At what temperature do eggs of worms( helminths) die, treatment with tablets( medicines), how many live outside the body that kills them?

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Any person in the modern world, where the probability of invasion is so high, it is necessary to know under what conditions the eggs of worms perish, as carrying out appropriate measures will prevent the risk of developing helminthiasis - a number of dangerous diseases caused by parasitic worms. This is necessary in order to prevent the occurrence of infection, as getting rid of it will be difficult. With the condition of successful drug treatment, only larvae and adult worms die, but their eggs with tablets are very difficult to kill, since they are covered with a protective capsule, which is mostly destroyed only by hydrochloric acid in the stomach and due to which, under unfavorable conditions, they remain for a certain timealive.

There are a lot of ways to infect them. Eggs of worms get into the organisms of people through household items, carpets, toys, money, animal wool, insects and even ordinary dust in the air. Often, patients are interested in how many live eggs of the worms are outside the body and what is best to destroy them. Experts say that under favorable conditions, eggs of almost all types of worms do not die for a long time, and are able to live for years. They, before meeting their future master, are glued to the objects surrounding the person, preserved in soil, water and air. They only die under certain conditions. Most often, children suffer from infestation. At what temperature do eggs of the worms die?

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Progeny of roundworms, nematodes, living without an intermediate host, conducts one of the parts of the development cycle in the external environment. There, they develop larvae capable of infecting. But this is only on the condition of a favorable temperature regime. With significant fluctuations in egg temperature, worms can still die. If we look at the example of pinworms, the most common worms in humans, the following temperature dependence is revealed:

  • 23-40 ° C is considered the most favorable temperature for the parasite. With her, the larva develops within a week;
  • When freezing, temperatures below -15 ° C, all eggs of the worms die within an hour;
  • Also within a few seconds they die at a temperature of + 55 ° C and above.

That's why to prevent invasion of bed and underwear, especially if the apartment has a sick child, must be subjected to mandatory boiling and ironing from 2 sides. Processing all the children's toys with boiling water and washing-up liquids, in this case all the helminth larvae adhering to them die very quickly. In winter, carpeting and soft toys are taken out to the street and freeze for at least an hour. In addition, the apartment should be thoroughly cleaned with detergents. Only in this way can kill parasites.

Treatment of eggs of worms in children

It is much more difficult to remove parasites in a child than in an adult. The difficulty is that drugs that kill helminths are very toxic. And the risk of re-infection in children is high enough. That is why the treatment of infestation, which arose in the baby, should be treated with all seriousness. As a result of ongoing therapeutic measures, it is necessary not only to destroy adult worms, but also to ensure that all of their eggs are killed. Only in this case, the treatment can be considered successful.

All parents should always remember that they should never conduct an antiparasitic treatment on their own. All assignments should be handled only by a specialist. It is he who will select a suitable medicine and will make a course of his reception that allows not only to withdraw adult worms, but also to ensure that their eggs are killed. Most often, babies are prescribed Pirantel, but not in tablets, but in a suspension that has a pleasant taste. Its use is allowed from 6 months of the child. In order to completely kill the eggs of the worms, the treatment course made by infectious diseaseists should consist of 5 stages:

  • Receiving according to a certain scheme and in certain dosages of antiparasitic drug Pirantel;
  • Within 5 days, the obligatory use of enterosorbents of Entegnina or Smekta, removing the negative effect of medicinal preparations that caused the death of worms and their eggs;
  • The following 2 weeks are taken enzymatic agents;
  • 3 weeks are used special biopreparations.

The final stage of therapy aimed at ensuring that the child's worms and their eggs die in the body, a vitamin-mineral complex is used to restore the deficit of vital microelements in the baby's body, provoked by the vital activity of parasites. At the end of this course of therapy, a feces analysis should be resumed, which will confirm the success of the treatment.

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