Protex-TM: form, instructions for use, price, analogues, reviews

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Skin lesions, accompanied by the release of purulent exudate and requiring regular cleaning of the wound surface from necrotic tissues, with long-term healing require thorough care. Frequent and careful removal of pus and dead skin particles can be replaced with modern napkins that provide both cleanliness of the wounded skin and contribute to an early regeneration process. This was achieved by Russian scientists in the development of progressive dressings with wound healing Protex-TM, which have many advantages over analogues offered in the market.

Indeed, it is the Protex-TM wipes that guarantee the acceleration of the healing process, eliminate the current inflammation and at the same time the healing time is significantly reduced: in comparison with the standard methods of treating wound surfaces with pronounced tissue necrosis and purulent exudate, these dressings reduce the period of complete cure of 2.5times - this is evidenced by medical statistics and the experience of those who have already used napkins in the treatment of purulent, long-lasting non-healing wounds. We will consider today the instruction on the use of napkins Protex-TM, prices, analogues cheaper and reviews about bandages.

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Features of the preparation

Represents a unique in action and easy-to-use means for the care and treatment of affected skin surfaces with the release of pus, the wetting surface and tissue necrosis, Protex-TM wipes have proved to be an effective method of removing inflammation and cleaning the wound. Stimulation of skin regeneration processes allows using them even when the wound has a significant surface and is difficult to treat.

Having a complex effect, Protex-TM wipes remove the inflammatory process, ensure the purity and dryness of the affected skin, without affecting healthy skin areas and without causing an allergic reaction. Use of such napkins is very simple, and the duration of their action makes it possible not to perform frequent dressings, which additionally injure the skin.

Composition of napkins Protex-TM

Features of the composition of the top coating of napkins ensure their high degree of efficiency. Anti-inflammatory effect is guaranteed by the complex use of drugs that stop pathological processes on the wound surface, eliminating the active allocation of purulent masses.

The composition of the coating of napkins Protex-TM includes the following main active components:

  1. The presence of trypsin in the top coating of napkins provides rapid dissolution of necrosis, as well as accumulated purulent masses, while the antiallergic nature of this chemical element allows us to talk about the possibility of using such napkins evenvictims with a pronounced tendency to allergic reactions.
  2. A substance such as mexidol , or an analog of vitamin B, accelerates the regeneration of injured tissues without causing addiction to it and ensuring a quick effect. It is most important for weakened people, with large areas of skin wounds, and also with a pronounced progression of the pathological process, which involves an increasing amount of healthy skin. Mexidol is also a powerful antioxidant, which stimulates all metabolic processes in cells, accelerating their regeneration and healing. In Protex-TM napkins this substance is presented in the most easily digestible form, which provides an excellent effect for any severity of tissue damage.

With the use of Protex-TM napkins, it is noted that other anti-inflammatory agents can be used that provide early healing of the wound surface, its timely purification from the secreted fluid and the removal of necrosis.

About where and at what price you can buy swabs Proteoks-TM in the pharmacy, we will tell below.

Varieties and cost

Today on sale there are several varieties of such napkins. They have the same composition, they have the same effect, but they can have different sizes, which determines the convenience of choosing a variant of such a napkin for a particular case.

  • The most popular napkins are 10x10 cm , which cleans well the wound surface, stops necrotic processes, without injuring healthy tissue. The absence of an adhesive layer makes it possible to exclude any contact with a reactive substance, which can cause an allergic reaction with increased sensitivity of the skin.
  • Also available are napkins sizes 15x15 cm, 7x7 cm .They are packed in cardboard boxes, on which there is information about the manufacturer of the product and its purpose.

The cost of such napkins can vary from different vendors, on average, their price ranges from 190 to 340 rubles per package.

Pharmacological action of

Two active components of Protex-TM wipes ensure their high efficiency even with a large lesion area. This is ensured by a balanced number of them, the absence of allergenic chemical elements in the composition. Mexidol, having an antioxidant effect, stimulates the rapid recovery of tissues, preventing the aggravation of inflammation, which allows talking about the possibility of a speedy recovery.


Thanks to the balance of the therapeutic formula with the use of therapeutic absorbent napkins Protex-TM, it becomes possible to restore the wound surface as soon as possible, to eliminate the inflammation process due to the rapid penetration of active substances into the tissues.

For deep wounds, to better penetrate the napkin coverings, gently move it to the inside of the wound and from the top, also fix it with one more napkin.

The pharmacokinetics of Protex-TM with trypsin and mexidol are described below.


Active components of napkins( mexidol and trypsin) actively break down protein chains, which allows dissolving necrotic tissues that interfere with the healing process. Removal of residual particles of active components occurs through the kidneys, but the penetration rate is low, because this does not affect the general well-being of the victim.


To the indications for the use of napkins Protex-TM can be attributed to a variety of lesions and injuries of the skin accompanied by the formation of a significant amount of purulent exudate and the current inflammatory process. In this case, the lesion area does not matter, since several napkins of a standard size can be used in parallel.

Indications for the use of napkins with antibacterial coating include the following skin conditions:

  • inflammatory and purulent processes on the skin;Bedsores of various degrees;
  • phlegmon;
  • abscesses;
  • trophic and diabetic ulcers.

Instruction for use

  • Use of napkins Proteox-TM begins with a preliminary washing of the wound surface. This allows you to dissolve necrosis, reduce the amount of pus secreted and facilitate access to tissues that are damaged to the active substances of the napkin coating.
  • You should also impregnate the wipes themselves with any disinfectant that activates the active ingredients of the formulation. It can be miroystim, chlorhexidine. It is not recommended to use hydrogen peroxide or potassium permanganate as a disinfectant to prevent drying of the wound surface.
  • Next, the napkin is put on the wound with an active substance, with a large area of ​​damage, several such napkins can be used. They do not require attachment to the body, perfectly retaining due to moisture.

The duration of this napkin is not less than 48 hours, while the degree of effectiveness of active substances does not decrease.


Contraindications include individual intolerance to any of the active substances of napkins and the occurrence of an allergic reaction.

Side effects of

To date, adverse events with the use of napkins Protex-TM was not noted.

Special instructions

  • The use of anti-inflammatory napkins Protekos-TM can be performed both during pregnancy and lactation, as active substances do not penetrate into the blood and into the mother's breast milk.
  • In childhood, it is also possible to use such napkins to accelerate the healing of wound surfaces of any localization.

Interaction with other medicines

The use of napkins with antiseptic preparations allows to accelerate the healing process of wounds and ulcers, because such joint application can be recommended for a large area of ​​damage or with a long course of the pathological process.

Reviews of Proteox-TM with bedsores are given below.


The use of napkins Protex-TM can be quite versatile, depending on the type of skin damage. However, many victims noted their high efficiency even with the advanced stages of the current inflammatory process. Relatively low cost combined with ease of use provides a high level of demand for napkins, and the absence of side effects in their use allows you to assign them even to people with particularly sensitive skin.

Many people note the duration of the therapeutic effect of napkins: during 48 hours of continuous exposure, under the condition of their constant humidity, the health effect is observed. This makes it possible to avoid frequent dressings of purulent wounds.


Similar to its action and purpose, it is possible to include bandages with adsorbing properties of Biatin, which are also affordable and have a pronounced effect on soaking and long-term healing ulcers and wounds on the skin.

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