Gastric ulcer( peptic ulcer disease): causes, symptoms, signs, diagnosis, treatment, photo and video

Gastric ulcer is one of those diseases that causes a lot of trouble to a person. Doctors consider this disease chronic, as having received it once, it is very difficult to part with it even after a full course of treatment and compliance with preventive measures. Despite the fact that almost every adult has heard the name, even if everything is normal with the digestive organs, like the peptic ulcer of a stomach in a photo and video, and also what causes it can cause and how to determine its first symptoms,all. However, everyone can avoid meeting this insidious disease, to protect themselves from his troubles. For this, it is enough to know our enemy in person, so to begin acquaintance is best with watching the video, what an ulcer looks like, and then go on to a detailed story about it.

What is a stomach ulcer?

An ulcer or peptic ulcer of the stomach affects the mucous membrane of this organ. Its defects are formed in different places, can have different sizes. To consider a stomach ulcer it is possible on a photo which are made by doctors at survey of patients by means of special adaptations. Distinct pictures of the disease were obtained by examining the diseased organ using a gastroscopy during a gastroscopy. Also, an image or picture of the disease can be obtained by performing ultrasound, radiography. Looking closer to the photo of a stomach ulcer, it can be noted that this is a minor wound that exists on the inner surface of the organ. You should know that mucosal defects can appear in the area of ​​the duodenum or esophagus, and in the 12 duodenum they are more common than in the stomach about 4 times. An ulcerative defect can spread not only to the mucous membrane. Sometimes it affects the muscular tissues of the digestive system. If bleeding occurs, the patient's life may be in danger.

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Ulceration of the ulcer is present in our time very often. Many doctors call it a payoff for malnutrition and unhealthy lifestyle, which is inherent in some of today's people. Most of the patients receiving this diagnosis are people aged 20 to 50 years. These figures are very disturbing, since the disease affects those who are in the prime of life and can achieve their goals. Statistics say that every tenth inhabitant of our planet suffers from a gastric ulcer, but the male body is more likely to manifest it. The disease manifests itself as periodic exacerbations. Their peak falls on the autumn-spring season.

Causes of ulcer

An ulcerative gastric defect occurs when gastric juice has a harmful effect on the mucosa. The failure occurs when there is an imbalance between the gastric mucus and hydrochloric acid. Many factors or causes of gastric ulcers lead to this condition. It is noted that people who live with nervous overloads and unsystematic feeding patterns are at risk.

Note first the two most important causes of ulcers:

  • The destructive effect of the Helicobacter pylori bacterium on the mucous membranes of the stomach.
  • Increased acidity in the stomach, which has a disruptive effect on its mucous membranes.

In addition, the risk factors that cause the disease include:

  • nerve disorders;
  • smoking;
  • chronic gastrointestinal diseases;
  • heredity;
  • improper feeding;
  • long-term use of certain medications;
  • chemical poisoning;
  • alcohol abuse.

Symptoms of stomach ulcers

The tubercle of diseases of the digestive tract is sometimes so confused that it is only the doctor who can diagnose the diagnosis correctly after carrying out the diagnosis. However, it is worth at least in general terms to know the distinctive signs of peptic ulcer, in order to promptly seek help from the patient. This will relieve the complications that develop in those who do not take measures to eliminate the disease.

Symptoms of peptic ulcer are:

  • various painful sensations in the abdominal region, more often in the region of the stomach or epigastric region;
  • nausea immediately after eating, or on an empty stomach or 20 to 30 minutes after the meal is over;
  • heartburn;
  • vomiting is acidic or with blood;
  • loss of appetite;
  • sharp weight loss;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • constipation;
  • black chair.

These symptoms of ulcer disease can be noted by patients themselves. During the examination of the patient using special medical equipment, doctors call other symptoms of peptic ulcer:

  • internal adhesions;
  • perforation;
  • revealed bleeding.

In rare cases, there is an asymptomatic course of peptic ulcer. This manifestation of the disease can be noted at the beginning of its development. In addition, the absence of peptic ulcer symptoms occurs in the elderly, in those who consume a lot of alcohol, who take non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

The earlier on the basis of the observed signs the disease will be diagnosed, the faster it can be coped with, avoiding terrible consequences.

Diagnosis of peptic ulcer in a person

In order to diagnose a stomach or duodenal ulcer, a gastroenterologist should conduct a complex of diagnostic studies. It is also important to take into account the patient's testimony, the results of the examination and the analyzes received.

The most common method of diagnosing a stomach ulcer is esophagogastroduodenoscopy( EGDS).It is performed to detect ulcerative defects on the walls. Examination with the use of a gastroscopy allows you to determine the size of the available ulcers, their exact location of localization, the depth of the wound, the condition of the edges and bottom. The patient, if necessary, takes biological material for biopsy to draw conclusions about the presence or absence of malignant neoplasms.

X-ray examination of the stomach is a method of diagnosis, which is used not only to identify the disease itself, but also to determine the causes that caused it. Thus, when performing X-ray diagnostic studies, narrowing appears on the output part of this digestive organ.

It is equally important to conduct a complex of laboratory studies of feces, urine, blood. Carrying out the PCR will reveal the Helicobacter pylori DNA in the mucosal biopsy, the serological study of the blood - the antibodies to the previously mentioned microorganisms, and the Gregersen stool test - the latent blood in the feces. Sometimes patients are assigned respiratory tests, intragastric pH-metry, histological, bacteriological and other studies.

To exclude the presence of a medical error, the diagnosis of the disease is also carried out with the help of a study of other organs, since this disease is not isolated, but complicates the neighboring organs and systems. Differential diagnosis will distinguish the stomach ulcer from ailments that have a similar clinical picture.

Treatment of ulcers

Several mandatory components include treatment of peptic ulcer:

  1. sparing regimen and lifestyle changes;
  2. a strict diet recommended by a doctor;
  3. balanced nutrition;
  4. reception of medicines.

Treatment of ulcers with the use of medications is carried out only according to the doctor's prescription and after thorough diagnosis. To eliminate the symptoms of the disease and heal the defects, patients are assigned different groups of drugs. During the exacerbation of the disease can not do without the following tools:

  • Drugs to reduce the aggressiveness of gastric contents. Given the condition of the patient and the symptoms of the disease, one of the drugs may be prescribed: Maalox, Almagel, Vikalin, Almol, Topalcan and other antacids.
  • Drugs that inhibit the secretion of hydrochloric acid. This is Gastrotsepin, Platifillin, Metacin.
  • Preparations for blocking in the stomach of histamine receptors. Ranitidine, Topsid, Kwamatel allow to lower the level of hydrochloric acid in the stomach contents.
  • Drugs that can increase the protective properties of the mucosa( Venter, De-Nol, Solcoseryl, Duogastron and others).Traditional medicine recommends for the treatment of stomach ulcers in this case to use sea buckthorn oil.
  • Drugs to reduce the acidity of gastric juice. The most common are Lanzoprozole, Oneprazole.

For complete healing of wounds on the walls of the stomach, eradication of Helicobakter pylori is necessary. In this case, antibacterial therapy, the use of proton pump inhibitors and antimicrobial drugs will help.

As an additional method of treating gastric ulcer along with the use of drugs, physiotherapy can be used. Significant relief of the condition occurs when applying thermal procedures. Their appointment is strictly forbidden, if there are malignant formations.

Patients with peptic ulcer can be shown hydrotherapy, magnetotherapy, hyperbaric oxygenation. Even psychotherapy and electrosleep are useful and effective, if the cause of the development of the ailment were nervous upheavals, disorders.

Proper nutrition in gastric ulcer

It is very important to treat a diet or a diet with gastric ulcer. It depends not only on the fastest recovery, but also on the absence of further relapses. The main rule in preparing a diet is to include in the menu those products that can restore the gastric mucosa. It is also important to remove from your diet all foods, dishes, drinks that can cause an aggravation of the process.

To stop the disease, it is necessary to heal all the wounds that formed on the mucosa. In this connection, it is necessary to refuse the use of hot food, which is disastrous for the opened wounds. The same dangerous are for a sick person spicy dishes, fatty foods, spirits.

Food will be easier to digest and completely digest if taken in small portions. Patients with ulcerative gastric defects are recommended to restore their health to a crushed diet. Small portions of food are taken throughout the day at least 5 - 6 times.

In the first week after exacerbation of the disease, food should be taken only in liquid or gelatinous state, since large pieces, getting into the stomach, complicate the process of digestion of foods. Wiped soups, spicy cereal, compote, kissel, will become the main food at this stage of treatment. After 7 - 10 days you can add to your diet puree, steamed dishes from crushed meat and fish.

In the diet of the ulcer of some products should not be at all. This includes crude varieties of meat, fried foods, smoked meats, sausages, canned food, lard, mushrooms, ice cream, spices. To abstain during the exacerbation follows from rye bread, from eating baking.

Ulcer prophylaxis is not possible without following dietary guidelines. Want to be healthy, learn to eat wisely and not be nervous. Only this way you can cope with the insidiousness of peptic ulcer.

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