List of products with stomach ulcer: food for peptic ulcer

A balanced diet and properly cooked food for peptic ulcer is one of the fundamental factors for successful recovery.

Useful products in gastric ulcer deliver minerals, vitamins and nutrients to the patient's body without injuring the mucous membranes of the body.

What to cook with a stomach ulcer, what to give preference?

The products that make up the daily diet are divided into six main food groups:

1. Milk and sour-milk products

Cow's milk, being the minimum causative agent of gastric secretion, was put by dieticians as the basis of a therapeutic diet. This natural drink will be the answer to the question: what products are possible with an ulcer.

  • Dairy soups, cereals, sour cream sauces, curd soufflé, casseroles, puddings are the best food for a stomach ulcer. After all, a full-fledged easily assimilable protein is useful for the organism both during the period of exacerbation and during a persistent remission.
  • Kefir, ryazhenka, varenets - sour-milk drinks, which head the list of products with ulcer, have biological value for the organism. Kefir is absorbed by the stomach three times faster than whole milk from which it was cooked.
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  • Live yoghurt, fermented from milk with strains of Bulgarian bacillus and streptococci, is able to suppress spiraling microorganism Helicobacter pylori, the main cause of ulcer disease.
  • Cream, sour cream - dairy products with high fat content. Food for gastric ulcer should not be high-calorie. Therefore, sour cream and cream are recommended to be added to sauces, cottage cheese, soups.
  • Cheese, although considered a fat product, but not at all contraindicated to those with an ulcer. Food containing in its composition a quarter of the protein, which is well absorbed because of the fact that during the aging of the cheeses, the amino acids are split.

2. Berries, fruit vegetables

Be sure to be included in the list of products with gastric ulcer. Vegetable food is a source of substances necessary for the body that can not be obtained from animal food.

Vegetables and fruits are rich in minerals, vitamins, ballast substances, not digestible:

  • Pectin, getting into the digestive tract, protects the mucous membranes of the stomach from poisons and toxins.
  • Fiber, promoting food, prevents constipation, removes cholesterol, promotes the development of beneficial intestinal microflora.

Vegetables occupying a leading position in the curative menu:

  • potatoes,
  • carrots,
  • leaf lettuce and celery,
  • zucchini,
  • pumpkin,
  • fresh dill and parsley.

Vegetable puree, stewed stew, boiled root vegetables - delicious and healthy dishes that can be cooked for self-serving on the table, or as a side dish.

White cabbage juice reduces pain and promotes mucosal healing. But the vegetable itself is not included in the approved list of foods with gastric ulcer. Stewed or sauerkraut strengthens the secretion of gastric juice, and the vegetable broth provokes discomfort in the inflamed organ. Only the inflorescence of cauliflower can be added to vegetable purée for the peptic ulcer.

  • Quince,
  • banana,
  • sweet apples,
  • viburnum, sea buckthorn, rosehips,
  • blueberries and strawberries

are berries and fruits that should be preferred, making up the daily food basket of a peanut.

3. Animal food for gastric ulcer

Young veal, poultry and rabbit meat, river and sea fish, chicken eggs are allowed products with stomach ulcers that help restore body strength.

Meat and fish food with ulcers, cooked on steamed, grilled, in the oven, cooked in a multivark.

Pork meat and fried foods are prohibited.

4. Bread and bread

The source of fiber, vegetable protein, vitamins, minerals.

With peptic ulcer of stomach recommended white wheat bread, baked yesterday or fresh, dried on the grill. Rye bread varieties that excite gastric secretion are prohibited by antiulcer diet.

Oatmeal, pearl barley, rice cereals - food for stomach ulcers, used for the preparation of mucous first dishes, irreplaceable in the diet of a patient during an exacerbation. Starch-protein mucus, released during cooking, does not excite secretion, does not cause intestinal peristalsis.

Crushed wheat or semolina is the ideal solution for the postoperative menu for ulceration, since it contains little fiber, is quickly absorbed.

Milk porridge, made from buckwheat, millet, wheat, barley, corn, will be a useful solution for breakfast or dinner. Kashi, cooked on the water, is a healthy and hearty side dish.

5. Fat-containing products for gastric ulcer

Vegetable and animal fat is a supplier of energy and the necessary cellular elements in the body tissues. The patient's food is allowed to include:

  • Vegetable oil, which has a lipotropic, laxative, choleretic effect, is a source of fatty polyunsaturated acids. Olive oil has a beneficial effect on the mucosa of the stomach walls. It is recommended by nutritionists for dressing salads and quenching food.
  • Butter, containing fat-soluble vitamins and carotene, it is recommended to add to the ready-made dishes in fresh form.

Salo, margarine, spread, mayonnaise are prohibited in the diet.

6. Sweets

Sugar, confectionery and flour products in the curative menu are of minimal biological and nutritional value.

An exception is honey, which contains in its composition a lot of useful substances necessary for the body for a speedy recovery.

  • Several pieces of dark chocolate( without flavors and food additives) during remission,
  • creamy caramel,
  • oatmeal and biscuit biscuits,
  • fruit mousses, jelly,
  • non-acid jam, jam,
  • pastille, marmalade, marshmallow, no dye-containing

- a list of foods with stomach ulcers, designed for desserts and delicacies.

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