What is dangerous and how is meningitis transmitted?

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1 Symptoms of the disease

What is meningitis? It is an infectious disease of the upper layers of the spinal cord or the brain, caused by various pathogenic viruses, bacteria, fungi. The brain is covered with several types of membranes that can be soft and hard. Under meningitis is more often meant inflammation of soft tissues.

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The disease manifests itself in an unexpected way. Often a person feels unwell, and when he calls a doctor, he learns about the presence of ARVI.And the expert in this case is not mistaken: this disease can really precede meningitis. Only after 2-3 days the patient will not feel the improvement. On the contrary, it will sharply get worse, and sometimes so that relatives will be forced to call an ambulance. Often the development of the disease is accompanied by the appearance of rashes on different parts of the body. This symptom can not be noticed: it disappears after 2 hours. Sometimes it becomes difficult for a patient with meningitis to swallow because of puffiness of the larynx.

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Another common symptom is the adoption of a specific position of the body. If a man's legs are bent in the hip joint, he can not unbend them in the knee. This is due to the muscle tension in the back of the thighs. A person at this moment may not be at all hurt, but he can not accept the usual posture however.

During this period, the patient also shows convulsions in various parts of the body. Sometimes there is photophobia. This is due to the inherent consequence of the development of the disease - increased intracranial pressure, characterized by severe headaches, tensions in the ears and in the eye area. Possible loss of consciousness, as well as severe vomiting, which does not stop for a long time. All described symptoms are typical for a number of diseases, so much depends on the qualification of the doctor who will appoint the necessary studies.

The most dangerous thing is that the disease does not always manifest itself quickly. Active development of the disease is not characteristic for every form of it. For example, purulent meningitis manifests itself very quickly, during one day. A tuberculosis or serous develops at a moderate pace. If in the first case the patient can even fall into a coma, then in a less dangerous situation he remains legally capable.

2 Types of pathology

Meningitis can be primary and secondary, caused by viruses, bacteria or arising from other causes. Primary meningitis, in which viruses or bacteria that enter the body immediately act on the spinal cord or brain, is most often caused by meningococcus. Only in this case, a patient with meningitis becomes a source of danger for others. Less often, primary meningitis is caused by pneumococcus or a hemophilic rod. Infection in most cases can be airborne, so getting sick while in contact with the carrier of the infection is simple enough. In this case, it is forbidden to touch the affected skin of the patient.

Secondary meningitis manifests itself as an adverse reaction of the body to other diseases. In this case, the purulent process extends to parts of the spinal cord or brain. Sources of infection can become purulent otitis, sinusitis, rhinitis, open craniocerebral trauma, pneumonia or sepsis. Many people are wondering if meningitis is contagious in this case. It has long been proven that people with secondary meningitis can not get sick.

3 Severity

Viral meningitis is considered less dangerous than bacterial meningitis. The probability of disability or death in this case is less. Viruses, like bacteria, can also be transmitted by airborne droplets. A fairly common way to catch a viral infection is poor personal hygiene. The virus can dwell for a long time on objects of common use: dishes, towels, water taps. Poorly washed or slightly heat-treated foods can also contain bacteria on their surface. The source of infection with meningitis can be ordinary water, so even with the presence of filters it is recommended to boil, especially for children.


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Sometimes the disease is transmitted and sexually, as a rule, it concerns the herpes virus. It happens that the source of infection becomes a pregnant woman: through the placenta and blood, the infection is transmitted to the fetus. Finally, one of the most frequent methods of infection is the bites of insects and arthropods.

It is rare that fungal meningitis occurs. How can you catch an infection in this case? Most often, the source of infection is known to many fungi of the species Candida. They can be found in fruits and vegetables, dairy products, feces of birds. Disease, as a rule, occurs in persons who have decreased immunity due to other diseases. These can be diabetes mellitus, chronic renal failure, sarcoidosis, etc. Therefore, people who have problems with immunity need to thoroughly wash and heat any food, as well as strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene.

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4 Prevention measures

From the above it becomes clear that it is possible to protect yourself from the disease by meningitis if you avoid contact with the carrier of the virus, even when it comes to a common cold. Do not drink water in unchecked places or swallow it while swimming in water. Also, it is not recommended to use other people's things, even such, at first glance, safe, like combs or slippers. But if the infection does happen, you need to take immediate action. Go to the nearest hospital or call an ambulance.

Vaccination is carried out as a preventive measure among the population. Children are obliged to receive inoculations from measles, mumps, rubella, hemophilic infection. In addition, it is possible to vaccinate against meningococcus and pneumococcus. Today many parents refuse compulsory vaccinations. But any disease is better prevented than treated. Meningitis this applies in the first place.

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