Enterocolitis in children - causes, symptoms, treatment and diet in newborns, infants, premature infants

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Enterocolitis in children is a very common disease. It develops due to acute intestinal infection, chronic type of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, invasion of the parasitic species, dysbiosis and other causes. In newborns, enterocolitis mainly develops due to staphylococcus aureus.

No less common case of enterocolitis in children is malnutrition or its violation - all this can negatively affect the activity of the intestine. What are the symptoms that can be observed in the baby? What treatment is carried out?

Children's enterocolitis develops for various reasons:

  • Antibiotics were prescribed.
  • Before the disease, there were intestinal infections.
  • Infants have a disrupted diet.
  • Preterm infants showed food allergic reactions.
  • Associated with diseases of other organs of the gastrointestinal tract. This is especially common in premature babies.
  • Intrauterine infection in prematurity. Infants born on time may have staphylococcus aureus. Also as a cause is the birth injury, asphyxia, blood loss and later attachment to the chest.
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Symptoms of enterocolitis in children

Symptoms of enterocolitis in children have the same specificity as adults: alternating constipation with diarrhea, flatulence and bloating begin, metabolic disorders, common intoxication and possible dystrophy. Children have such symptoms: headaches and pain in the abdomen, anemia, weight loss and loss of appetite.

If enterocolitis appears in newborns, the pain in the abdomen will be characterized as a paroxysmal and pulling species that is localized near the navel or throughout the abdomen. Children have a symptom such as a very frequent stool, 5 to 15 times a day, a liquid condition with an admixture of food and mucus. The feces are mostly accompanied by putrefactive odor.

In some cases, a pain symptom may accompany vomiting and an increase in body temperature. Appetite is markedly reduced, newborns begin to have anxiety in the form of heaviness in the abdomen and nausea. Due to frequent defecation, intoxication and dehydration can occur, body weight may decrease, and dryness of the mucosa may occur.

Inflammatory process of the large intestine in the baby can cause acute pain, the chair will not be too frequent, but painful, in some cases, the appearance of impurities of scarlet blood. Pain sensations are localized in the lower abdomen. Diarrhea in children will alternate with constipation.

When children's enterocolitis will also manifest psycho-vegetative symptoms: the newborn has weakness, headache, fast overtaxity and poor sleep, irritability and capriciousness. In the event that enterocolitis in children began to acquire a chronic type, it causes a delay in growth and weight, a breakdown in the exchange of proteins and minerals in the body.

Violation of the chair mainly lasts long enough, and will only be a month after the onset of the disease.

Treatment of enterocolitis in children

Treatment of enterocolitis in children is carried out with a balanced diet, the appointment of antibacterial drugs, stimulation of the metabolic process, the use of painkillers and anti-inflammatories, as well as the use of vitamins.

The greatest utility in the treatment of enterocolitis in children has a water-tea diet. Allowed to use low-fat meat broths, grated cereals and soups, cutlets and fish, which were cooked for a couple. From the diet in the treatment will have to exclude spices, vegetables and fruits in its raw form, black bread. This is due to the fact that they have the properties of irritation of the intestine, while causing a food allergic reaction.

When enterocolitis in children, the intake of enzyme-containing drugs is mandatory, and immunotherapy is administered. The enteral nutrition is replaced with parenteral replacement, so that the gastrointestinal tract is discharged. No less relevant is the conduct of antibiotic therapy and the use of pre- and probiotics.

To reduce the pain during treatment, antispasmodics, cabbage juice and mineral water are used. In infants with enterocolitis, it is permitted to conduct therapeutic microclysters with chamomile or rosehip oil, so that one can get rid of constipation and diarrhea. To avoid the appearance of enterocolitis in infants it is required to closely monitor the nutrition of the child, to conduct timely treatment of infectious diseases, as well as preventive manipulation of worms and other parasites.

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