Chronic colitis with constipation and its treatment

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Among the signs of chronic colitis developing in the patient, you can often find long and painful constipation. This disorder of the stool is one of the most characteristic symptoms of the disease. It is characterized by a significant difficulty in the exit of fecal masses, in order for at least partial evacuation of the intestine to pass, the patient needs strong attempts. In chronic colitis with constipation, the stool leaves very small portions and is often covered with whitish mucus or bloody veins.

Constipation in chronic colitis is most often of the spastic type, but atonic ones also occur. Such unpleasant symptomatology in this disease arises because of the presence of spasm of the large intestine, as well as its omission and weakening. It is characterized by a high density of feces and a very small number of defecations( 2-3 per week).As a result of accompanying chronic colitis constipation, such consequences of this pathology as internal hemorrhoids and anal fissures can appear. The main concomitant signs of the disease, which occurs with such disorders of the stool, are:

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  • Discomfort and unpleasant tenderness in the abdominal cavity;
  • Bloating;
  • Pain accompanying the defecation process.

Treatment of chronic colitis with

constipation When a disease occurs against the background of such a stool disorder, the specialist always chooses a specific case when choosing an individual method of treatment. Drug therapy for chronic colitis with permanent constipation provides for the appointment of laxatives to the patient.

But only medications often do not give the expected effect. Therefore, with this form of development of this intestinal pathology, not only complex treatment, but also auxiliary methods are necessary: ​​

  • Cleansing and microclysters containing in their composition drugs acting directly on the gut or herbal preparations;
  • Massage of the abdominal region, helping to remove spasm from the intestinal walls and facilitating the exit of feces;
  • Physiotherapy;
  • Sanatorium treatment with the use of a certain type of mineral water.

It should not be forgotten in the treatment of chronic colitis with constipation and the use of a special diet, against which therapy of intestinal pathologies is most successful. Since the obstructed stool that accompanies this disease arises from the weakening of the peristalsis of the large intestine and the lowering of its tone, dietotherapy involves the inclusion in the diet of foods that are rich in plant fiber.

The relaxing effect on the intestines, necessary for constipations accompanying chronic colitis, is most pronounced in breads containing wheat bran or baked from rye flour of coarse grinding. It is also good to stimulate peristalsis and raw fruits and vegetables, especially beets.

In addition to high fiber content, such dietary therapy also provides for an increase in the intake of a liquid in the body, which contributes to the dilution of stool. With this course of this pathological inflammation of the large intestine, you should drink at least 2 liters of fruit or herbal decoctions, slightly boiled tea, compotes, kissels.

It should not be forgotten that frequent enemas and the intake of laxatives help to increase constipation over time. Therefore, chronic colitis should not be abused. Instead of tablets, it is best to take the appropriate herbal decoction, since it has the same effect, but does not cause addiction. All recommendations for the treatment of a disease with such symptoms should come from a specialist who knows all the nuances of the disease in a particular patient and takes them into account in appointments.

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