Signs of the disease and prognosis for recovery in alcoholic encephalopathy of the brain

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1 Causes of the disease

Toxic decomposition products of ethyl alcohol poison nerve cells, alcoholic encephalopathy can have a variety of development options. It is classified as a complex disease. The clinical picture of the pathological process often includes general exhaustion of the body against the background of alcohol intoxication, kidney, liver and stomach diseases. Alcohol damage to the brain is always accompanied by oxidative stress. When alcohol is absorbed into the blood and its breakdown, aldehydes are formed that destroy neurons. This process can be called the main cause of alcoholic encephalopathy.

Before the appearance of the first signs of the disease, the patient has a pronounced previous period lasting from 1 year. In acute disease, this period lasts much less. At this stage, there are signs of the disease, such as digestive disorders, aversion to food, body exhaustion, sleep disorders, hallucinations, aggression, decreased intelligence, tremor of extremities.

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In the next stage of the disease against a background of concomitant pathologies, a manifestation of psychosis develops. The severity of the symptoms at this stage depends entirely on the type of alcohol damage to the brain. In acute forms, pronounced alcoholic delirium is observed. The patient experiences hallucinations, the symptoms of facial expressions: lips stretching, proboscis reflex. With mild forms of the disease, the symptoms of alcoholic delirium are less pronounced and are manifested mainly at night.

Alcohol encephalopathy can occur in a super-acute form. In this case, the disease develops within 3-7 days and has pronounced symptoms. The first stage is quickly replaced by a coma, after which the patient's death occurs.

The acute form of alcohol damage to the brain tissue in modern medicine is called the Gaye-Wernick syndrome. It begins with a significant deterioration in the patient's health. Symptoms of mental disorders appear, and the concomitant alcoholism is aggravated. The patient experiences severe weakness, respiratory failure and heart palpitations even with insignificant strains. Neurological disorders increase: trembling of limbs, stiffness of movements, change of gait. Among psychoemotional disorders, one can single out an uncaused fear, panic attacks, nightmarish dreams. The main feature of the Gaye-Wernick syndrome is the lack of satisfaction from drinking alcohol.

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Alcoholic encephalopathies of chronic course are divided into 2 types: alcoholic paralysis and Korsakov's psychosis. The second type is most often found in women and has several characteristic symptoms: memories of events that did not occur in reality, loss of memory and orientation in space. Both retrograde and fixation form of amnesia are noted.

Alcoholic paralysis is more often diagnosed in men over 40 years of age. It manifests itself in the form of delusional and manic mental disorders, trembling of limbs, changes in facial muscles. In contrast to acute alcohol damage, chronic easily respond to treatment and have favorable predictions.

2 Diagnosis and treatment measures

In order to establish the correct diagnosis, the physician should know the time of the onset of the first symptoms, the type of alcoholic drinks used by the patient, view the patient and collect information on the currently available symptoms of the disease. In addition, a complete examination of the patient - CT and MRI of the brain, a general blood test, diagnosis of concomitant diseases is necessary.

For treatment, both medicamentous and non-medicinal methods are used. Alcoholic psychosis is treated in the same way as alcoholic delirium. The course of therapy lasts from several days to several months. Intramuscular administration of vitamins is recommended. With significant damage to the brain tissue, nootropics are prescribed. In some cases, the patient needs to take medications that reduce intracranial pressure. In acute forms of encephalopathy, symptomatic therapy is aimed at improving the patient's condition.


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Medication can be combined with folk remedies. To this end, the means used to treat alcoholism are used. Therapy should be aimed not only at removing symptoms of alcohol damage to the brain, but also on eliminating the underlying disease - alcoholism. To do this, apply medicinal herbs, such as wormwood, lovage, hawthorn, thyme. They cause a strong aversion to alcohol and contribute to the recovery of the body.

Prevention of alcoholic encephalopathy, first of all, consists in refusing to drink alcohol.

After this, it is necessary to monitor the diet and take vitamins. It is necessary to engage in health-improving procedures that help get rid of alcohol dependence: swimming, aerobics, walking.

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Forecasts for recovery depend on the form of the disease. Acute in most cases lead to disability and death. Chronic, however, is easily treatable and, provided that alcohol is not used, the patient can return to normal life. Modern methods of treatment are able to give good results under the condition of timely initiated therapy.

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