Modern drugs for the treatment of sinusitis in adults?

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1 Overview of therapeutic agents

Treatment of maxillary sinusitis in adults is complex. It can be assigned only by a specialist after diagnosis of the patient. Drug treatment is aimed at destroying the focus of the infection and preventing the development of serious complications. In this case, antibiotics can help, first of all. So, the doctor can assign penicillins. As a rule, currently prescribed drugs such as Amoxicillin. These drugs are considered complex, capable of suppressing the vital activity of microorganisms that secrete beta-lactamases.

In addition, macrolides may be prescribed, in particular, this applies to Azithromycin, Sumamed and Erythromycin. Such medications are ascribed if the patient is intolerant of penicillin. These funds are excellent at coping with purulent sinusitis.

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The third group of drugs include cephalosporins. Such drugs have the form of tablets or capsules. It can be Suprax, Acef. These medications can be used, then when a person has intolerance of the means of the two previous groups.

In case if the genyantritis develops at a lightning speed, there is a likelihood of complications, then without antibiotics, which look like injections, can not be avoided. Such drugs are aminoglycosides or cephalosporins. If the case is particularly severe, then carbapenems can be used in stationary conditions, that is, with full control of a specialist.

In addition to antibiotics ascribed to the specialist is still a means that have a vasoconstrictor effect. They are necessary in order to remove the stuffy nose, improve the outflow from the sinuses. In order for this remedy to penetrate easily into the sinus, it is recommended to wash it.

With regard to local treatment of sinusitis, this requires the following medicines:

  1. Phenylephrine, which has a mild effect, the duration of its effect is 4 hours. This drug is suitable for both children and adults.
  2. Nafazoline, the duration of which is about 8 hours. It can be Naphthysine or Sanorin.
  3. Oxytetazoline, the action of which is the longest, namely about 12 hours. This includes Nazivin or Knoxprey.

Treatment of maxillary sinusitis in adults follows and mucolytic drugs, as well as means with secreololytic and expectorant properties. During this disease, they are necessary to change the quality of the secret, that is, these medicines dilute it. The most commonly used are Mukodin, Fluimutsil. Among them there are funds on a natural basis. The most popular is the Sinupret. It helps to remove puffiness, positively affects the outflow of secretion and is involved in the activation of cilia of the epithelium.

2 Immunomodulators and combined medicines

Complex treatment of chronic sinusitis during an exacerbation implies the use of immunomodulators. Such medications are necessary not only for the chronic form of the disease, but also for the virus, in order to prevent another exacerbation.

There are also combined therapies, which are the answer to the question of how to treat sinusitis. Such drugs are very important to improve the condition of the patient. These pills are taken orally, and antibacterial drops are prescribed for topical application. Among the most famous natural homeopathic remedies is Cinnabsin, which helps restore immunity and relieves the inflammatory process.

In order to relieve the symptoms that arise in the patient during this disease, you can use the sprays. It is only important that they contain special active substances. This includes vibrocil, which has a vasoconstrictive effect, besides it eliminates allergic manifestations, which often occur after taking antibiotics.


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Also, sprays should contain polydex and phenylephrine, which stand in the way of reproduction of bacterial microflora and eliminate inflammation, reduce allergic edema.

Another active substance is rhinofluucimil, which contains both a mucolytic drug and a vasoconstrictor. He, too, is able to eliminate puffiness and improve the excretion of secretions directly from the sinuses.

Of course, all of the above medicines can be attributed only to a qualified doctor. Self-medication in this case should not be dealt with, as this can lead to serious consequences.

3 The curative effect of special procedures

Elimination of chronic sinusitis in adults can be carried out through special procedures that can bring an appropriate result only if they are part of a comprehensive treatment.

Such additional methods in the treatment of sinusitis can help reduce the duration of the disease and prevent the possibility of surgical intervention. Among such procedures, washing is most often used. For adult patients, this simple method is very effective. It reduces edema of the mucosa, improves the work of the epithelium. Due to washing, the bacterial flora is deprived of its nutrient medium. To do this, you can use a special device, namely teapot dzhala neti. This procedure can be carried out at home. It is not necessary for this to use a special teapot, you can take a syringe or a syringe. There are many special recipes for the preparation of medicinal liquid by means of which it is necessary to wash the nose. It can be like ordinary boiled water with the addition of soda, and a decoction of medicinal herbs. But it is better to discuss this structure with a specialist.

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For this procedure, you can use "Cuckoo".Only this method should be conducted by a professional in out-patient conditions. This method is old and time-tested. When it is carried into one nostril, a syringe is inserted, and the other - an aspirator.

With the help of pressure, the liquid flows through the nasal passages.

It is important that during this patient the patient takes a horizontal position and at the same time pronounces "ku-ku".Due to this, the liquid can not penetrate into the throat, which is extremely undesirable.

When washing, the catheter Yamik is also used. This method is considered modern. Its essence lies in the fact that the catheter is inserted into the nasal cavity and the pressure difference can be made using a syringe. This helps both the mucous and purulent secretions to leave the maxillary sinus.

Another special method that helps in eliminating sinusitis is physiotherapy. They are widely used during various forms of this disease. First of all, it concerns:

  • electromagnetic waves, which can be superfrequency or ultrashort;
  • of diadynamic currents;
  • electrophoresis;
  • ultrasound exposure;
  • treatment with laser.

4 Additional methods of therapy

To additional methods of treatment of the discussed disease should be attributed to inhalations. Such procedures are considered quite successful. They are very simple. It is enough to take a container, any pan in which you need to boil water and add a small amount of medicinal herbs will do. In addition, inhalation can add healing products of beekeeping or pick up essential oil. When the medicinal liquid is cooked, you must bend over the receptacle, place a towel on top and breathe a few minutes of steam.

During these procedures, a special nebulizer is widely used. Thanks to it, the drug can be sprayed. It is important to note that most doctors recommend this procedure, because it is very effective, and the result is noticeable after the first use. In addition, it is not necessary for inhalation to use a preparation made at home. You can buy ready-made mixtures in the pharmacy, they are in special containers. In addition, even the most common solution of soda, which will be sprayed evenly with the help of this device, will perfectly clean the nasal mucosa and moisten it.

You can still resort to a massage or gymnastics, which will also contribute to a speedy recovery of the patient. These procedures perfectly clean the nose and have a positive effect on nasal breathing.

Not the last role as an additional treatment is played also by folk remedies. However, they can only be used as adjunctive therapy. So, treat sinusitis with the help of special ointments, which can be easily prepared at home. For cooking, you need a water bath, with which you should melt the household soap, which adds a small amount of onion juice, vegetable oil, honey and alcohol. It is important that all ingredients are taken in equal quantities. When the product is ready, it should be applied to a cotton swab, and then put it into the nose for 15 minutes. This procedure should be used at least twice a day.

The basis of the following remedy is Vishnevsky's ointment. In addition to the main component( 3 items of l.) Here you need to add 2 tbsp.l.juice of aloe and onions. It is allowed to add a small amount of propolis tincture to alcohol. All ingredients must be mixed thoroughly. They should be used in the same way as in the previous case, that is, using cotton swabs. This ointment has an excellent antimicrobial property, which will be noticeable after the second use. To resort to this ointment it is necessary until the full recovery comes. However, every 10 days it is important to take small breaks.

5 What else can I use

By the way, washing at home can be done and due to decoction of chamomile. It is necessary to take 2 tbsp.l.of the medicinal plant and pour them 2 glasses of water. After that, the liquid must be brought to a boil. When it cools, it must be filtered using gauze. This broth is recruited into a syringe and injected into one nostril, then into another. On the implementation of this procedure, you need to make special drops that will help to remove irritation. For this, the beet is taken, and juice is squeezed out of it. In each nostril you need to drip 2 drops of juice.

Drops can be prepared at home from oils. For this, oils from fir, sea-buckthorn will perfectly suit.

Good results show drops from the Kalanchoe juice. This plant needs to be grown at home, because it can help not only the adult, but also the child.

It is important to understand that such home procedures can only be resorted to in consultation with a doctor who will study the individual characteristics of the patient and only after that will advise one or another method as an additional treatment.

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