Superficial proctosigmoiditis

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Proctosigmoiditis is the most frequent manifestation of the effects of chronic colitis, which occurs when errors in the prescribed treatment are allowed. The lightest and best curable form of it is superficial. In this case, the inflammatory process, although it covers all the mucous rectus and sigmoid colon, but only proceeds on the surface, not penetrating into the depths of the tissues. The course of the disease is recurrent and is combined with inflammatory changes occurring in other parts of the digestive tract. The symptomatology of proctosigmoiditis occurring in this form resembles the signs of a functional bowel disorder and is not always pronounced:

  • Spasmodic or aching pain in the left side of the abdomen. Sometimes they take on a spill;
  • Stool disorders. For the most part, they are diarrhea, but constipation may also occur;
  • Feces are released in a small enough volume and have a fetid odor, and after the defecation process there is a feeling of incomplete emptying of the intestine.
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Surface proctosigmoiditis is also characterized by general physiological signs: weakness and malaise with fever, frequent nausea, and a state of constant fatigue. When carrying out the diagnostic examination with the help of a colonoscopy, the specialist can see visual changes occurring on the surface of the intestinal mucosa - redness and small puffiness.

Because the signs of superficial proctosigmoiditis are manifested implicitly, the patient does not cause special anxiety, so he does not hurry to consult a specialist. This situation is fraught with the fact that easily curable disease can move into other forms of development and deliver multiple problems to a person. They are expressed as a decrease in the quality of life due to unpleasant and severe symptoms, concomitant pathology, and the appearance of intractable consequences of the disease, the easiest of which can be called hemorrhoids and anal fissures.

Treatment of superficial proctosigmoiditis

Treatment is prescribed after the diagnostic measures have confirmed that the symptoms present in the patient correspond precisely to this disease. Therapy, which is applied, must necessarily be comprehensive, as it is not possible to achieve complete recovery of the patient with medication alone.

The basis for the treatment of superficial proctosigmoiditis is a diet that allows the damaged inflammatory process of the intestines to work in the mode of the most shining. From the diet it is necessary to exclude irritating and spicy food, alcohol in all kinds, semi-finished products, smoked products and canned food. Dairy products should be reduced to a minimum, and those patients who are lactose intolerant, remove from the diet menu in full.

With the surface form of proctosigmoiditis, local treatment is widely used, which consists in direct action on the intestinal mucosa with phytoncides contained in broths and infusions of medicinal plants and are introduced into the body in the form of microclysters.

Medications with superficial proctosigmoiditis are rarely prescribed. In general, only symptomatic therapy is used, which is intended to alleviate the signs of this unpleasant inflammatory bowel pathology, which can disrupt the patient's quality of life. In case of pain in the abdomen, it is recommended to use a warm water bottle.

Any treatment for superficial proctosigmoiditis should only take into account the recommendations of a specialist and under his supervision. All appointments for each patient with this bowel pathology are strictly individual.

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