What to do at home to restore the right side after a stroke

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1 Emergency therapy

Stroke of the right side of the body should be started before the patient enters the intensive care unit. Treatment at the initial stage should begin at home and within 1 hour of being in the hospital. Before the ambulance arrives, it is necessary to provide the patient with an influx of fresh air and calm down if nervousness occurs.

Stroke, in which the right side is struck, requires urgent emergency interventions:

  • instant correction and treatment of damaged vital functions;
  • preventing rapid edema of the brain;
  • protection of cells from violations of the general metabolic process.

Primary ongoing treatment measures are aimed at removing a thrombus, which prevents normal blood flow. The patient is treated for dilution of blood. For this purpose:

  • thrombolytics;
  • neuroprotection;
  • enzymes.

The action of these drugs is aimed at maintaining the patient's stable state and normalizing the functioning of respiratory organs and systems, palpitations, and the functioning of damaged parts of the brain.

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2 Treatment for bleeding

Recovery after a stroke is possible if the correct and correct method of treatment is chosen in a timely manner. When the first symptoms of the disease appear, no doctor will guarantee a recovery. After a thorough examination, the doctor will determine the appropriate therapy for the specific case, in accordance with the patient's condition. If the right side is paralyzed, timely hospitalization will help to get a positive outcome of treatment.

Then drugs are prescribed to maintain a stable state of the patient. In many cases, doctors recommend patients undergo a drug treatment course aimed at strengthening the walls of blood vessels and lowering blood pressure. Such therapy is necessary to eliminate the causes that caused hemorrhage.

The main goal of stroke treatment is to prevent repeated rupture of the vessel and the early recovery of cerebral circulation. Vascular therapy involves treatment aimed at improving metabolic processes in the brain. Oxygen therapy enriches the brain with oxygen.

Rehabilitation with medicines is aimed at restoring the metabolic processes of brain tissue that affect hemodynamic parameters. Appointed drugs that affect brain metabolism.

3 Rehabilitation process

Rehabilitation and recovery period completes treatment. Restorative period can be carried out at home. This will have a positive effect on the psychological state of the patient. Recovery after a stroke involves a course of comprehensive treatment.

Most people are right-handed, so the paralysis of the right side of the body immediately scares the patient, but it is the right side that tends to recover faster than the left side. The prognosis for a successful outcome of recovery is due to the fact that a stroke in the left hemisphere of the brain is manifested and recognized faster: speech is immediately violated. And the death of the nerve cells on the left side is much slower than the right. An early examination allows you to quickly diagnose an illness and take urgent measures. And this is very important for hemorrhage.

Rehabilitation to restore the right side of the body can begin only after 3 weeks, when the most difficult period was overcome, treatment for strengthening the walls of blood vessels was made and the patient became lighter. The recovery process and the forecast for the future depend on the patient's condition, the complexity of the lesion, and the presence of side-effects.

The duration of the recovery period and the prognosis of the outcome depend on the magnitude and location of the lesion, on the patient's desire for recovery. Some patients return to normal life in the first months after the illness, and some patients take years to rehabilitate. You can not postpone this process for later.


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The more time passes, the more difficult the organism is to recover.

At the initial stage of rehabilitation, the victim is prohibited any overload. The patient does not have the ability to move on his own, even if he partially paralyzes the right side. For successful recovery, the patient is recommended recumbent treatment and some rehabilitation measures.

  1. Regular medication by injection. If therapy is at home, then you should see your doctor regularly.
  2. Getting a massage of the chest, back, cervical, preferably with the help of a specialist.
  3. Carrying out physiotherapy procedures, such as electrophoresis.
  4. An important role is played by physiotherapy exercises. It is beneficial not only to restore the limbs of the right side of the body, but also improve the work of the heart and respiratory organs. Exercise is important without heavy loads.

The patient, who suffered a stroke, is not allowed to overstress both physical and psychological. These include: emotional turmoil, stress, unrest. Such conditions can cause a repeated destruction of blood vessels and the appearance of a new paralysis. Throughout the rest of the life, doctors strongly recommend a special diet. It is prohibited to drink coffee and products containing caffeine, alcohol, smoking. The diet should necessarily include food with a high fiber content, fruits, vegetables, sour-milk products, light vegetable soups. Vegetables with a high content of potassium well affect the affected body from the stroke.

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4 The use of folk remedies

For the restoration of the body after a stroke, folk remedies are successfully used. Such treatment can be started only after consultation with a doctor. Folk remedies are not the main method of therapy, but will help the body to recover faster. Traditional medicine recommends:

  • instead of regular tea to take decoctions of sage or mint;
  • before going to bed drinking 1 glass of warm milk;
  • more to consume lemons.

Traditional medicine is aimed at strengthening immunity and stabilizing vital processes. Strengthen the body after suffering a stroke and paralysis will help tincture of cones. To make it, chop 4 small cones of medium size, then place them in a vessel with a narrow neck. There pour 1 glass of alcohol and insist 10 days, periodically shaking. Tincture is added to the tea for at least 6 months.

To prepare the infusion from arnica mountain take 1 spoonful of herbs and pour it 1 cup of boiling water. After 1 hour, give the patient a meal before eating.

Lemons are well washed and ground together with zest, scrolling through a meat grinder. Add the sugar to taste. The resulting mixture is placed in a jar with a lid and stored in a refrigerator. Use before eating, pre-adding 1 tooth grated garlic.

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