Catarrhal ulcer of the stomach, its diagnosis and treatment

One of the most dangerous types of pathological lesions of the stomach is a callous ulcer. In fact, it is a non-healing open wound, the edges and bottom of which are covered with scar tissue. It practically does not give in to treatment, is constantly exacerbated and often acquires a malignant character, that is, it degenerates into a cancerous formation. According to statistical data, every third patient suffering from a callous ulcer is a potential patient of an oncological clinic.

Almost always the callous ulcer of the stomach is accompanied by not passing painful sensations, increased secretion, anemia( anemia), digestion and metabolism in the body. Exacerbations occur regardless of the seasonality and lifestyle of a person. Treatment of pathology with therapeutic agents does not bring any result, since the osmolar connective tissue scar is not able to regenerate the mucous membrane.

Diagnosis and treatment of callous ulcer of stomach

Sometimes it is possible to diagnose the presence of callous ulcers palpation. The disease manifests itself in the form of a small tumor located in the region of small curvature or the walls of the stomach. X-ray diagnostics reveals a crater-like niche with omozolle edges, which, when palpated, do not change their shape. Without fail, the clinic performs the procedure of fibroadastroduodenoscopy and biopsy of the edges of the affected area, which allows to determine the presence or absence of malignancy.

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In almost all cases, the treatment of callous ulcer of the stomach is carried out only by conducting an operation. Therapeutic measures, as a rule, do not bring tangible results, even if vascular drugs that improve the metabolic process in the affected cells are connected. Most gastroenterologists do not risk experimenting with medication, since there is a high probability of a cally ulcer in the stomach cancer.

To prevent the disease from becoming chronic, and later a callous form, preventive-therapeutic eradication therapy is carried out. It is based on the alternation of antiseretolitics and antibiotics. It is also extremely important to follow the diet and under the supervision of the attending physician to take reparants, which activate the process of regeneration of the mucous epithelium, speeding up the healing.

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