As worms crawl out( crawl out) in humans, why did the helminth get out of the child, what to do?

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For owners of cats and dogs to remove parasites from their pets - it's common. The spectacle, of course, is not pleasant - contemplate how the worms get out, but the procedure is necessary. But when one day a person in his or her child discovers a helminth in the feces, the reaction is usually shock. In the media, including the Internet, a lot is said about the direct link between chronic diseases and vital activity in our worm organs. We are taught to think that the body is teeming with ascarids and pinworms. Already less and less people deny the fact and possible own carrier. It would be possible to blame everything on the intrigues of pharmacist-advertisers, who chose such a hard way to sell antiparasitic drugs, if it were not for the patients themselves. Not knowing about the available helminthiasis, and therefore to great surprise, people suddenly find in fragments fragments of ribbons or roundworms. Some are "lucky" even more - the urge to defecate at them ends with the release of a large worm. What does it mean that the helminth came out, why did he suddenly "decide" to get out of the host?

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Why do worms get out?

Sometimes worms creep out themselves. This occurs in three cases:

  • During migration through the body.
  • As a result of their separation from the walls of the intestine. Suckers, hooks and other "clingers" weaken the grip, and the individual is unable to resist the waves of peristalsis. With its contractile movements, it takes it out entirely or dissected together with the feces into the rectum. Then we sometimes have to face such an unpleasant phenomenon as the protruding end of a long ribbon worm from the anus. Not all helminths are fixed firmly on the mucous membranes. Large and strong roundworms curl into an arc and rest against the opposite walls, successfully resisting peristalsis. In the case of a lack of coordination in the movements, the muscle tone weakens, and the nematode is thrown out.
  • Put into the life cycle program. The worms creep out both in broad daylight and at night. The dark time of the day is chosen by pinworms. Sexually mature fertile females crawl out of the rectum through the anus in order to throw off its thousands of masonry near it. The person is asleep, and they pass unhindered through the relaxed sphincter of the anus. In the perianal folds of the pinched pinwheels you can see if you shine a flashlight. After laying eggs, the female completes its life cycle - soon withers and dies.

The most common case is when helminths get out after taking antiparasitic drugs. Their creeping out is possible as a result of the glistonki, that is, the taking of those pills whose action is aimed at paralyzing the parasites, rather than blocking the utilization of glucose or dissolution. Another option - worms get out half-dead due to insufficient dosage or adoption of ineffective means, which did not lead to the death of the intestine.

How do worms get out of a human?

Helminths colonize mainly the intestine: thick, thin, blind. But in the form of larvae can also migrate to the heart, lungs, liver, muscles and even the brain. When they say "worms crawl out", they mean leaving them out of the rectum together with secretions. In this case, helminths can look like flat fragments linked to each other, thin threads, similar to a fishing line. In an unchanged form, round roundworms and pinworms most often come out. If the whole of the worm is completely wormed out, most likely it is not a single specimen and the helminthic invasion is extensive. The integrity of the released helminths is affected by the stool. With constipation, the dead helminths linger in the intestine and come out in pieces or in digestion.

After treatment with anthelminthic drugs, their expulsion with vomiting is not excluded.

Helminths can amaze and seemingly difficult to access places. For example, the organs of sight. The worm in the eye is a rare phenomenon, but not exceptional. The developed circulatory system and direct access to oxygen attracts trematodes( causative agents of opisthorchiasis) and the same ascarids. They themselves do not creep out, they are removed during the ophthalmic operation.

Another way - worms get out through the skin, from the wounds. For the residents of our latitudes the case is exotic, unless one travels barefoot somewhere in India near a local pond. There you can easily pick up the larva of rishta.

What should I do if I have a worm?

The sight of dead parasites is disgusting, and already, the living and moving and are at all capable of greatly frightening. Here, most importantly, in an emotional impulse to get rid of the "evil spirits" do not press the button to drain the toilet. It does not matter if the child worms out or crawls out of an adult - the actions will be the same. What to do if a parasitic worm is found in the feces:

  1. Gently tweezers or a gloved hand( somehow one needs to cope with reflexes) to pick up the object and place it in a clean jar under the lid, as an option in the package. Healed helminths are best preserved in salt water or alcohol solution.
  2. Without wasting time to go to a medical institution for diagnosis. In state hospitals, these questions can be solved by a therapist or infectious disease specialist. Parasitologists work in private centers. Their qualification will quickly determine the type of crawled parasite and prescribe effective treatment.

After consultation with a specialist, take measures to eliminate repeated infections with helminthiasis. To explain to the child how important it is to wash hands with soap after a sandbox, playing with a kitten or a puppy. Suggest that you can not gnaw your nails, but from the ground it is better not to lift anything.

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