Disease of sinusitis and psychosomatic manifestations

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1 Background of the disease

Today, few doubt the value of psychosomatic sinusitis. Her detailed analysis can explain a lot in the causes of the onset, development and course of the disease. Although at first glance it may seem that there is nothing in common between the emotional state of a person and the genyantritis. It is difficult to imagine that the inflammation of the nasal cavity, the accumulation of purulent mucus there depends on the feelings experienced. But it is so.

People vary in their experiences and their external manifestations. Someone can be upset at the slightest occasion. Tears in him can literally stream.

Others try to hide all emotions from others. They prefer to keep everything in themselves, driving the feelings deep into the emotional experience. The ability to control one's emotional state is even presented as a special kind of superiority.

But it is the representatives of the second category that are most susceptible to psychosomatic influence, which leads to the appearance of sinusitis. The fact is that when a person does not hold back and cries, a very complicated physiological process takes place. Tears find their habitual way out not only through the eye ducts. Some part of them gets into the nasal cavity. Sobbing and sniffing nose easily give out a crying person. But in his nose the teardrop is mixed with various enzymes, turning into slime. Psychosomatic prerequisites for the onset and development of sinusitis are created.

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2 The relationship between the disease and the psycho-emotional background of

The causes of sinusitis are not only in infectious processes. Therefore, it is not always possible to cure this disease by taking antibiotics for many years or applying immunomodulators. The desired positive effect can not be achieved also with the help of many other pharmaceutical preparations. Sometimes even antiseptic washings of the nose or puncture of the maxillary septum are not saved.

Psychosomatic concepts explain the causes of sinusitis completely differently. In accordance with these teachings, sinusitis becomes a reaction of the body to suppressed emotions. When a person does not realize the external manifestation of his emotions, is ashamed to cry, he thereby provokes the appearance or exacerbation of maxillary sinusitis.

The absence of tears in strong and violent experiences leads to the fact that the areas of the nasal cavities are not cleared. It accumulates and stagnates fluid, which becomes a favorable environment for pathogens and inflammatory processes. Therefore, when a person restrains mental pain, does not allow it to break out, suppresses tears, forms psychosomatic reasons for the disease of sinusitis.

Particular attention should be given to children. A stuffy nose often indicates a hidden need for love and help. Children do not always realize this need and voice. Therefore, be careful, creating an atmosphere of excessive demand or rigor. Surrounding the child with irrepressible love, oddly enough, can also lead to genyantritic inflammation.

3 Treatment measures

Many different aspects are considered in the treatment of sinusitis. But the knowledge of the psychosomatic roots of this disease helps to counter disease much more easily.

Man can resist the risk of sinusitis through changes in the perception of the world around him.

It is very important to learn how to manage your own experiences and emotions. A person must work out justified reactions to various life troubles. You need not only learn to own your emotions, but also be able to express them.


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Special difficulties in these cases are experienced by men. They are often ashamed of absolutely normal mental reactions, once again repressing and hiding emotions.

The tearful consequences of experiencing help to remove even unpleasant and long-lived emotions from the subconscious. It is desirable to experience past experiences and emotional upheavals anew, but consider them already under a new angle of perception. It is important to realize a fairly simple truth: mistakes and losses of the past can not be insurmountable obstacles for the continuation of a calm and happy life.

The most difficult situations need to be perceived with tranquility and understanding of their natural and objective nature. So troubles will be experienced much easier. And the manifestations of sinusitis will disappear together with discontent with the surrounding world and dissatisfaction with one's own life.

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