Causes, symptoms and treatment of thyroid hypothyroidism in women

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1 What is the disease

The thyroid gland is a relatively small but very important organ of the human body.

This body is the producer of thyroid hormones, which take an active part in all types of metabolic processes, including in the processes of fat, protein and water-salt metabolism.

In addition, the important action of the thyroid gland has on the growth and division of certain cells of the body. So, for example, you can not underestimate the importance of the thyroid hormone it produces in the process of bone tissue development, the renewal of skin cells and hair of a woman.

Hypothyroidism as a medical syndrome can have several forms of manifestations. Especially dangerous are extreme forms of manifestation of this disease: myxedema and cretinism.

With miksedem, there is a violation of protein metabolism in the body, then practically all organs and tissues of the human body suffer from edema.

Cretinism is an innate form of hypothyroidism, leading to underdevelopment of the child in the intellectual and physical spheres.

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Symptomatic manifestations of hypothyroidism in women should not be ignored, as its further progression not only negatively affects life activity, but in some cases can provoke falling into a coma and even threatening the patient's death.

A woman during her life should regularly undergo a full diagnostic examination to control the amount of thyroid hormone in the blood, as the thyroid gland is very sensitive to various kinds of changes in the hormonal background.

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2 Why the pathology of

arises The thyroid in the human body is of great importance. With a reduced production of thyroid hormones, the whole body of a woman suffers. The production of a small amount of a hormone leads to the development of hypothyroidism. Men are less likely to develop this disease than women. Representatives of the fair half of humanity react most acutely even to the slightest changes in the hormonal background.

The disease is quite insidious. It is in women, the initial stage of the disease can be completely asymptomatic, which makes it difficult to detect the disease in time. Timely diagnosis is complicated by the fact that the first stages of the disease can be easily confused with signs of banal fatigue. Symptoms of hypothyroidism in women are very similar to those of pregnancy or diseases of some internal organs.

4 Clinical picture

Symptoms of developing hypothyroidism in women are highly variable. The symptomatic picture of the disease is characterized by polysystemic, that is, the defeat of most internal organs and their systems.

The onset of the disease is characterized by the prevalence in the clinical picture of the pathological state of a certain systemic nature. Therefore, quite often the initial stage of hypothyroidism is confused with other diseases. In the medical community there is an opinion that hypothyroidism "knows how" to disguise itself quite well under other diseases. This is what prevents patients, and even doctors, in time to understand the factors of an unhealthy state of a woman and to reveal the true cause of it.

The symptomatic picture of primary hypothyroidism is not very pronounced. There may be a slight increase in thyroid-stimulating hormone levels, while thyroxine levels may not go beyond the limits of the norm.

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The acute course of the disease can lead to the development of cretinism, which will affect the condition of the bone system.

The greatest danger is the emergence of manifest hypothyroidism, which, if untimely, can also flow into cretinism and lead to serious disruptions in the work of the central nervous system of a woman. Possible problems with the bone system, resulting from the development of hypothyroidism in children, can cause a halt in the growth of the child. The course of the disease in old age threatens a woman with the development of myxedema.

The first stages of abnormalities in thyroid activity can occur completely without any signs or accompanied by the same symptoms that are observed in children and men.

The most frequently reported cases of hypothyroidism in women over the age of 50 years. This is associated primarily with a period of serious hormonal adjustment in the female body. It's the climax that negatively affects a woman's health.

Initial development of hypothyroidism is accompanied by an increase in body weight. There is no effect from the most effective diets. Even heavy loads during sports or physical work do not help to get rid of extra pounds.

A woman can often experience an unreasonable change of mood. Mostly this melancholic state, accompanied by apathy, indifference not only to events, but also to close people who are in its environment.

Also in the patient there is a gradual development of physical weakness, there is slowness, lethargy. To perform even minimal physical exertion, a woman needs to make a lot of effort. It is accompanied by a constant drowsiness, there is a slowdown in mental processes.

Pathological changes in the body affect the state of memory: it deteriorates noticeably. In addition, there are violations of speech and thought activity. In patients with an approved diagnosis of hypothyroidism of the thyroid gland, it is often possible to notice the inability to clearly pronounce words, there is a feeling that the tongue is as if plaited, its flexibility and mobility is lost. A woman can complain about hearing loss.

An increase in the size of the thyroid gland provokes the appearance of new, very indicative symptoms of the course of the disease. Most often they manifest themselves in the form of dyspnea, disturbance of respiratory and swallowing processes. This is due to the squeezing of the thyroid-enlarged neck organs: esophagus, trachea and larynx. The voice becomes rough and rather low.

The reaction to the development of hypothyroidism from the digestive system is also very indicative. Usually it manifests itself in the form of strong constipation, flatulence and nausea. The liver suffers, there is a sharp increase. There are manifestations of cholelithiasis.

Symptoms of hypothyroidism do not bypass the cardiovascular system of the body. A woman can complain about the frequent sharp pain in the heart. Violated in general the work of the heart, there is a reduction in cardiac contractions.

The severe form of hypothyroidism entails the appearance of hypothermia, expressed in a constant feeling of chilliness. This occurs as a consequence of peripheral blood flow disorders.

If a woman does not reach the age when the menopause occurs, the symptoms of hypothyroidism may also appear as a change in the periodicity of the menstrual cycle. Such a violation can lead to a complete cessation of menstruation in a woman. Reduced, and maybe completely disappear sexual attraction. There are cases of infertility.

Symptoms of hypothyroidism in women can literally be read in its appearance. In addition to chronic fatigue, this pathological condition is accompanied by a number of symptoms that have external manifestations. Among them, the following can be noted:

  • a person with manifestations of edema;
  • stinging facial expressions;
  • is absent an indifferent look;
  • pale yellow skin tone;
  • excessive dryness of the skin;
  • excessive nail brittleness with the formation of longitudinal grooves on them;
  • brittle hair falling out, sometimes down to the signs of alopecia.

If you identify at least some of the signs described above, a woman should visit a doctor-endocrinologist to conduct a diagnostic examination, according to the results of which the specialist will be able to correctly diagnose and prescribe adequate treatment.

3 What causes the development of the disease

Signs of hypothyroidism in women can be observed due to damage to the tissues of the thyroid gland. This can lead to violations in the immune system. Similar lesions can occur at high temperature indices or vital activity of parasites in a woman's body.

Insufficient amount of iodine in the body of a woman can serve as a trigger for the development of iodine deficiency hypothyroidism.

The appearance of primary hypothyroidism is usually due to the underdevelopment of the thyroid gland, which stretches from the intrauterine development of the child. In this case, a properly formed thyroid gland is simply not able to produce the amount of hormones necessary for the full operation of the female body.

Secondary hypothyroidism is commonly associated with possible diseases of the pituitary gland.

There are cases of development of acquired hypothyroidism. It arises as a consequence of the removal of the thyroid gland, or in the event that there is a need for treatment with radioactive iodine for a long period. This kind of hypothyroidism is also possible due to prolonged therapy with preparations containing iodide and lithium. The cause of the development of such an ailment can be hormonal therapy in the treatment of adrenal glands or excessive intake of vitamin A.


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5 How the treatment of

is treated Most women tend to write off the symptoms described above for menopause or hormonal changes, so the visit to the doctor is postponed indefinitely, and the course of the illness is only aggravated. If a woman has hypothyroidism, the symptoms and treatment should be under the control of the attending physician.

When diagnosing a doctor, an endocrinologist is obliged to rely on reliable data obtained during a detailed diagnostic examination of a woman.

Treatment of hypothyroidism today allows in most cases to avoid extreme forms of manifestation of the disease.

The basis of therapy is the replacement of missing hormones by taking appropriate medications.

The dosage of medicines is prescribed exclusively by the doctor and in strict accordance with the characteristics of the course of the disease, that is, in each case individually. Self-treatment of hypothyroidism in women should be completely ruled out in order to avoid causing even more damage to the body.

In exceptional cases, surgical intervention may occur: removal of the thyroid gland with subsequent hormone replacement therapy.

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