Chronic gastroenteritis - symptoms and treatment, in a child, atrophic form

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Chronic gastroenteritis - a disease of the organs of the gastrointestinal tract, is of an inflammatory nature. First of all, it appears due to the presence in the body of viruses and bacteria that provoke the development of the disease, disrupting the digestive system and intestines.

Prolonged disease leads to a change in the mucosa. Violation of the secretion of hydrochloric acid leads to a chronic disease, the treatment of which can be carried out both inpatient and outpatient. The severity of chronic gastroenteritis directly affects the duration of the treatment process.

Atrophic gastroenteritis

Most often this disease affects middle-aged people. The cause is poor nutrition, long-term medication, smoking and drinking alcohol.

Atrophic gastroenteritis is characterized by mucosal atrophy, the process of mucus formation is disturbed. Patients complain of a weak condition, poor appetite, pain in the abdomen, increased gas formation, flatulence. The assimilation of food is disturbed, so the patient loses weight very quickly and feels fatigued. The work of the digestive organs is disrupted, there is a risk of dysbiosis.

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To correctly diagnose you need to examine the patient, identify symptoms, make a blood test and do gastroduodenoscopy with a biopsy.

It is necessary to adhere to a strict diet. Treatment of chronic gastroenteritis is to increase the production of hydrochloric acid.

Causes of chronic gastroenteritis

Chronic gastroenteritis can be caused by infectious and non-infectious causes. Non-infectious causes of the disease are:

  • abuse of fatty, fried foods, excessive overeating, which gives a strong load on the stomach;
  • poisoning by substandard products or medicines;
  • bad habits - frequent use of alcohol, smoking;
  • long courses of treatment with medicines.

Infectious causes:

  • various viruses and bacteria, worms;
  • protozoa, being in food, can provoke the appearance of the disease;

Chronic gastroenteritis also occurs due to any allergies or decreased immunity.

Symptoms of chronic gastroenteritis

Symptoms of chronic gastroenteritis are similar to other diseases of the digestive organs and intestinal walls:

  • severe pain in the abdominal region of the aching character;
  • violation of the proper functioning of the intestine and stomach - frequent attacks of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea. Stool is frequent, thin. Vomiting can be observed after each meal;
  • pain can occur even with the slightest movement, walking, which greatly complicates the movement of the patient;
  • gradually develops signs of intoxication of the body - weakness in the whole body, decreased performance, fatigue, severe dizziness, body temperature can reach up to 40 degrees;
  • strong gassing, a feeling of heaviness in the abdomen;
  • the appearance of signs of dehydration of the body is characteristic of the severe form of chronic gastroenteritis;
  • weight loss, negatively affecting the patient's condition, causing weakness and apathy.

Chronic gastroenteritis in a child

Gastroenteritis is not only found in adults, but also in children. The cause of the disease in the child can be various infections, viruses, dysbiosis. Inadequate quality of consumed foods, overly spicy or fatty foods can harm the digestive system and cause inflammation.

Symptoms of chronic gastroenteritis in a child are similar to those of adults. There is vomiting, nausea, diarrhea. In fecal masses, blood extractions can be detected. All this indicates the presence of the disease and requires immediate treatment.

To help a child, it is necessary to give up food at the first time to normalize the digestive system. Observance of all the doctor's recommendations is necessary to achieve the desired result and recovery.

Treatment of chronic gastroenteritis

The correct diagnosis can be made only by a qualified specialist, therefore the appearance of the first symptoms requires an immediate call to the doctor.

The doctor learns what symptoms of chronic gastroenteritis are observed in the patient, what is the duration of the disease and the degree of its severity. With the help of palpation, painful areas are examined. Fecal and vomitive masses are examined for the presence of bacteria and viruses in them, as well as their visual examination. A general and biochemical blood test is performed. With the help of this, the presence or absence of anemia, the number of white blood cells is revealed - all this will help in the future to organize the correct treatment of the patient.

The most effective way to diagnose chronic gastroenteritis is fibrogastroduodenoscopy. Such a survey method is more accurate and efficient than others. It allows you to more carefully examine the gastrointestinal tract and identify the presence of pathologies. During this procedure, a sample of the stomach tissue is taken on a biopsy for examination. This method is contraindicated if the patient has frequent or persistent attacks of vomiting.

To cure chronic gastroenteritis caused by any bacteria, it is necessary to apply antibacterial therapy and stop using drugs to reduce the degree of manifestation of the symptoms of the disease. It is allowed to use only those drugs that the doctor prescribed, in accordance with the indicated doses.

Treatment of chronic gastroenteritis should be based on a proper, gentle diet, which will not irritate the stomach and intestines. Refusal from smoking and alcohol is mandatory.

When dehydrating the body, it is necessary to use as much liquid as possible to restore the water balance in the body.

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