Characteristic features of hyperopia in children and the severity of the disease

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1 Types of pathology

Less dangerous is considered a weak degree of development( about 2 diopters).With her, there are no manifestations, vision remains the same.

If there is moderate hyperopia in children( 3 to 5 diopters), then visual manifestations may not be observed. Children see well at a distance and are vague near.

At a high degree( more than 5 diopters) the body of the child is difficult to cope with the disease. Because of this, the functions of the cells of the visual part of the brain decrease. The brain does not provide a clear picture, because of this there is no chance of a proper development of neurons. At the same time, the sensitivity of the eyes is reduced, amblyopia develops( one eye partially or completely does not participate in the vision process).

In the development of a high degree, genetic predisposition is often involved. Therefore, during the examination, they pay time for examination and complaints of the baby.

Farsightedness in children, whose age is more than 3 years, is normal from 1-1,6 diopters. And in the period of growth and development of the baby's visual system, the number of diopters is significantly reduced.

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And by the age of 6, vision is improving, which makes it possible to clearly see objects. But each develops in its own way, depending on the individual characteristics. If there is a deviation from the norm in the larger direction, you need to seek the advice of a doctor.

Somewhere by age 4, the degree of farsightedness usually decreases to 2-2.5 diopters.

How to assume a possible pathology? Among the symptoms can be identified the following:

  • the emergence of systematic pain in the head;
  • continuous desire to rub hands with the eyes;
  • blinking above the norm;
  • is nervousness or estrangement;
  • sudden increase in fatigue;
  • general malaise;
  • loss of interest in everything.

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2 Diagnosis of hypermetropia

The main feature of the pathology is not a clear vision of objects and pictures from a close distance with good vision in the distance. This manifestation is easily determined by an ophthalmologist according to the Sivtsev table. The child is given a look at letters of different sizes to determine the visibility of lines with the presence of a disease without correction.

Farsightedness in children and adult patients of middle age is checked only with the requirement to forcibly expose the pupil with atropine sulfate. In this way it is easier to reduce the accommodation of the eye and to simplify the investigation of hyperopia with a latent form.

Diagnosis of hyperopia in children is helped by the basic methods of examination:

  1. Autorefractometry is a computerized corneal diagnosis that shows the objective value of hyperopia, as well as its latent form.
  2. Skiascopy( on a wide pupil) is an observation of the optical movements of the shadow when light passes through the human cornea and the lens. The procedure is carried out using a specially prepared ruler and light beam.
  3. Checking visual acuity in the distance without glasses and with glasses selected for the child.
  4. Measure the length of the eye, the thickness of the cornea at its various points.
  5. Eye examination( ophthalmoscopy) to assess the condition of the retina, vessels, optic nerve of each eye.


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3 Treatment measures

After a thorough examination by the doctor, the main treatment is started.

Spectacular or contact correction of vision helps to avoid possible pathologies and complications in the overall formation of the visual system.

Due to the action of active dietary supplements( medicinal substances), the metabolism of the eyeball tissues improves and their growth accelerates.

The hardware methods of treatment include:

  • laser stimulation of the ciliary muscle;
  • electrostimulation;
  • color pulse therapy.

These methods contribute to the disappearance of spasm of accommodation, reduce eye fatigue during exercise, intensively train vision with amblyopia. Duration of treatment prescribed by the doctor based on the progression of pathology.

Occlusive dressings are also one of the auxiliary treatments. A healthy eye is closed for a time with a bandage so that only the stricken one works. The method is applied periodically or permanently, depending on the development of the disease.

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If there is a hyperopia in a child in preschool age, then you should always wear glasses with "plus" lenses, but do not forget about age changes, becauseas the physiological development of the child's vision has not yet been fully completed.

Children aged 7 years and over during an average degree of farsightedness are prescribed glasses only for work at a short distance. And if there is a high degree of hyperopia, then wear glasses or contact lenses.

The category of children whose vision is already fully formed, need a full optical correction.

It achieves a high degree of visual acuity and good visibility of all subjects.

Surgical correction is used only after the full development of the eye, i.e.with the coming of age.

Apply laser - this is almost one of the most effective methods to date to combat the insidious disease. The operation itself lasts several minutes under local anesthesia. Special discomfort after surgery is not observed.

In the case of the most severe degree of disease, the implant method is used - it is the penetration into the eye of a phakic or multifocal lens. Such a correction is possible only if the other methods no longer work.

During inactivity, such complications are possible:

  • manifestation of strabismus in the baby;
  • Systematic eye diseases of inflammatory origin( conjunctivitis);
  • appearance of amblyopia( "lazy" eye);
  • deterioration of the ability to focus in space, coordinate their movements;
  • blepharitis and even glaucoma.

To prevent strabismus, ophthalmic examinations of children are carried out from 1.5-2 months, to 1-3 years and 6 years.

4 Preventive measures

To protect children even from the same hypermetropia, it is necessary to think about possible illnesses even during pregnancy. Regularly examined from the therapist, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist and other doctors, as well as to take complex tests of urine and blood. This makes it possible to minimize the risk of developing future child pathologies. Identify problems at early stages of development and receive appropriate treatment from a qualified specialist.

In the case when the youngster is already there, it is recommended to follow its development:

  1. Regularly be examined at the oculist at least once a year.
  2. Classes should be conducted only in good lighting conditions.
  3. Give rest to the eyes after visual exertion.
  4. Do gymnastic exercises for the eyes, in which both rest and training of the muscles of the eyes take place.
  5. Maintain a healthy lifestyle from 1 year.
  6. Do strengthening physiotherapeutic procedures for the body( massage, magnetotherapy, swimming), spend more time in the fresh air.
  7. Food should be with the inclusion of vitamins and trace elements.
  8. Lesson should be less than 30 minutes per day for a computer or television.

In the event of amblyopia due to farsightedness, the main task of a doctor is to quickly and effectively improve the vision of a small patient. Including the brain of the child, subconsciously reducing the period of non-contrast vision, optimizing the work of neurons in the visual hemisphere of the brain and normalizing vision.

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