Eczema - photos, symptoms and treatment

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What is it: eczema - an inflammatory skin disease of an allergic etiology, characterized by a tendency to relapse, the main symptoms are manifested as a rash, itching and burning on the skin.

According to statistics, eczema accounts for approximately 40% of all skin diseases. As a rule, pathology begins in childhood and passes into a chronic form with incorrect treatment.

As a rule, with this disease the skin becomes dry, reddens and itches. Cracks may appear on it. Eczema can occur on any part of the body, but more often it appears on the legs and hands.

By the nature of development, seborrheic, true, microbial and occupational eczema are distinguished. Depending on the features of the course of the disease, they are dry and wet.

From this article you will learn what it is, about the causes of its occurrence, symptoms and of course, how to treat eczema and what kind of doctor to contact.

Classification of

Because many factors contribute to the onset of pathology, several types of eczema are isolated depending on the cause, location of affected areas and the nature of the disease:

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  • true;
  • microbial;
  • mycotic( fungal);
  • seborrheic;
  • is dysgidrotic;
  • professional.

Causes of Eczema

What is it? Eczema can develop with nervous disorders and when there are abnormalities in the endocrine system. Chronic infections and diseases of the gastrointestinal tract can also trigger the onset of the disease.

There are several kinds of specimens that influence the causes of their occurrence:

  1. The disease begins to develop under the influence of external factors( synthetic tissues, flowers, chemicals, dyes, etc.) and internal: hereditary predisposition, endocrine system diseases,intestinal tract;
  2. Seborrhea - begins to develop due to the negative impact of microbes( staphylococcus, fungus of the genus Candida), against the background of disorders in the digestive and endocrine systems;
  3. Microbial - begins to manifest itself against the background of pustular lesions of the skin, mycoses, varicose veins, after infection of burns;
  4. Professional - an allergy occurs on chemical irritants that contact exposed areas of the skin.

Still, the main cause of the disease is considered to be the allergic reaction of the human body to any food or external stimulus.

Symptoms of eczema

Depending on the type of eczema and the stage of development of the inflammation process, the symptoms of eczema can differ on the skin.

For all types of eczema , a number of general symptoms of are characteristic, such as:

  • , a patchy area of ​​inflammation appears on the skin, it is characterized by reddening( in some cases, blue) of the skin, the skin is thickened;
  • on the site of inflammation a rash is formed, depending on the type of ailment the rash may have its own peculiarities;
  • has a skin itch that can be permanent, thereby disrupting daily activities and affecting sleep,
  • if rash blisters are opened, painful wounds and cracks appear in their place;
  • during periods of exacerbation of eczema often marked increase in body temperature;
  • after the inflammation subsides, the skin becomes dry, loses its former elasticity, begins to crack.

The chronic form of the disease is characterized by periods of exacerbations that occur with active hyperemia, rashes and drip wetting.

Eczema photo: initial stage

How does the initial stage of eczema in the photo look like:

Eczema on hands initial stage


Localizes around scratches, abrasions, trophic ulcers, fistula and infected wounds. The onset of the disease is determined by the appearance on the skin of large, sharply outlined inflammatory foci of the disease, on the surface of which papulovezicles, seropapules, erect erosions and purulent crusts are formed. The development of microbial eczema is accompanied by severe burning and unbearable itching.


Practically in 80% of cases this form develops in patients who have lipophilic yeast fungus Pityrosporum ovale in lesions. Also, seborrhea and associated neuroendocrine disorders can provoke the development of the disease.

Itching and inflammation with seborrheic eczema are insignificant, the borders of the eczematous foci are clear. Often, the pathological process extends to the scalp and is accompanied by the appearance of dandruff. Hair in patients fatty, dull and glued.


Most often localized on the back of the hands and face. In an acute period, rashes are numerous. After the opening of the inflamed vesicles, small point erosions are formed, releasing the serous fluid. The disease is accompanied by severe itching. Often eczema is complicated by a secondary infection.


Occurs on the skin area most often in contact with an irritant( usually skin of hands).The main symptoms with occupational eczema are the same as with true: skin itching, redness of the skin, the appearance of bubbles that open and form crusts. The aggravation of the disease occurs after each contact with the stimulus.


Excreted by the concentration of erosion on the palms, as well as soles. The vesicles either open or dry up, turning into serous-purulent crusts, or unite into multi-chambered blisters. Over time, the focus of inflammation spreads to the hands, feet. Often, the dyshidrotic form of the disease is distinguished by trophic changes in the nails.

How to treat eczema

The dermatologist treats eczema treatment individually for each patient, taking into account the type of disease, the degree of manifestation of the inflammatory process, and also the individual characteristics of the person.

There are many options for treating eczema, first of all, it is prescribed:

  1. Hypoallergenic diet for up to six months( excluding smoked foods, pickles, canned food, spices, chocolate, alcohol, citrus fruits and dairy products).
  2. Exclusion of contact with allergens , and this includes the rejection of cosmetic products, detergents, synthetic clothing, wearing bandages to protect damaged skin from excessive insolation, wind, snow, cold, refusal of water procedures.
  3. Treatment of concomitant diseases and sanation of foci of chronic infection.
  4. Ingestion of medications: antiallergic drugs( suprastin, zirtek, erius) to relieve itching, soothing( valerian, motherwort, sedative), small tranquilizers, vitamins( vitamins C, B, A, E, R), calcium preparations.
  5. Local treatment : astringent and disinfectant lotions and solutions, creams, pastes and powders( zinc, talc, starch).With prolonged course of eczema hormonal preparations are used in the form of ointments and aerosols( hydrocortisone, Lorinden C, fluorocort).

Also for the effectiveness of treatment you need to eliminate the effects of all factors of skin irritation( dirt, dampness, sun radiation, skin parasites, chemicals, etc.).

The patients' diet should be full and rational in protein, minerals and vitamins. The diet includes the required amount of amino acids, as well as trace elements( cobalt, zinc, sulfur).You need to start treating eczema as early as possible. It is important to consider the stage of the disease.

How to treat eczema with folk remedies

Folk remedies should be used as an adjuvant therapy after consultation with a dermatologist.

  1. Grated raw potatoes - lotions 2 r / d.
  2. Application of grated raw potatoes and honey - ½ cup potatoes mixed with 1 h / l honey. Apply the paste for 2 hours with a bandage.
  3. Currant leaves and Kalina fruit - mix them with boiling water, after cooling, make lotions.
  4. A strong decoction from the dried bark of a young willow: when the symptoms of eczema wash off damaged skin. Carry out 3-4 procedures.
  5. When the type is wet, the poultices from the cabbage leaf cooked in milk and mixed with bran are helpful( 1-2 p / d).
  6. With a dry form, poultices from cranberry juice help.

In addition, do not forget that the treatment of eczema requires strict adherence to a special diet, spa and physiotherapy.

Ointments and creams from eczema

The main way to treat eczema are ointments and creams containing hormones( corticosteroids).Thanks to these tools, it is possible to accelerate the healing process of wounds and cracks in the skin, as well as reduce the intensity of inflammation.

  1. Elokom is available in the form of a cream, ointment and lotion and, with proper use, removes inflammation and relieves the symptoms of eczema. Elokom is recommended to apply on the skin in the area of ​​inflammation with a thin layer once a day. Duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician.
  2. Advantan Cream is recommended for very dry skin, for example, with a dyshidrotic type of disease. Cream Advantan, as a rule, is prescribed with eczema in the stage of wetting. The medicine is applied to the skin with a thin layer once a day. The duration of treatment is determined by the attending physician and can be several months.
  3. Lokoid is available as a cream and ointment, which should be applied to the skin in the area of ​​inflammation 3-4 times a day for several weeks.

It should be remembered that local products containing corticosteroids have side effects: thinning of the skin, a tendency to attach fungal and bacterial infections, etc., and therefore their appointment is performed only by the doctor in charge.


Compliance with hypoallergenic diet is an essential part of the program, which will cure eczema. Patients are advised to limit the use of liquid and digestible carbohydrates, refuse alcohol, spicy and salty foods, marinades, extractives and canned foods.

At the same time, patients are advised to enrich their diet with porridge, milk dishes, greens, vegetables, boiled meat and fruits( except citrus fruits).

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