Allergic conjunctivitis - photos, symptoms and treatment

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Allergic conjunctivitis is an inflammation of the conjunctiva( the outer transparent mucous membrane of the eye), caused by an allergic reaction of the body( the response of immunity to a foreign substance - allergen).

This disease is much more likely to affect young people regardless of gender. Exact statistical data are not available, as in most cases such conjunctivitis accompanies other manifestations of allergy.

According to studies, symptoms of conjunctivitis occur in about 20-40 percent of people with other allergic pathologies.

Causes of

This pathology is based on the immediate-type hypersensitivity mechanism. That is, the symptoms of allergic conjunctivitis occur immediately after contact with substances that cause allergies. The anatomical features of the eye are such that allergens easily penetrate the mucous membranes, causing inflammation there.

There are three groups of the most common substances that can trigger the development of allergic conjunctivitis:

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  • household , such as home and library dust, house dust mite, pillow feather;
  • epidermal , for example, animal hair, bird feathers, animal dander, fish food, etc.
  • pollen , pollen of various plants.

If an allergen gets into the eyes, an inflammatory reaction immediately develops. There is severe itching, lacrimation, redness of the conjunctiva and swelling. In some cases, the development of photophobia is also possible.

The danger of allergic conjunctivitis is that, in the absence of adequate treatment, an infection can join the allergy. With infection in the corner of the eye can separate pus.

Symptoms of

When allergic conjunctivitis occurs, the symptoms can appear at different rates, both in a few minutes after contact with the allergen, and after a day.

In most cases, the reaction manifests itself in both eyes. Untypical is an allergic conjunctivitis on one eye, although such a manifestation also occurs. One eye can be amazed if, for example, the allergen has been brought into it by hands.

The main symptoms of conjunctivitis of the allergic type;

  • redness of the eye.
  • strongly or permanently pronounced itch of a permanent nature.
  • abundant and uncontrolled tearing.
  • appearance of a burning sensation in the eyes.
  • is a clear or white discharge, which eventually thickens and worries the patient.
  • photophobia.
  • blurriness of the picture, perceived by sight.

If the disease is severe, photophobia may develop. Allergic conjunctivitis in children is accompanied by the same manifestations as in adults. And, as a rule, the aforementioned eye manifestations are combined with nasal ones, and the development of eye allergy is accompanied by the development of rhinoconjunctivitis in 85% of cases. Often, the eye symptoms of this pathological condition worry and age patients and children are much stronger than nasal.

Chronic form of

If allergic conjunctivitis lasts from six months to a year, then it is a chronic form of the disease. In this case, the clinical manifestations are minimal, but differ in their persistent character.

As a rule, chronic conjunctivitis associated with allergic reactions is accompanied by bronchial asthma and eczema.

Allergic conjunctivitis in children

Allergic conjunctivitis in children at an early age is rare. Usually, the disease is accompanied by allergic rhinitis. Children who suffer from AK, often have other manifestations of allergies( diathesis, atopic dermatitis).

It is in children that allergies are often provoked by foods. After confirming the diagnosis, it is possible to conduct allergen-specific therapy, which is most effective at an early age.

Pseudoallergic reactions in children - not uncommon. With pseudoallergies, there are the same symptoms as with allergies, but these diseases are of different nature. The presence of a pseudoallergic reaction necessitates the examination of the child's gastrointestinal tract, the analysis of blood and stool for the presence of parasites, and the like.

Allergic conjunctivitis photo

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Specific prevention, preventing the development of allergic conjunctivitis, unfortunately, is not developed due to the fact that a single theory due to what develops the allergy as such, not yet.

The methods of secondary prevention aimed at preventing exacerbations of an already existing disease are reduced to eliminating the allergen from the environment( see Features of Nutrition and Lifestyle for Allergic Conjunctivitis) and conducting adequate treatment.

Treatment of allergic conjunctivitis

In diagnosed allergic conjunctivitis treatment should be carried out in three directions at once:

  • immediate cessation of contact with the allergen;
  • topical treatment with antihistamines, and in severe cases with corticosteroids;
  • immunotherapy.

In mild cases, only local treatment is prescribed, and in severe cases, complex therapy is necessary. The doctor can also prescribe a specific immunotherapy and symptomatic drug therapy, with a protracted process, prophylactically prescribe antimicrobial agents.

Approximate scheme for the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis:

  1. The administration of antihistamines is indicated inside - Loratadin, Claritin, Cetrin, Zirtek, Telfast. They allow you to block the action of histamine and some other mediators of inflammation, which prevents the manifestation of allergy symptoms.
  2. Application of eye drops from allergic conjunctivitis - Allergodil, Lecrolin, Opatanol, Histimet. Burying them in the eyes should be up to four times a day, but this provides a quick effect and the receipt of the drug to the target organ.
  3. It is advisable to use eye drops mast cell stabilizers .Among these drops can be identified - Hai-krom( children under 4 years can not) Kromoekshal, Lecrolin, Crom-Allerg, Lodoxamid.
  4. Some people are able to develop dry eye syndrome , when for physiological reasons the development of a tear is reduced or stopped altogether. In this case, with allergic conjunctivitis, treatment is indicated to them by tear-droppers - Inoksa, Oksial, Oftolik, Vidisik, Oftogel, Vizin, Systein.

Severe forms of allergic conjunctivitis may require the appointment of topical corticosteroids( eye drops or ointments with dexamethasone, hydrocortisone), topical NSAIDs( eye drops with diclofenac).Persistently relapsing allergic conjunctivitis is the basis for specific immunotherapy.

It should be noted that the use of folk methods for the treatment of allergic conjunctivitis is not recommended because this can cause an aggravation of the situation.

Methods of treatment of seasonal allergic conjunctivitis

Often this form of allergy is acute, in the eyes it burns badly, a person is afraid of light, it is troubled by severe itching, tears are increased. It is necessary to take such measures:

  1. To drip the eyes with Spersallerg, after a while you can feel how it becomes easier, the composition of the drops contains a vasoconstrictor.
  2. When the allergic reaction is just beginning, it is necessary to take orally special antihistamine tablets.
  3. In cases of chronic conjunctivitis of an allergic nature, it is necessary to instill eyes with Alomide, Cromohexal.
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