Nutrition for colitis, how to eat, starvation, therapeutic menu

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Colitis is an inflammatory disease of the large intestine, which always proceeds according to the chronic type. Exacerbation in the disease can cause any error in the recommended therapeutic diet, so all patients should always adhere to a strict diet. Only with the help of it can you achieve long-term relapse. It provides the greatest shudder of the intestinal mucosa.

In addition, properly selected nutrition in colitis contributes to elimination of putrefactive processes in them, reduction of inflammation on the walls of the digestive organ, increase in the mucous membrane of regenerative abilities. Also, thanks to him, it is possible to prevent complications that are imminent in this pathology.

Dietary therapy is selected by a specialist after carrying out the necessary diagnostic tests, as a result of which the necessary information for selecting the right nutrition is clarified, as:

  1. Possible etiological factors that caused colitis;
  2. At what stage is the disease;
  3. What is the nature of the changes in the intestinal mucosa that occurred as a result of the development of the disease?
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  4. What accompanies inflammation - diarrhea or constipation;
  5. Which processes predominate in the bowels - putrefactive or fermentation.

All these data are necessary for the selection of proper nutrition, which will help not only reduce the unpleasant symptoms of colitis, but also contribute to the early healing of a mucosal inflammation damaged by inflammation.

Will fasting help with colitis?

With the development of this intestinal pathology, as a result of digestive function, accumulation of toxic decomposition products takes place from undigested residues in the walls of the digestive organs, in the blood and lymph of the body. This happens if you eat wrong, irrational. To get rid of the patient as quickly as possible, the first two days after the onset of exacerbation of colitis he needs complete starvation.

Only after the body clears, and the inflammatory process ceases to be so sharp, it will be possible to gradually introduce light and liquid dishes into the diet. During these days of complete starvation in colitis, the patient is allowed to take fluids. Usually it is a weak tea with a small amount of sugar or a broth of dogrose. Drinking should be warm, it is recommended to drink it on half a glass 6 times a day.

Such a measure in nutrition with colitis is necessary for the reason that due to starvation, a functional discharge of the intestine is created, and this helps to reduce the secretion in altered pathological inflammation of the mucous membrane of the digestive organ.

How to eat when colitis?

After the period of fasting is over, and the severity of the inflammatory process on the walls of the intestines has decreased, it is recommended for patients to go on a diet number 4.It is designed in such a way that it can provide maximum protection of the intestinal mucosa from chemical and mechanical stimuli, which are usually present in the diet.

The goal of such dietary nutrition in colitis is to reduce the inflammatory, fermenting and putrefactive processes that are present in the intestines of the patient, as well as ensuring nutritional intake of nutrients in spite of digestive functions. Therefore, from the menu are completely excluded those products that enhance peristalsis, and contribute to the secretion of intestinal juice, provoking putrefactive processes.

How does this therapeutic diet for colitis ensure the safety of the damaged intestine? This is due to the fact that, first, the patient's consumption of vegetable fiber, which inflicts mechanical damage to the intestinal tissues, is reduced to a minimum. In addition, it is recommended to use mashed or pureed food, which is also not capable of exerting an irritating effect on the mucosal inflammation.

Nutrition in patients with colitis that follow this diet should be divided so as not to strain the inflamed bowel by digesting large portions. The number of meals is at least 6 times a day. But with the use of liquid specialists during this diet limit the patient. He should drink only 5 - 6 glasses of liquid per day, it is considered together that which enters the body in the soups.

The total amount of food consumed per day, too, should not be more than 2 kilograms. Chemical harm to damaged colitis is caused by fried foods and concentrated fish or meat broth present in the diet. They should be excluded along with all kinds of sauces and gravies. Also spices and spices are to be expelled.

The nutrition menu for colitis in the remission phase of

Despite the fact that this disease has very strict limitations in the diet, while the disease is in remission, it is possible to diversify the therapeutic diet and create a tasty and varied diet.

The basis of the menu for the patient during this period will also be the creation of porridges and mucous soups that are not capable of causing any damage to the mucosa, and thereby aggravate the colitis. But this kind of diet is already less sparing, experts call it a colitis-rational.

The menu of the patient includes baked( without crust), stewed and boiled, but not crushed dishes. The diet is also expanding due to the inclusion of raw vegetables and fruits in it. They contain coarse fiber, so there must be a small amount of colitis present on the patient's table. Fish and meat broths are also allowed in the diet, only they should be lean.

In addition, in the diet menu for colitis, you can include dishes from cottage cheese( casserole, souffle) and eggs( steam omelettes).Do not forbid cutlets or bits. Only it is worth remembering that they should be cooked by steaming or baking. From drinks, patients with the disease in the remission phase can drink any compotes, jelly, fruit drinks or freshly squeezed juices. Yesterday's pastry is also allowed. Only it should not be yeast or butter.

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