable. Conservative therapy, carried out in the chronic form of ulcerative colitis, will be required constantly, in time to eliminate the severe symptoms of the disease and prolong the periods of remission.

How is ulcerative colitis treated?

Once this patient is diagnosed with this rather terrible inflammatory pathology of the rectum, urgent medical treatment should be started, which is aimed at removing severe symptoms, eliminating the expected cause, and achieving the fastest and, if possible, longest remission of this inflammatory bowel disease.

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The basis of treatment of ulcerative colitis will be certain anti-inflammatory drugs, which are prescribed only by a specialist based on the diagnosed form of the disease and the stage of its course, and are taken solely under its control. These are cytostatics, aminosalicillates and glucocorticoid hormones. They are able to suppress the body's immune system, so they only try to prescribe them in the most neglected cases.

In addition to ulcerative colitis, symptomatic treatment is required, which is performed with haemostatic agents. Before the therapy with these drugs, blood transfusion may be required. It will be necessary if the bleeding is profuse.

With the aim to normalize the work of intestinal peristalsis, the patient must begin taking antispasmodic and anti-diarrhea remedies. And in the case when complications of ulcerative colitis of the intestine begin to develop, antibiotic therapy is also included in the treatment.

If the patient is severely depleted, nutritional mixtures are needed, which are administered intravenously due to impaired intestinal function. Only in this way it is possible to maintain the working capacity of the patient's organs.

Surgery for ulcerative colitis

If the drug treatment of ulcerative colitis and conservative therapy, such as adherence to the appropriate diet, exercises of exercise therapy and folk remedies have not produced the proper result and the bleeding that has arisen in the intestine does not stop, surgical intervention is required.

On the question of patients, where it is carried out, it can be answered that the best operations on the rectal mucosa are performed in Israel. It is these clinics that have the most positive reviews, and the experts, by and large, give a recommendation for surgical intervention for ulcerative colitis to go there.

In case of necessity of surgical intervention by physicians of Israel, such an operation as proctocolectomy is recommended. Only with it is possible to get rid of the patient from the ulcerative colitis that is not being treated by other methods.

It consists in the complete removal of the intestine( thick and rectum).In Israel, it is done in such a way that a surgeon creates a pouch that connects the end of the small intestine to the anus. It performs the function of a direct intestine and allows patients to have a normal functioning of the digestive system even after the complete removal of these organs.

Adequate assessment by Israeli physicians of indications for such surgical intervention in case of ulcerative colitis allows to make a correct assessment of the volume and timing of the operation, as well as to reduce the frequency of complications possible after such intervention.

Also foreign specialists have a huge experience in complex postoperative therapy of ulcerative colitis, which allows patients who listen to recommendations to treat in Israel, forget about this serious illness forever and begin to lead a full life.

New methods of treatment of ulcerative colitis

As modern medicine does not stand still, for effective drug therapy of this disease, when there are not yet mandatory recommendations for surgical intervention, several effective novelties have been developed:

  • Treatment of pathological inflammation in the intestine with mild symptomatologyeffective novelties, which are represented by drugs of 5-aminosalicylic acid. They quite well relieve inflammation, and have a magnificent healing effect;
  • Therapy, performed with severe symptoms of ulcerative colitis, is performed with the help of corticosteroid drugs. They are given in the form of injections, tablets or enemas.

When a septic course of this inflammatory pathology is used, new generation antibiotics are used.

"Golden standard" in the treatment of ulcerative colitis in modern medicine is considered basic therapy. It is based on the appointment to the patient of such medications that act on the pathological process itself and are aimed at achieving the following results:

  • Significant reduction in manifestations of the disease and achievement of the most persistent remission;
  • Reduces the likelihood of indications for treatment with surgical intervention;
  • Reduction of both systemic and local complications that can occur with ulcerative colitis;
  • Minimizing side effects and improving the quality of life of the patient.

In the treatment of ulcerative colitis of the intestine with the help of this therapy, the use of medicines of 3 lines is recommended:

  1. Medications represented by 5-aminosalicylic acid. Their action is based on anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action;
  2. Glucocorticoid drugs, which are mostly used topical steroids and systemic agents( hydrocortisone, methylprednisolone and prednisolone).But they have multiple side effects, which are manifested when their dosage is incorrect. The most dangerous when inadequate treatment of ulcerative colitis is oppression of the function performed by the adrenal cortex;
  3. Cytotoxic drugs that suppress the immune system. They are preparations of the reserve group. Assign them in the event that ulcerative colitis of the intestine does not lend itself to treatment, which was carried out with the help of drugs that make up the first two groups. The peculiarity of their action is that the necessary effect can be achieved only after a month or two after the beginning of their reception.

Modern therapy is also recommended for treatment of ulcerative colitis, carried out by biological agents. They are also a new direction that is used to treat NNC.Here, inhibitors of TNF-antibodies, recombinant a-interferon and recombinant cytokines are used.

Auxiliary therapy in this inflammatory bowel disease will be the patient receiving probiotics, conducting detoxification therapy and a balanced diet, in which all the carbohydrates, fats and proteins that are necessary for the development of ulcerative colitis are in full. Is a diet necessary for the treatment of ulcerative colitis?

A compulsory consequence of such a disease as ulcerative colitis is a strong depletion of the body, so nutrition with it must be high-grade and sufficiently high-calorie. Also, since it is used as a dietary basis on which treatment of this inflammatory pathology of the intestine is constructed, it should contain a sufficiently large amount of vitamins and proteins. Patients with ulcerative colitis should take food in a fractional way, in minimal portions and at least 6 times a day. This is necessary in order to facilitate the work of the inflamed intestine.

Therapeutic nutrition in this pathology of the digestive organs completely excludes such products as raw vegetables and fruits, fried, as well as fatty dishes, various sauces, especially purchased ones, and spices. This is necessary for the reason that they are capable of provoking diarrhea. Very carefully, you should also apply to dairy products. Diet in the treatment of ulcerative colitis of the intestine should be based on eating foods from foods such as:

  • Meat of low-fat varieties( veal, rabbit, chicken).Of these, broth for mucous soups is prepared;
  • Any cereals for cooking viscous cereals, which are cooked exclusively on water;
  • Eggs. They should be consumed only soft-boiled or in the form of a steam omelet;
  • Vegetables other than cabbage, also steamed or baked.

From drinks, a therapeutic diet for ulcerative colitis recommends weak tea, decoctions of cherry and blueberries, jelly. All dishes should have a liquid consistency and be boiled, baked or steamed.

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