Treatment of gastric ulcer with herbs, herbs, juice and decoctions

The prophylactic treatment of herbal ulcers helps to prolong the remission of the disease and gives positive results at the first alarming signs of the disease. If you regularly take a course of phytotherapy, without waiting for a seasonal exacerbation, the course of the chronic pathological process will not be aggravated by new defects on the mucosa of the digestive organ.

Target collection of herbs in gastric ulcer not only normalize the acidity of the digestive juice, but also contribute to the scarring of small defects of the mucosal epithelium. If the ulcer does not bleed, and the pain sensations are moderate, the systematic use of curative decoctions prepared exactly with the recipe, can introduce the disease into a state of complete remission. The main thing in folk medicine is always a freshly prepared remedy.

Inflammatory necrotic areas in the layers of the epithelium of the digestive organ - this is the most serious complication that causes a stomach ulcer. The main goal of herbal treatment is to provide an astringent and enveloping effect in order to protect a very vulnerable mucous membrane from the negative effect of acidic environment.

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Depending on the anamnesis of the disease, phytotherapy with gastric ulcer can provide the following medicinal actions:

  1. Anti-inflammatory and spasmolytic effect.
  2. Antimicrobial activity against the bacterium Helicobacter pylori.
  3. Destruction and decontamination of toxic substances.
  4. Local protection, preserving the integrity of the mucosal epithelium.
  5. Restore the balance of vitamins and minerals in the body.
  6. Energetic support of epithelial cells, strengthening of immunity.

Most people believe that peptic ulcer is in all cases a consequence of excessive acidity. But a pathological factor may be the hedge of the glands, which produce hydrochloric acid in a small volume, as a result of which a decreased acidity is manifested. Depending on the level of acid in the digestive juice, it will be determined by what herbs to treat the stomach ulcer in each case. And it will be a completely different herbal raw material.

The development of the pharmacological market with highly effective medications did not affect the role of phytotherapy in the fight against the disease. In clinical practice, herbs from stomach ulcers are used both in the complex treatment of exacerbations, and apart from pharmacological drugs during remission to prevent complications and detoxify the body.

Treatment of gastric ulcers of aloe

The usual room aloe with gastric ulcer favors the prevention of the effects of taking synthetic medications and can act as an independent healing agent. Its most valuable therapeutic properties are in such qualities:

  • reduction of pain sensitivity;
  • antimicrobial effect;
  • inhibition of inflammation;
  • nutrition of epithelial cells;
  • tissue regeneration.

The presence of natural vitamins of groups B and C, as well as various nutrient compounds in the composition of aloe, allows to stimulate immunity, normalize the enzymatic composition of the digestive juice, and remove the final products of erythrocyte decay from the body. Treatment of aloe in times of aggravation of the disease prevents intoxication of the body, compensates for damaged and dead cells of the gastric mucosa, promotes cicatrization of ulcers.

In order to make the medicine itself, the leaves of a plant older than three years old are taken.14 days before the collection of raw materials, the aloe is stopped to water. Cut off leaves are wrapped in food film and kept in the cold for ten days. Further they will have to be crushed into gruel, and the mass prepared in this way must be eaten according to art.spoon - morning and evening before eating. Thanks to this treatment of ulcers with aloe juice, the walls of the stomach are covered with a protective film. You can squeeze the juice and manually through a cut of gauze. It is diluted 1: 1 with honey, and take 50 ml before meals.

Treatment of stomach ulcers with flax seeds

Scientific studies have shown that flax with gastric ulcer has the following list of medicinal properties:

  • in the seeds of the plant there is lecithin - a substance that delivers to the cells vitamins and nutrients that enhance the therapeutic effect of the drugs used;
  • regulates the acidity of the digestive juice;
  • protects the mucous epithelium by enveloping the effect;
  • optimizes the process of regeneration of ulcerative defects;
  • improves metabolism;
  • leads to normal intestinal peristalsis.

As a rule, flax seeds with gastric ulcer are used as a decoction. Due to the content of polysaccharides in plant grain, an enveloping effect occurs. Upon contact with water, the seed forms mucus, which protects the walls of the stomach from the negative effects of pathological factors.

To prepare this medicine measure 20 gr.seeds, which are placed in a container of glass or dishes with enamel coating. Flax seeds are poured with steep boiling water in an amount of 400 ml, covered with a dense lid and left overnight. Sutra will need to filter the infusion and begin taking 100 ml three times a day before meals. Therapeutic or preventive course is conducted 1,5-2 weeks, after which they pause for 4 weeks, and then continue along the same pattern.

Treatment of peptic ulcer chamomile

Camomile with gastric ulcer is a common medicine. The healing properties of this popular in medicine plant are explained by the presence of essential oil of chamazulene, organic substances - glycosides and biologically active compounds - flavonoids. Hamazulene provides a carminative and spasmolytic effect in the intestine, glycosides stimulate the healing of erosions, flavonoids have an anti-inflammatory effect.

The greatest number of organic substances is contained in the flowers of the plant, which are collected from June to August. Treatment with chamomile is always a long, mandatory is a methodical method of infusion, which is carried out for 3-4 months.

Recipe: 10 gr.inflorescences should be placed in a thermos bottle and pour 250 ml of freshly boiled water. To maximize the return and concentration of drugs, the infusion is left for 3 hours, after which it is filtered and 50 ml is drunk every 8 hours before meals.

Calendula - therapeutic properties of

Calendula with gastric ulcer can act as an independent medicine in the form of infusion, and enter into the composition of the stomach charges. The plant acts on the mucous epithelium very gently, but at the same time it provides a strong curative effect on the organs of the digestive tract. The infusion of calendula increases the protective functional of the body, eliminates inflammation of the mucosa and blocks the degeneration of damaged cells into atypical elements.

To make an infusion, measure 20 gr.inflorescences, which are poured in 250 ml of boiling water and puffed for 20 minutes. The mixture is poured through gauze and taken three times a day for 50 ml a quarter of an hour before meals. For 2 days, the medicine can be stored in the refrigerator.

Treatment of gastric ulcer with psyllium

A large plantain with stomach ulcer has the following effects:

  • wound healing
  • antibacterial
  • spasmolytic
  • anti-inflammatory

This is based on this herb treated peptic ulcer, which appeared precisely against the background of decreased acidity of the digestive juice. As a raw material, all the constituent parts of the plant are used.

Infusion of leaves or seeds is prepared in this way:

  • Dried grass is poured into a thermos and poured with boiling water at a rate of 1 tbsp.l.for 500 ml. The steaming time is 15 minutes.
  • The received volume is divided into equal parts and drunk for the day.

Juice of psyllium with an ulcer normalizes and gastric secretion.

Broth of dogrose for the treatment of stomach ulcers

In medicine, dog rose with stomach ulcer is a popular remedy. Such a demand was obtained by the fruits of their regenerating properties. They contain a lot of vitamins and organic substances.

Broth of dogrose with stomach ulcer is characterized as an excellent bactericidal drink. It has a beneficial effect on bowel motility and has a regulating effect on the secretion of digestive juice. The important point - for the preparation of broth or infusion, for the beginning it is recommended to remove the hairs present inside the berries, since they irritate the throat, esophagus and, accordingly, the mucous epithelium of the walls of the stomach.

  • Infusion of dogrose: for 0.5 liters of boiling water you need to take 10 berries and insist until morning in the thermos. The medicine is drunk before meals for 100 ml - in the morning and in the evening.
  • Broth: crushed berries 20 pieces, without hairs, but with seeds, because they contain essential oils and a lot of vitamins, pour 300 ml of water, then put on a water bath. The mixture is brought to a boiling state, languishes for 20 minutes, filtered and drunk in a warm form in the same dosage as infusion.

Chicory in stomach ulcer

Chicory roots are universally used for therapeutic purposes. The raw materials contain proteins, fats, extractive substances of chicoryin and inulin, tannins and vitamins of group B, C. In the form of chicory broth with gastric ulcer strengthens local protective functions and activates the development of useful microflora.

Collect raw materials only during the flowering period, remove the stems, and wash the root from the ground and grind. The broth is prepared in the proportion: 0.5 liters of water and 1 tbsp.l.powder. The mixture is boiled with a water bath for about 30 minutes. The cooled mixture is filtered. Reception of the given means is carried out in a warm kind.

Treatment of stomach ulcers with celandine

Most often it is the increased level of acidity of the digestive juice that leads to defects in the mucosa, and the celandine with gastric ulcer is able to neutralize hydrochloric acid for 30 min. Stems and roots of grass have antispasmodic, as well as anti-inflammatory effect. From the celandine prepare a decoction or squeeze the juice.

As for freshly squeezed juice, it must be diluted with water or milk, because in its pure form it aggressively affects the mucous membrane. On 1/2 cup of liquid drip only 5 drops, and take the solution 2-3 times a day for several minutes before eating. The duration of this phytotherapy is 10 days.

Grass celandine should be brewed only in dishes with enamel coating. A glass of boiling water is taken 20 gr.milled stems. The mixture should be in a water bath for 15-20 minutes. Drink strained and cooled liquid for 100 g for a quarter of an hour before a meal.

St. John's wort with ulcerous disease

St. John's wort, with ulcer of the stomach localizes attacks of heartburn and inflammation of the mucous, gives astringent effect. Essential oil of grass optimizes intestinal peristalsis, and also has an enveloping effect on the walls of the digestive organ, thereby protecting against the corrosive effects of hydrochloric acid. Its dosage should be prescribed only by the attending physician.

You can prepare an oil mixture at home. To do this, you need 250 ml of ground grass, which is poured into a container, which is pre-poured 500 ml of conventional sunflower oil or olive oil. Put the mixture in a water bath and boil for 6 hours. Next, the herbal remedy is filtered through cheesecloth, which is then taken according to Art.spoon( 17 g) before eating for 14 days.

Treatment of mint ulcers

Peppermint with gastric ulcer acts as an antispasmodic and regulates normal secretion. In the collections the plant goes with melissa and chamomile inflorescences. Pharmacological indicators indicate anti-inflammatory, soothing and analgesic properties of these medicinal herbs.

In order to make the infusion you need art.spoon of herbal tea, which must be poured into 250 ml of steep boiling water and steam for 45 minutes. Drink three times a day before meals of 30 ml. By the way, the treatment of folk recipes is always longer than with pills and other types of medications, and to make the procedure more pleasant, such an infusion can replace traditional tea by adding a little sugar in the drink.

Treatment of ostomy ulcers

A glass of well-washed oats is poured with a liter of ordinary drinking water and left to swell for 10-12 hours. Then put the mixture on a water bath and boil for half an hour. It is left to cool the broth, and filter through gauze.

Take oats with a stomach ulcer of 100 ml before each main meal. Heavy infusion envelops the inner mucous epithelium of the digestive organ and protects inflammation foci from the negative effect of acidic environment. Oat grain also improves metabolism. The drug can be drunk until the mucosal defects are completely healed.

Gold cures the stomach

In case of pain associated with peptic ulcer, it is recommended on an empty stomach immediately after waking up and before bedtime chewing the leaf or one joint of the stem of the golden mustache. Folk medicines based on plants relieve spasms and promote tissue regeneration.

In a complex application, tincture of propolis and golden mustache with gastric ulcer promote rapid scarring of defects and produce an antibacterial effect.

One-component tincture is prepared according to this recipe: 15 pieces of golden mustache are placed in a glass dark container and filled with alcohol or vodka. The vessel is placed for two weeks in a darkened cool place and every 2 days the liquid is shaken. Tincture is drunk for 1 tsp.before eating.

Kalina against ulcers

Kalina with gastric ulcer is taken only in a mixed form with honey. The proportions stand one to one - how much honey, as much and freshly squeezed fruit puree. This simple recipe effectively and helps with bleeding in the stomach.

To prevent seasonal exacerbations, you can prepare a pure infusion of berries. Take approximately 30 gr.fruits that pour 250 ml of boiling water and leave to infuse for 2-3 hours, carefully wrapped with a minimally air-permeable cloth. After the process of steaming, strain and squeeze the berries to give the juice. Take the drug 50 ml before meals 3 times a day. To make the drink more pleasant to taste, you can add a little honey.

Tea mushroom with ulcer

Useful qualities of tea fungus for the stomach:

  • activates the digestive process, by stimulating fermentation;
  • kills harmful bacteria.

But the high content of acetic, lactic and malic acid indicates that the tea fungus in the stomach ulcer can have an even greater negative effect on the affected mucosa. That is why this drink is useful only at a low acidity of the digestive juice, and only if there are no defects in the mucosal epithelium.

Tar for the

ulcer People's healers have long treated the tar and gastric ulcers with tar at the following rate:

  • 1 drop of pure birch tar is dripped into a slice of a refined sugar or a teaspoon of sugar;
  • the medicine is swallowed on an empty stomach and washed down with a small amount of ordinary water;
  • the next morning sugar interferes with two drops of the drug, and so continue two weeks, adding one drop every day;
  • on day 15 the scheme should go to loss, that is, daily take 1 drop of tar, and so until 28 days.

Chaga and ulcer

Preparations in which the chaga mushroom is present, with gastric ulcer normalize acidity, improve peristalsis, relieve spasms.

The following infusion contributes to the scarring:

  • The mushroom is poured with boiled water 25 ° C, so that it completely drowns.
  • After 6 hours, the chaga is removed and ground.
  • The water in which the fungus was urinating is heated to 60 degrees.
  • 5 parts of water take 1 part of the ground mushroom, the components are mixed and left in a cool and darkened place to infuse for 48 hours.
  • The resulting infusion is filtered off.
  • Take before meals at a frequency of 4 times a day for 50 ml for 2 weeks.
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