Asbestos-shaped lichen: treatment, symptoms, signs, diagnosis

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Lisha asbestos or follicular keratosis refers to diseases with an unclear origin. Today we will talk about it.

Features of the disease

Some doctors define this type of depriving as early psoriasis. Reduces patches on the scalp, but skin atrophy does not occur.

Asbestos-shaped diarrhea on the head( photo)

Causes of

  • One of the reasons for the appearance of asbestos-like lichen can be an eczematous reaction of the scalp to any trauma or streptococcal infection.
  • This can be a severe form of seborrhea, and its pyococcal form leads to the appearance of lichen.
  • Lishay can appear for no apparent reason.

Next, we consider the symptoms of asbestos-like lichen.

Symptoms of asbestos lisha

The basic site for foci is the parietal region, at the temples and occiput is less common. If you examine the head, you can see a large number of flakes sticking to the skin and against each other, tightly wrapping the hair shaft. They have a silver hue.

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  • Foci have different shapes. The skin in this area can acquire a red color, peel off and become wet.
  • The female faces have cracks behind the ears, they pass and appear again through time.
  • Foci are usually small, but can spread over the head in several places.
  • Hair becomes dry and brittle.
  • In the affected areas, hair begins to fall out, the disease turns into psoriasis with neglected flow or incorrectly selected therapy, especially in childhood.

Next we will consider the diagnosis of asbestos deprivation


The clinical picture of the disease is clearly visible, but the problem arises in the identification of the disease or the causes that led to asbestine deprivation. There are dystrophic disorders in the sebaceous glands. The scales themselves are similar to asbestos fibers, around itching and peeling. Differentiate with microsporia and psoriasis.

Treatment of

The main task of drugs in the treatment of asbestos-like lichen is to normalize the process of keratinization and circulation. Assign funds based on sulfur, drugs that improve metabolic processes and microcirculation, retinol, nicotinic acid, antifungal drugs, vitamin complexes.

  • Treatment should be multidisciplinary in order to eliminate symptoms and alleviate the condition.
  • Vitamins B and A are very helpful.
  • Ointments with tar and sulfur and applications with clotrimazole on the affected areas.

In case of itching, it is necessary to remove unpleasant sensations with anti-allergic and restorative means. To remove scales use salicylic acid or ointment to soften them, then you can easily comb out their comb.

The doctor will help you choose the necessary serums and lotions for moisturizing and wiping the scalp. There are special prescriptions for ointments that will restore the skin and return the hair follicles to normal life.

  • Recommend to rub the egg yolk into the skin, diluted with boiling water.
  • Ancient healers used to treat grapevine juice and buckwheat broth.
  • The people use tincture of calendula, apple cider vinegar and castor oil. But all the tips should be approached very carefully.
  • Make decoctions of the root of the soap, for lotions and compresses.

Prevention of

Disease Prevention can be the treatment of a major disease, if it is established. And do not forget about proper nutrition.

Complications of

Lychen, seborrheic dermatitis or psoriasis may develop.


It is possible to get rid of depriving with a comprehensive approach and return to the person his social sociability, because many patients with "powder in their hair" feel discomfort and avoid contact with interlocutors.

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