Acute proctitis - symptoms and treatment

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Proctitis itself is a disease of the rectum. Acute proctitis is called the inflammatory process, the symptoms of which began to manifest suddenly. Treatment of acute proctitis should be started immediately when the first signs appear, so that later it does not develop into a chronic form.

The underlying symptom of acute proctitis is pain in the rectal cavity. They have a very strong character and are amplified by the act of defecation. Painful sensations can also appear and the area of ​​the perineum, between the anus and the genitals. Women have pain in the labia and vagina, and in men - in the scrotum and penis. Some patients have a pain symptom in the lumbar region. Constantly accompanied by a painful urge to defecate.

Also in the cavity of the rectum, there are other unpleasant sensations, for example, a feeling of heaviness and burning. Out of the rectum, discharge begins, mainly with purulent and bloody impurities. In fecal masses, it is possible to detect blood impurities or its clots. Such a symptom is characteristic when an acute proctitis ulcerative and ulcerative necrotic form.

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Along with such symptoms, body temperature rises, most often up to 37-38 degrees. There is also general malaise, increased fatigue and chills.

Symptoms of acute proctitis appear within a few hours or days. If you take the right measures, they will disappear quickly enough. If you find yourself in such signs, you should immediately go to see a proctologist.

Treatment of acute proctitis

Treatment of proctitis is conservative. First of all, it is necessary to follow a specialized diet, where acute, acidic, salty dishes, as well as vegetative-cellulose food and alcohol are excluded. To the list of allowed products are baked apples. Virtually all types of berries should be limited in consumption, as well as juices, confectionery, chocolate. Expansion of the diet should be done with caution. All products of the prohibited list should be deleted for at least 3 months. It is worth remembering that even if there is a slight violation of compliance with the diet, it can cause a relapse of acute proctitis.

In the event that the common symptoms are severe, antibiotic and pyramidone are prescribed. In the event that local symptoms predominate, they are limited to local therapy.

If during the first week of therapeutic activities the pain does not pass, and the presence of multiple defecation only aggravates acute proctitis, it is recommended that the chair be called daily with an enema with chamomile broth. It is worth remembering that before carrying out a curative enema, you need to put a cleansing enema so that the solution gets to the surface of the mucosa. Along with this, oil microclysters and enemas with collargoll solution are carried out. In the latter case, it is worth remembering that the solution has the property of rapid decomposition, so it should not be stored for too long.

Sedimentary baths with manganese solution have an excellent effect.

One course is conducted for two weeks. To fix the effect after 10 days, therapeutic measures should be performed again, even if all the signs of acute proctitis have disappeared.

All the tactics of carrying out therapeutic measures for acute proctitis are prescribed only by a doctor. Do not engage in self-medication, as this can only aggravate the situation.

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