Characteristics of glaucoma disease and disease code according to ICD-10

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1 Etiology of a Dangerous Disease

The International Classification of Diseases( ICD) allows health professionals to coordinate their efforts. Modern medicine can not give a valid answer about the causes and risk factors provoking the development of glaucoma. Since the inclusion of the disease in the International Classification of Diseases that occurred in the early XX century, diagnosticians from different countries could not come to a consensus. The only thing that the oculists around the world agree on is the determination of the condition falling under the diagnosis of glaucoma.

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This is a short-term or permanent high blood pressure inside the eye. In addition to increased intraocular pressure, the patient may have a trophic disorder in the outflow of the intraocular fluid. In view of the vastness of possible complications with the first symptoms, the patient is obliged to visit a doctor. Otherwise, the trophic disorder will actively destroy the tissues, leading to blindness.

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The International Classification of Diseases includes the following sub-species of a Disturbing Disease of the Vision:

  • , of unspecified nature or etymology;
  • is different;
  • secondary, provoked by the prolonged use of certain medications;
  • secondary, formed as a result of other diseases of the organs of vision;
  • secondary, appeared against the background of the inflammatory process;
  • post-traumatic secondary glaucoma;
  • closed type;
  • primary closed-angle;
  • suspicion of glaucoma;
  • primary open-angle glaucoma.

Each subtype has internationally approved symptoms and a recommended course of treatment. Slightly less often in medical practice, we are talking about atypical forms of the disease. These include glaucoma in the residual or primary stage, capsular with false exfoliation or glaucoma with low intraocular pressure.

2 Necessary guidelines and recommendations

The International Classification of Diseases reflects the ways of diagnosing and treating forms of severe eye diseases. It takes a lot of effort to establish the correct diagnosis.

After an initial examination, the doctor already has a certain amount of information on hand. With the help of available diagnostic tools, he can confirm or deny his suspicions.

After this, you can look into the ICD using a unique disease code for this. If the symptoms described in the description coincide with those that were found in the patient, the doctor forms the necessary therapeutic course. In some cases, when a patient is required to consult a specialist from another country, the ICD can quickly receive one.

An internationally approved list can be compared to a universal translator. It is enough for a doctor from one country to indicate the code of the alleged disease within the framework of the ICD.This significantly saves time, allowing you to quickly start treatment. Often this can prevent the development of many complications.

This list includes measures to prevent the development of eye diseases. Given these recommendations, the doctor can form a preventive or rehabilitation course.

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