Chronic acute pancreatitis, disease, inflammation of the pancreas, what is it, definition, differences, photo, video

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Normal functioning of the pancreas is very important for the human body. First, it contributes to the secretion of food enzymes, without which digestion is impossible, and secondly, it produces insulin, a deficiency that is provoked by the development of diabetes mellitus.

With inflammation of this body( pancreatitis), food enzymes begin to digest the tissues of the pancreas itself, and getting into the blood, cause severe poisoning. There are two types of pancreatitis, acute and chronic. The acute variety of this disease can be treated only in a hospital, and it is required to calm inflammation very quickly, otherwise pancreatitis can develop into necrosis. Necrotic condition or simply the death of tissues and pancreas, in most cases, end in a lethal outcome for the patient. Therefore, with the first symptoms of acute or chronic pancreatitis, a doctor's consultation is simply necessary. From the timely begun treatment of such a disease as acute chronic pancreatitis your life can depend.

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It is impossible to say for sure which of the inflammatory conditions of the pancreas is easier to treat. After all, if an acute attack of the disease with timely access to a doctor, you can remove medication, then chronic pancreatitis leads to a steady decline in pancreatic activity and its slow atrophy. One of the consequences of the development of chronic pancreatitis associated with impaired insulin production due to inflammation of the pancreas is the concomitant development of diabetes mellitus.

The cause of inflammation of your pancreas and the development of such a disease as pancreatitis can serve as excessive alcohol consumption, trauma, or some types of diseases of the gallbladder and duodenum, and genetic predisposition to metabolic disorders and connective tissue diseases. To provoke an acute manifestation of chronic or development of acute pancreatitis may even take certain types of medications that have a harmful effect on the pancreas and can lead to inflammation of its tissues and the development of a chronic form of pancreatitis. Therefore, if you have any of the forms of pancreatitis, as well as simply when manifesting the symptoms of the development of the disease, you need to urgently consult a doctor, and in no case can you treat this ailment yourself.

Symptom of the presence of inflammation in the pancreas and the development of acute or chronic forms of a disease such as pancreatitis can become:

  • severe pain in the abdominal region, with some impact in the back( sometimes called zoster);
  • nausea, vomiting, lack of appetite and other signs of poisoning;
  • presence of a mushy stool with undigested food particles.

Given the particular severity of this pancreatic function disorder that can lead to inflammation, if at least one of the above symptoms occurs, contact the hospital immediately for a complete diagnosis and a reliable diagnosis. Remember that the disease is easier to prevent than cure later.

Definition of acute pancreatitis, what is it?

Acute inflammation of the pancreas( pancreatitis) doctors are considered a number of polytheological ailments - a disease that can develop for many reasons: ailments of the biliary tract and duodenum, metabolic disorders, spine trauma, infections, alcoholism, bad habits and others. Causes acting as a trigger mechanism lead to damage to the acinous cells, which gives an impetus to the development of enzymatic self-digestion of pancreatic tissues.

The process of enzymatic self-digestion leads to significant changes in the gland. The degree and complexity of these changes and determine the severity of the disease:

  • acute swelling of the tissues;
  • hemorrhagic;
  • necrosis - destruction of the gland;
  • recurrent.

Approximately 84.6% of patients enter medical facilities with a swollen form of the disease, the rest of the patients already with destructive forms of the disease. Proceeding from the stages of development of the disease, acute pancreatitis can be defined as follows: aseptic acute inflammation, which is based on necrobiosis of pancreatocytes( cells of the gland) and enzymatic autoaggression, leading to destruction and degeneration of the organ.

Background of the disease

Acute pancreatitis is included in the 20 most severe and intractable diseases. Despite the use of innovative methods of treatment( conservative and operative), lethality with acute inflammation of pancreatocytes is high - with destructive forms from 45 to 70%.This suggests that the urgency of the disease is extremely high, and the disease itself is dangerous.

The acute form of pancreatitis affects mainly elderly people - from 50 years. However, in the last 7 years, experts are increasingly diagnosing the disease and in young people - age 28-37 years. More often the diagnosis is put to the men who abuse alcohol, and pregnant women( the reason: disturbance of metabolic processes).At risk, doctors also include:

  • full of men and women leading an abnormal lifestyle;
  • persons who underwent cholelithiasis;
  • of diabetics;
  • persons suffering from atherosclerosis;
  • of men and women abusing fatty foods( 40% of cases) and alcohol( 60% of cases);
  • people with a genetic predisposition.

For women, the urgency of acute pancreatitis is higher. This disease in the fair sex is 3 times more common. This is due to the lability of metabolic and endocrine processes in their body.

Difference of chronic pancreatitis from acute

The chronic stage is the result of a transferred acute recurrent form. Relapses in the latter case are observed within 4-5 months after the discovery of the disease. As a result of relapses, the patient begins to manifest irreversible pathological disorders in the gland tissues, there are signs of endocrine and exocrine insufficiency. These symptoms indicate the development of a chronic form, during which relapses occur every 6-8 months( frames are individual) with a clear periodicity.

The danger of this stage is that it can occur with minimal clinical( symptomatic) manifestations. Moreover, chronic pancreatitis can develop in parallel with other ailments of the abdominal cavity organs. And this complicates both the definition of the disease and the establishment of the frequency of relapses. In this regard, experts recommend that individuals who fall into the risk group undergo annual examinations.

Because a timely cured chronic or acute inflammation of such an organ as the pancreas is the guarantee of your long, healthy and happy life. The pancreas is too important organ of the human body and therefore requires a worthy attitude to yourself.

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