The first symptoms and the main methods of treatment of acute purulent antritis

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1 The essence of the pathology of

In general, sinusitis is a kind of sinusitis in the form of an inflammatory reaction of the nasal mucosa of the nasal sinuses. A purulent form of pathology can develop in one or both of the maxillary sinuses and is characterized by the presence of a purulent discharge. By the nature of the course of the process, chronic and acute purulent maxillary sinusitis differ. Most often, the disease is caused by improper treatment or lack of treatment of a simpler variant - catarrhal sinusitis.

The disease can develop in any person, regardless of age. A typical trend in this disease is the lack of treatment to the doctor, becauseThe sick person is sure that he has a common cold, which will soon pass. It is this attitude to the problem that often leads to the emergence of a neglected, chronic form of purulent sinusitis. But in fact, its danger is great enough. The inflammatory process proceeds in close proximity to the brain, which can provoke such severe complications as meningitis and brain abscess. In the risk zone of complications are the organs of vision and the vestibular apparatus.

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2 Etiology of the disease

Most often, purulent maxillary sinusitis arises in acute form, and not taken in a timely manner adequate measures lead to a chronic process. At the same time, a chronic type of disease can become an independent form caused by complications of other diseases.

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The most common cause of acute purulent maxillary sinusitis is the effects of frequent ARI and prolonged, intense rhinitis. In such circumstances, natural ventilation is impaired in the maxillary sinuses due to tissue swelling, which leads to the accumulation of a pathogenic bacterial flora, which leads to a purulent inflammation.

In addition to catarrhal etiology, the following factors are capable of causing the disease:

  • the presence of foci of chronic infection in the human body;
  • edema of an allergic nature;
  • adenoids in the child;
  • congenital defects of the nasal septum or traumatic injury.

As chronic internal sources of pathogenic microorganisms can serve: dental caries, chronic tonsillitis, etc. Development of the bacterial factor is facilitated by provocative causes: reduced immune protection, psychological overload and nervous stress, insufficient treatment of any infectious diseases.

3 Symptoms of the disease

When the purulent sinusitis begins, the symptoms at the initial stage are too similar to the symptoms of rhinitis, which complicates the early diagnosis of pathology. If at the first stage of inflammation manifest mucous discharge, then as it progresses along the posterior nasal wall, the purulent mass that generates a cough flows.

The acute form of the disease manifests itself suddenly and develops violently. The following main symptoms can be distinguished:

  • rise in temperature to 38.5-39 degrees with the appearance of chills and general weakness;
  • a pain symptom and a feeling of pressure in the maxillary sinus, with the pain extending to the frontal and temporal region of the head, the upper jaw;
  • headache with localization in the frontal region, with pain decreases when taking a recumbent position and increase with coughing, sneezing, tilting the head;
  • edema and redness on the face near the bridge of the nose and eyelids;
  • significant nasal congestion, which can make breathing difficult;
  • appearance of a yellowish-green discharge with an unpleasant odor;
  • olfaction impairment;
  • night cough.

During the course of the chronic form of maxillary sinus, the following characteristic signs are distinguished: rapid fatigue and frequent malaise, moderate headache of a constant nature, difficulty in nasal breathing and permanent nasal congestion, periodic exacerbations. Sometimes, with a prolonged course of the disease, sinusitis causes toothache.


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4 Principles of therapy

In order to decide how to treat purulent maxillary sinusitis, first of all, an accurate diagnosis must be made, differentiating this pathology from other diseases. Diagnostic research is conducted by an otolaryngologist. The primary diagnosis is made after a visual examination, which is then refined by radiography of the nasal sinuses. If necessary, a puncture of the cavity is performed to select a sample for the study. Instrumental methods of diagnosis include: computer and magnetic resonance imaging, microbiological analysis.

Cure purulent sinusitis can be in many ways, depending on the neglect of the process, etiological offsets and severity of pathology. Treatment is medication and non-medicamental methods, and if necessary, by surgical intervention. Positive results are achieved when applying folk methods. It is important that any treatment is agreed with the doctor.

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5 Conservative treatment

Medication therapy is aimed at eliminating the causes of pathology, eliminating the inflammatory process, symptomatic treatment and general strengthening of the body. Treatment is carried out in a complex way using the following groups of drugs:

  1. Antibiotic therapy. Inflammatory reaction, as a rule, is caused by infection of different types. The doctor's task is to determine the type of pathogen and the choice of the necessary antibiotic. With purulent sinusitis, the following drugs are prescribed: cephalosporins( Cefazolin), penicillins( Augmentin, for children in the form of syrup), macrolides( Sumamed).Doses of drugs are determined taking into account the age of the patient. Normalization of the intestinal microflora after taking potent antibiotics is provided by the intake of probiotics.
  2. Vasodilators. These drugs are designed to combat the manifestation of a disease such as swelling, which greatly accelerates the development of sinusitis. Appointed such funds: Naphthyzine, Eucazoline, Rhinos.
  3. Antihistamines. The second most common cause of sinusitis is allergic edema of tissues. To eliminate the allergic reaction, antihistamines are prescribed: Suprastin, Tavegil, Citrine, Diazolinum, Eden.
  4. Nasal lavage. A long and effective method of controlling sinusitis is the washing of the nasal sinuses with the use of antiseptic solutions. The greatest application is found in such formulations: Eccericide, Furacilin.
  5. Local therapies. As a symptomatic therapy, local external agents in the form of nasal drops and aerosols( sprays) are widely used. Such preparations are widely popular: Isofra, Bioparox, Polidex.

Physiotherapeutic effect along with drug therapy is recognized as an essential component of the complex treatment of purulent sinusitis. The most effective methods are considered such technologies: heating by means of UHF-irradiation, electrophoresis, ultraviolet influence. As a rule, such procedures are combined with washing the nasal sinuses and taking medications.

Purulent maxillary sinusitis is often unduly badly treated due to incorrect self-diagnosis. The disease can cause serious complications, accordingly, if it is suspected, you should contact the otolaryngologist.

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