Recipes of tasty and healthy dishes with stomach ulcer

Cooking with gastric ulcer is aimed at ensuring that the patient's body receives all the nutrients necessary for its life without overloading or irritating the stomach.

Correctly selected food for a stomach ulcer and recipes for healthy meals account for two-thirds of the success of a speedy recovery.

Therapeutic diet is aimed at accelerating the processes of regeneration of mucous membranes and normalization of digestion.

Recipes for dishes with gastric ulcer consist of only dietary products permitted by a doctor. As a rule, they prepare for a couple, cook or stew on water or milk.

Recipes for gastric ulcer are useful for the patient not only during exacerbation. To completely cicatrize ulcers and restore mucous walls, it is necessary to adhere to a diet for at least a year.

Patients, for the first time faced with an ailment, fall into despair from the need to limit their diet. Many people think that the dietary prescriptions for stomach ulcers are fresh, tasteless and monotonous.

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This common misconception is absolutely untrue. Dietary cooking is full of many everyday and festive dishes. Recipes for patients with stomach ulcers consist of the available products, quickly and easily prepared.

Recipes for peptic ulcer for breakfast

1. Porridge on water with apples

To prepare a delicious, quickly-assorted porridge you will need:

  • Half a cup of manga;
  • Two glasses with a quarter( 2.25) of hot water;
  • Two ripe sweet apples;
  • Honey and butter;

How to prepare a dish with a prescription?

  • Three on a large grated washed and peeled apples. We leave to stand in a plate, several times mixing the grated pulp. This is necessary to ensure that the iron contained in the fruits is released and made readily available. In this case, the microelement is easily absorbed by the body in large quantities, which is useful for stomach ulcers.
  • We cook on the water in the usual way;
  • We add fresh butter and honey to the finished porridge if there is no food allergy for this product. Otherwise, add sugar or water the finished dish with a sweet syrup. If the apples are sweet, then the dish can not be sweetened;
  • Add the apples to the porridge, beat the mixer to an airy and homogeneous consistency;
  • Food for an ulcer is served warm;

First courses

Recipes for gastric ulcer, especially in the phase of exacerbation, must be quickly absorbed and do not provoke excessive secretion. With this task, diet mucous soups prepared from rice, pearl barley, oatmeal are best cope.

1.Salt rice soup with meat

To prepare this dish, you must have:

  • Fig. - 20 grams;
  • One and a half glasses of water;
  • One third of a glass of milk;Beef - 100 grams;
  • Vegetable oil( better olive oil) - small spoon;
  • Half of a chicken egg;
  • A third of a small spoonful of butter;A pinch of salt;

Boil water, add washed rump, cook until ready. Through a fine sieve, wipe the broth and rice, add butter, stir. Boiled separately and chilled meat chop in a blender or a meat grinder. Mix the rice mashed puree with meat. Preheat the milk, but do not boil. Add the vegetable oil, half of the egg, rub everything. Pour the egg-and-milk mixture into the rice-meat soup, mix it, sprinkle a little. Serve the food cooked on a dietary recipe warm with wheat breadcrumbs.

2. Mucous soup from perlovka and milk

It is required:

  • Pearl barley 40 grams;
  • Two-thirds of a small spoon of peasant oil;
  • Three-fifths of a glass of milk;
  • One and a half glasses of water;
  • One fourth of a small spoonful of sugar;A pinch of salt;

How to cook a delicious dietary soup with a prescription?

1. Wash the pearl barley with water( hot, but not boiling);

2. Willing until it becomes soft;

3.Disconnect the sieve;

4.In the broth pour one fourth of milk, boil;

5. Remain the remaining milk with egg, season with a mixture of soup;

6. Put the salt, sugar, stir and warm the soup;

7. Before adding to the table, add oil;

Delicious recipes for stomach ulcers, desserts

1. Currant jelly

You will need:

  • 2 large spoons without a roller coaster of ripe currant;A half a small spoonful of sugar;One-tenth of a large spoonful of gelatin;

1. Squeeze the juice from the washed berries in the earthenware and put in the refrigerator;

2.Zhelatin soak in a large spoon of clean cold water for half an hour;

3. Sprinkle the cake with warm water, bring to a boil, cook for 10 minutes.

4. Add the sugar to the filtered broth, and stirring to warm, removing the foam;

5. Pour gelatin into the sugar-brewed broth, stirring until dissolved.

6.Add the juice of berries, stir, pour into forms, cool.

Dietary dish is served on the table as a dessert or a day's snack.

2. Recipe for snowballs

Ingredients of delicious treats for stomach ulcers for dessert:

  • One-fifth of white flour;
  • Three-fifths of a glass of milk;
  • Three and a half small spoons of powdered sugar;
  • 2 chicken eggs;

1. Eggs to cool, separate proteins from yolks;

2. Sour beans and whipped in foam;

3. Briskly boil, put the whipped mass into milk at minimum heating. Cook for five minutes. Snowballs get a noisy and spread on a plate.

4. Sauce: beat the flour with the remaining sugar and proteins, dilute the remaining milk after making snowballs and cook in a water bath until the consistency becomes thick.

5.Souce to cool, pour them snowballs, serve to the table.

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