Cervical dysplasia of the 2nd degree

Dysplasia is a pathology characterized by abnormalities in the development of the tissues of an organ, dysplasia of the cervix of the 2nd degree - a disorder in the structure of the epithelium lining the cervix. According to statistics, this disease is quite common in women 18 to 35 years old, without proper treatment and monitoring the dynamics of changes, it can lead to serious consequences. It is worth considering the main causes of this pathology, possible symptoms and treatment of dysplasia.

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What?is this?

With dysplasia of the cervix, the development and structure of epithelial tissues is disrupted, usually changes affect the layers of the epithelium and the structure of its cells. On the second degree of the disease, changes usually affect one to two thirds of the layers of tissue. The second degree does not arise immediately, the pathology develops gradually from the first degree. Unlike the first, the second treatment can be much more difficult, there are already more or less pronounced symptoms.

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In itself, this condition usually does not provoke the development of any severe symptomatology and does not seem a big problem. However, dysplasia and erosion of the epithelium of the cervix increases the risk of developing tumors, including malignant ones. Often dysplasia of the cervix precedes the development of cancer and other severe pathologies.

The second degree of the disease is followed by the third, the heaviest, in which up to three-thirds of the layers of the epithelium are affected. The more neglected the disease, the harder it is to completely get rid of the pathology.

If you suspect a dysplasia of the cervix, you need to see a doctor - a gynecologist. However, it should be borne in mind that due to the almost complete absence of severe symptoms, this pathology is most often detected during the preventive examinations of a specialist. Therefore, the best prevention of the disease is a timely visit to the gynecologist for periodic examinations.

Important! In detecting first-degree dysplasia, the condition should be monitored for two years or longer in order to avoid the transition of this form to a heavier one.

Reasons for

The main factor provoking the development of this disease is the human papillomavirus, which usually occurs through sexual contact. Some strains of this virus lead to the development of erosion, dysplasia, can provoke the development of oncology.

Other factors that affect the development of dysplasia include the following:

  1. Unprotected sex, unhealthy sex life. The risk of developing this disease increases with unprotected contacts with a large number of different partners, with too early onset of sexual activity.
  2. Decreased immunity and general protective forces of the body. This cause of the disease depends on many factors, the immune system can be affected by malnutrition, unhealthy lifestyle, bad habits, lack of physical activity. Also, the lack of necessary vitamins and other useful elements may affect immunity.

Also, some experts note that the occurrence of pathology can affect the reception of unsuitable hormonal drugs, frequent medical interventions, especially those carried out with impairments. However, in any case, the disease does not begin to develop without infection with the human papillomavirus.

It should be noted that some strains of human papillomavirus have a greater oncogenic activity than others. Therefore, with possible infection and the appearance of signs of dysplasia of the cervix, a doctor examination is required.

Important! The development of erosion and similar pathologies may also be affected by untimely treatment of other diseases of the reproductive system.

Symptoms of

Very often this pathology occurs without the development of any symptoms, they can often be attributed to a certain phase of the menstrual cycle, the side effects of taking various hormonal medications. On the second degree of dysplasia of the cervix, the following signs of the disease may appear:

  • usual discharge, leucorrhoea, become more abundant, with no unpleasant odor or any symptoms of infection;
  • release of blood in small amounts after sexual contact, discharge during menstruation become more abundant;
  • with soreness appears painful, with menstruation discomfort becomes more pronounced.

However, it is worth considering that these symptoms are not specific, they can occur against the background of a normal condition or talk about a completely different disease. A full-fledged diagnostics is required, which will definitely help to establish the cause of this symptomatology.

Is dysplasia of the cervix of the second degree treated?

This pathology of the second degree can still go on independently after the body copes with human papillomavirus infection. In some cases, medical intervention is not even required in full, it is important only to support the woman's immune system.

A quarter of women, with the pathology of the second degree passes into a disease of the third degree, the condition worsens, the probability of degeneration of dysplasia in the tumor increases.


At this stage of the disease, the prognosis remains favorable, the likelihood of complete, self-healing is still high. However, the prognosis is favorable only with the constant supervision of the doctor, otherwise without therapeutic methods, dysplasia of the second degree can degenerate into a third.

The third stage of the disease is extremely dangerous for the woman's body. The probability of degeneration of epithelial disorders in cancer disease is up to twenty percent.

In pregnancy

The occurrence of this disease does not affect the bearing of the child, the health of the fetus, but the control of the condition is still needed to keep track of the dynamics of changes in time.

It is also worth remembering that due to hormonal changes in the body of a woman, a condition may appear that looks like a dysplasia of the cervix. Therefore, before the beginning of pregnancy, it is advised to undergo a full gynecological examination and to pass tests for the human papillomavirus. If at this stage, no pathologies are observed, then during pregnancy, additional control during the so-called pseudo-erosion is not required.

How to treat grade 2 cervical dysplasia?

First and foremost, it should be noted that surgical removal of the cervix with grade 2 dysplasia is not required in all cases. First and foremost, the necessary studies are carried out, they try to cope with the main cause of the disease - the human papillomavirus, after the disappearance of which the signs of dysplasia usually pass independently.

If the probability of degeneration of this pathology into an oncological disease is high, cervical biopsy for grade 2 dysplasia proves this, various local methods of treatment of the disease can be used. To date, most often laser treatment is used, in which laser excision of tissues affected by dysplasia occurs. Cauterization and surgical treatment are used much less often, because their effectiveness is lower, and the number of side effects is greater.

Vitamin-mineral complexes and other tablets are also used to help improve immunity and the state of the body as a whole. Without this aspect of treatment, the likelihood of recurrence of the disease increases.

Treatment of folk remedies for this disease is ineffective, folk drugs are better used to improve immunity, can use various decoctions and infusions based on strengthening healing herbs. Various syringing is extremely undesirable, since any interference with the vaginal microflora can provoke an accelerated development of dysplasia.

After the main treatment for the condition should be observed for several more years. In general, women who have been diagnosed with dysplasia or erosion are advised to pay more attention to the condition of the reproductive system, especially if a pregnancy is planned in the future.

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