How to treat diffuse-cystic mastopathy of mammary glands: treatment with folk remedies and prevention

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Mastopathy is considered a fairly common pathological condition. This disease affects the lactoseal tissue and is their pathological proliferation.

Mastopathy can have several clinical forms that differ in the nature of the formations - diffuse, nodal, fibrous, cystic, etc. Among all the varieties of mastopathy, the cystic form is quite common.


Cystic mastopathy is found in every second woman. For this pathology, the formation of multiple seals in the form of cysts. Each cyst is a cavity enclosed in a connective tissue capsule filled with liquid.

Officially, a similar disease is called diffuse cystic mastopathy.

Causes of cystic mastopathy

Many factors can cause the formation of cystic processes in dairy tissues: heredity, irrational nutrition, ecology, etc.

However, all these reasons have a common feature - they provoke a hormonal imbalance, which subsequently causes a cystic form of mastopathy.

Typical factors that cause dysplastic processes in the dairy tissues are:

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  1. Long-term sexual abstinence - this includes women who have an aversion to sex of a psychological nature, not experiencing orgasm or simply not living a regular sex life;
  2. Real exchange disorders of - pathologies like hyperthyroidism, diabetes, obesity, etc.;
  3. Violations of the reproductive function of - here include disorders of the menstrual cycle, the presence in the past of abortions, the absence of pregnancies, the rejection of breastfeeding;
  4. Psycho-emotional problems - frequent family or professional scandals, stress stress;
  5. Incorrect life - frequent overeating, chronic fatigue, lack of sleep, excessive diets, addictions, etc.;
  6. Pathologies of the genitourinary system - inflammatory processes in the ovaries or tubes, cystic formations in the appendages, uterine inflammation;
  7. The predisposition of the hereditary nature of is the presence of a mother, a grandmother suffering from mastopathy;
  8. The presence of injuries - this includes bruises, squeezing, chest blows;
  9. Medication factor - combines incorrect contraception, self-medication with hormonal drugs.

All of the above factors provoke a change in the hormone level, namely the content of prolactin, progesterone and estrogen.

Symptoms of

Cystic mastopathy is accompanied by specific symptoms like:

  • Pain syndrome - tenderness can be aching, blunt, severe or oppressive. In some patients, the pain begins to increase a few days before the menstrual period. In other women, pain can be intensified after any exercise, while in others, it persists. If you press on the affected chest, the pain symptoms become brighter;
  • Allocations of - they can appear randomly or after pressing on the nipple. The nature of the secretions can also be diverse: light, transparent, dark, cloudy, with purulent impurities, etc.;
  • Seals - usually formations are detected by a woman during self-examination;
  • Increased axillary lymph node fractions - a similar sign is found in only 10% of patients, so it is referred to as nonspecific manifestations.

Diagnosis of mammary glands

The process for diagnosing mastopathic changes is recommended to be carried out during the 4-12 day of the menstrual cycle , because at other times the diagnostic results may be unreliable, which is caused by the physiological processes taking place in the dairy tissues.

Diagnostics is carried out in several stages:

  1. First the patient is examined by a mammologist, visually and palpatorically assessing the condition of the mammary gland and axillary lymph nodes.
  2. The patient is then sent for ultrasound diagnosis. This technique refers to safe and highly informative studies that help to identify abnormalities in the state of dairy tissues and lymph nodes.
  3. The next step in the diagnosis is mammography. Such a procedure is based on the principles of X-ray study, but it is not recommended for women under 40, nursing or pregnant women.
  4. Puncture. This technique is often used not only with diagnostic, but also with therapeutic purposes. With the help of the thinnest needle, the contents are extracted from the cyst, which causes the walls of the cavity to adhere to each other and eventually dissolve.
  5. Biopsy. The procedure involves taking a biomaterial from the breast tissue for analysis.

Laboratory diagnostics methods are prescribed, the hormonal composition of the blood is carefully studied, the presence of oncomarkers, isolation from the nipples is also sent for analysis.

How to treat diffuse-cystic mastopathy?

In many patients, cystic mastopathy does not need therapy, because it is asymptomatic, does not progress and does not cause discomfort.

But a woman must be observed with a mammologist. Although the cystic mastopathic form is not an oncology, it can become a prerequisite for the development of cancer, if not start a timely treatment.

To date, there is no clearly established, generally accepted therapeutic regimen for the treatment of mastopathy. The specialist in the appointment of treatment is guided by the symptoms against which the therapy will be directed, and the general condition of the woman.

Prescribes hormonal preparations like Toremifene or Tamoxifen, oral contraception like Jeanine or Marvelon.

Additionally, gestagens are prescribed that inhibit the growth of cystic formations and contribute to the regression of the pathological process. Such drugs include drugs like Utrozhestan or Dufaston. Other drugs of pharmacological groups are also used: Methyltestosterone, Parlodel, Zoladex or Buserelin.

On the positive side, the medications of a homeopathic group such as Mastodinone, Remens or Cyclodinone, etc., have proved themselves in the treatment of mastopathy.

Treatment with folk remedies

With regard to cystic mastopathy, popular therapies are often used. A very effective tool is the red brush - a grass that has a wide range of action and helps women in many matters. This plant restores thyroid activity, normalizes the hormonal background.

The burdock root is actively used in the treatment of mastopathy. It is brewed and drunk in the form of infusion. Another method of treatment is the herbal collection from the string, motherwort and yarrow. There is a way to treat dill seeds.

There are many recipes for the treatment of cardiomyopathy in the people, but it is worth remembering that they can be used only after medical consultation.


Only by adhering to certain preventive measures can you avoid mastopathy. We need to monitor the weight, every six months to go through a gynecologist, etc. Also, doctors recommend to give up synthetic underwear, tight clothing, to establish a sexual life and to eat rationally.

In addition, you need to start treating all gynecological pathologies as early as possible.


Usually cystic mastopathy is characterized by favorable prognosis. But if you neglect treatment, then against the background of pathology can occur cancer process. That is why it is worth regularly inspecting the breast and proceeding to therapy in a timely manner.

The video tells a brief information about mastopathy in women:

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