Diagnosis of chronic colitis, diagnosis

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Every year, increasingly among the young part of the population, as well as children, began to identify a very severe symptomatic and terrible because of possible complications of the disease. This is a chronic colitis, developing for the most part as an independent inflammatory pathology of the intestine. The exact diagnosis of it is still very difficult to put, since all the morphological changes in the intestine, as well as the accompanying symptomatology, are very similar to other pathologies developing in the digestive organs.

In order to establish with the greatest accuracy that liquid stools, abdominal pain and general weakness suggest that the patient has just chronic colitis, differential diagnosis is necessary. Only with the help of it there is the possibility of excluding a large number of diseases occurring in a similar type. It is conducted both by laboratory and instrumental methods of research. To prevent an error in diagnosing chronic colitis, the specialist needs the following information:

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  • History data;
  • Present in the patient clinical symptoms;
  • X-ray examination of the large intestine;
  • Endoscopy;
  • Results of bacteriological and coprologic examination of feces.

Also, when setting such a diagnosis as chronic colitis, it is necessary to exclude proctological pathologies( paraproctitis, anal fissures, internal hemorrhoids).For this, the proctologist performs palpation of the anus.

Differential diagnosis of chronic colitis

Presumably the presence of this particular disease in the patient is indicated by the symptomatology that accompanies intestinal pathology and the data of laboratory tests of feces and blood. To confirm chronic colitis, a specialist needs to conduct a deeper study to completely exclude those diseases that are accompanied by similar symptoms( enteritis, Crohn's disease, malignant neoplasms of the intestine and appendicitis).In order to make the diagnosis with the greatest accuracy, proctologists also practice such diagnostic measures:

  1. Radiology of the intestine. This study assumes an irrigography, which allows you to exclude such diagnoses as diverticulosis and colon cancer. It is mandatory in the differentiation of chronic colitis. This study is performed with the help of contrast radiography and allows you to see the location of pathological changes in the intestinal mucosa. Also, during the X-ray diagnosis of chronic colitis, the specialist sees the nature of the changes in the mucosal relief as well as the presence of dyskinesia in the digestive organ;
  2. Colonoscopy and rectomanooscopy, which are instrumental diagnostic methods, allowing to differentiate chronic colitis from NNC and developing tumor process. With this method, you can identify catarrhal and atrophic changes in the mucosa of the colon. Also, these studies, conducted to clarify the diagnosis, allow you to take a biopsy for histological analysis. With the help of these methods, it is possible to identify the beginning malignancy in the walls of the intestine.

Also, data for a differential study of chronic colitis also provide functional tests that are conducted to identify inflammation markers in the pancreas and liver. Often it is necessary and ultrasound examination of organs located in the abdominal cavity.

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