Catarrhal sigmoiditis - symptoms and treatment

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Catarrhal sigmoiditis is the most mild form of the disease, and in this case only the upper layer of the intestinal epithelium is damaged. What are the symptoms of this form, and how to treat it?

In catarrhal sigmoiditis, you can observe symptoms such as:

  • Strong cutting pain on the left side of the ileum. The pain is spasmodic.
  • Severe flatulence and rumbling in the abdomen. Perhaps the eruption.
  • Diarrhea or constipation.
  • Fecal matter has a very fetid odor, blood, purulent and mucous impurities are possible.
  • A nauseous reflex, the appearance of repeated vomiting in the absence of an alleviating sensation.
  • Increased body temperature and general chills.
  • Symptoms of general intoxication, for example, pallor or unreasonable weakness.

It is possible that with the act of defecation, painful sensations will arise.the patient himself mostly complains of the constant presence of insomnia, rapid fatigue, irritability and nervousness.

Treatment of catarrhal sigmoiditis

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Medication will be given initially to eliminate the cause of catarrhal sigmoiditis. In the event that the disease began to develop along with a bacterial infection, then antibacterial agents and preparations are prescribed to prevent dysbacteriosis.

If catarrhal sigmoiditis is caused by inflammatory bowel processes that have a nonspecific characteristic, then therapy will consist of treating the underlying disease. So, appropriate medications are prescribed and infusion therapeutic measures are performed.

Also, in the catarrhal sigmoiditis, microclysters with the content of starch, methyluracil, chamomile, corticosteroids, fats and vitamins of group A are prescribed. In order to eliminate pain, prescription of preparations that have astringent and enveloping properties with spasmolytic effect is prescribed.

The positive effect will be noticeable and in compliance with the rules prescribed by a specialist diet. When catarrhal sigmoiditis is prescribed diet number 4.In this case it is supposed to refuse from sharp, spicy, fried, smoked, fatty types of dishes, as well as from smoking and alcohol. In addition, the daily diet should not contain a large number of fats and carbohydrates. Dishes are prepared in two ways: steamed and boiled - and have a puree-like consistency.

Practiced with catarrhal sigmoiditis and the use of folk remedies. In this case, it involves an enema with a variety of herbal medicinal herbs and oils. To conduct such an enema can be used olive oil, sea buckthorn oil, dog rose, and fish oil. It is possible to conduct enemas with the help of collargol. In any case, you should initially consult with a specialist on the appropriateness of these activities.

Treatment of catarrhal sigmoiditis will take a fairly long period. To completely get rid of the disease, it is required to conduct three courses of therapeutic therapeutic measures, the duration of which is from 1 to 3 months. Therefore, in the process, the patient needs the support of close people. Only after the exact causes and the picture of the manifestation of the disease are identified, the physician makes the final diagnosis, and individual therapeutic procedures are prescribed.

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