Dysbacteriosis of the stomach - symptoms and treatment

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Dysbacteriosis of the stomach is a phenomenon that occurs less often than a functional disorder of the intestine, but no less severe and capable of leading to dangerous consequences. This condition is also characterized by a disturbance in the natural balance of microorganisms towards pathogenic ones. At the same time, useful bacteria practically disappear, which leads to disturbances in the process of digestion and primary absorption of nutrients necessary for the body. Failures in this case occur in hormonal regulation, as well as in the human immune system.

Due to the fact that the state of the gastric microflora affects all systems of organs in the body, in no case can ignore the very first signs of violations in it. If you do not pay attention to them, the composition of useful and pathogenic bacteria, both qualitative and quantitative, will change very quickly, and at the same time the dysbacteriosis will develop, which can lead to serious consequences.

Symptoms of the dysbacteriosis of the stomach

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The very first disturbances in the composition of the microflora of this digestive organ are very easy to overlook, they are so blurred. According to statistics, almost 70% of the population, both adults and children, since infancy, suffers from this ailment. If treatment is not started, it will lead to the most serious consequences due to disruptions in the body. Symptoms of a dysbacteriosis of the stomach can be:

  • Digestive disorders( belching, heartburn, nausea);
  • Pain in the epigastric region;
  • The chair is mostly normal, but there are undigested pieces of food in it;
  • Rashes on the skin( acne, atopic dermatitis);
  • Decreased immunity, which entails the patient's exposure to frequent viral infections;
  • Due to poor absorption of vitamins, the appearance of nails, hair, and skin deteriorates.

Since all these symptoms are not specific, they are often simply ignored, which leads to the development of gastric dysbacteriosis. They usually arise because of the influence of such reasons as long reception of antibiotics, stressful conditions, general weakening of the body due to a long illness, chronic diseases of the digestive tract, malnutrition and alcohol abuse. For the most part, functional disorders in this digestive organ can occur not only as an independent disease, but as evidence that there are other problems in the body.

Treatment of gastric dysbacteriosis

Therapeutic measures to get rid of this pathology are carried out by gastroenterologists, whose competence includes the diagnosis and treatment of all gastric diseases. If the patient develops symptoms suggesting the development of dysbacteriosis, diagnostic studies will consist of applying methods such as studying the patient's history and those clinical manifestations that are present, taking material for laboratory testing, gastroscopy.

If suspicions on the development of a patient's gastric dysbacteriosis have been confirmed, a suitable therapy technique is chosen, which usually lasts from 1 to several months. First of all, comprehensive measures are taken to identify and eliminate the cause that has affected the development of the disease:

  • Therapy of a primary disease that is present in a patient's history;
  • Refusal of present bad habits;
  • Using rational nutrition. Diet in the treatment of gastric dysbiosis should be aimed at restoring the disturbed balance of microflora in it, therefore, it necessarily includes those sour-milk products that are enriched with live bifidobacteria.

As a result of the application of these methods, there is an exact cause, which influenced the development of dysbacteriosis in the stomach. Further, according to the recommendations of a specialist, it is necessary to perform a "global cleansing" of the digestive organs in order to prepare them for more effective therapy and take bacteriophages 3-4 weeks. Also during this time, after a consultation with a specialist, you can use a folk remedy like garlic. Its action consists in a large number of phytoncides, which will not allow the newly formed pathogenic bacteria on the gastric mucosa.

After the cause, which influenced the development of the patient's dysbacteriosis, was found and eliminated, and the mucosa prepared for further therapy, the treatment of the developed disease begins directly. To date, the best medicamental method is the intake of probiotics and prebiotics, which are created on the basis of both living microorganisms and the products of their vital activity. Also, in order to prevent the re-emergence of gastric dysbacteriosis in the future, you should consult with a specialist and use in your diet a diet chosen by him that will promote additional protection of the mucosa of the digestive organs.

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