Erosive ulcerative proctosigmoiditis - symptoms, treatment and diet

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A consequence of an untreated catarrhal proctosigmoiditis is the transition to a heavier form, which is accompanied by the formation of erosions, which gradually turn into ulcers on the unprotected intestinal mucosa. They arise because of the destruction of the epithelium. Symptoms with this course of the disease, although they remain the same, become more pronounced. Among them the following are most often manifested:

  • A fairly acute pain syndrome, which is usually localized on the left or diffuse in nature. It usually intensifies during defecation or during movement;
  • Disturbances of the stool, which are expressed by constipation or diarrhea. Sometimes in a patient, both these symptoms of proctosigmoiditis can manifest themselves together, replacing each other;
  • False urge to defecate( tenesmus), in which mucus, mixed with blood, is allocated instead of stool.

Also, the patient's bowel movements with erosive proctosigmoiditis have a very small volume and fetid odor. During constipation, they are small, fragmented lumps, and with diarrhea, they are isolated in very small volumes. But in any case they are accompanied by bloody impurities, indicating that erosion and sores on the walls of the intestine began to bleed. If you ignore these alarming signs, then in the near future this kind of pathology is transformed into ulcerative proctosigmoiditis.

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To prevent such a situation, at the slightest signs that the pathology is beginning to develop, you should contact a specialist. Only in this case, the timely detection of the disease, as well as the beginning of appropriate treatment. Although erosive proctosigmoiditis is a chronic disease that leaves little hope of a full recovery, it is possible to achieve longer remission periods when all the prescriptions of a specialist are performed, as well as compliance with the appropriate diet.

Treatment of erosive proctosigmoiditis

In the treatment of this pathology, the proper nutrition of the patient, necessary in order to facilitate the work of the inflamed bowel, plays a major role. The diet with this form of proctosigmoiditis is quite strict, capable of providing the greatest protection to the damaged pathological erosions of the mucous membrane and preventing their development into ulcers.

From the diet of a patient with ulcerative proctosigmoiditis, any heavy food that hampers digestion, irritating foods, and, without fail, any alcoholic beverages, sodas, kvass, spicy spices and condiments, is excluded. All of them are capable of causing additional chemical damage to the inflamed mucosa.

Also in nutrition with erosive proctosigmoid it is necessary to observe certain rules both when preparing dishes and when using them. Without this, drug therapy will not bring the desired effect, and its success will be short-lived:

  • All dishes must have a viscous and liquid consistency, so that they can envelop the damaged digestive organ and provide it with additional protection against any damage;
  • They should be prepared exclusively on a pair or by the method of boiling. In rare cases, with erosive proctosigmoid, baked food is allowed, only with it it is necessary to remove the crust;
  • Boiled products should be crushed before use, so that no lumps remain;
  • The most important food for the treatment of erosive proctosigmoiditis is the temperature of the food given to the patient. It should be only slightly warm, so as not to irritate the intestines.

Many patients in the formulation of this diagnosis and the appointment of a mandatory 4 table with its multiple restrictions begins to worry about the question of what can be done to make food not only useful but also delicious. In order to achieve this, it is not necessary to use sharp spices and flavoring that irritates the damaged digestive organ, and salt is not needed. They can be well replaced by spicy plants that will not harm the intestinal mucosa. And the fat roasters, which everyone used to use when preparing soups, will perfectly replace the dried flour in the pan.

Patients are also allowed meat and fish dishes. Just do not forget that for the dietary table recommended for the treatment of erosive proctosigmoiditis, they should only be chopped and boiled. We also recommend vegetables and fruits that have been heat treated. Drinking with this disease is necessary in large quantities to prevent the possible occurrence of diarrhea due to diarrhea.

It should be remembered that the diet with erosive proctosigmoiditis is part of adequate treatment, so all recommendations on it should come only from a specialist.

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