Vitamins in colitis

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An important point is that the patient's colitis is a characteristic condition of a persistent decrease in the secretion activity of all the glands of digestion. That is why, in order to normalize the blood and maintain a normal blood composition, the body must receive enough protein, vitamins, and some trace elements.

Group A vitamins are fat soluble substances and are found in foods that are rich in animal fat, as well as in plants with carotene content that converts with fat. When colitis is recommended to eat carrots, tomatoes, peas, lettuce, onions and so on.

Vitamins of group B can be found in plants-cereals, cabbage and apples. Due to this, colitis recommended the use of cereals and rusks. However, it is worth bearing in mind that it is not necessary to use breadcrumbs from bran bread.

Group C vitamins are observed only in plants, for example, black currant, apples, citrus fruits and others. Due to the fact that these plants contain a large amount of water, they are well absorbed in the body, which helps in the treatment of colitis. They improve the resistance of the body to the disease, and also remove harmful and toxic substances, and, therefore, when colitis their use should be increased.

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Additional vitamins for colitis

The body also requires additional vitamins for colitis:

  • Group D - can be found in the liver, fish oil. Thanks to it, the phosphoric-calcium exchange is regulated. That is why it is recommended to stay in the sun, which affects the production of a special substance.
  • Group H - provides normal tissue growth in the body. It is recommended the use of berries and fruits.
  • Group P - enhances the effect of group C vitamins if used together.
  • Group E - strengthens healing and quickly restores tissues, which is especially important for inflammation.
  • Group K - can be found in the green part of the plants, therefore the use of spring harvest is recommended. Helps strengthen vascular walls and stimulate the healing of damaged tissues.
  • Group K - in the presence of vegetable oils, helps restore fat metabolism and oxidative processes in cells.
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