Diet with proctitis and nutrition with constipation

A diet with proctitis is a very important part of the treatment. In the event that the certain principles of a diet are observed, the opportunity of considerable simplification of a course of illness is given.

With proctitis with constipation, the peristalsis is weakened, and the tone of the large intestine also decreases. Without fail, the menu includes products containing high-fiber food fibers. Due to the fact that they contain pectin, cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, it is possible to activate the process of stool motion, which normalizes emptying and intestinal peristalsis.

Fruits and vegetables contain a large amount of fiber that will help in the process of digesting food. However, it is worth remembering that eating with proctitis should only be boiled or grated. This is due to the fact that the intestinal wall can be traumatized by their coarse plant fiber. If you steam a couple or boil water - then this will be the best way of cooking.

Regarding the consistency, the food should be wiped, liquid or semi-liquid. An important aspect is the timely use of food while respecting the diet. Daily intake of salt with a diet should not exceed 10 g.

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Diet with proctitis with constipation

In a diet with a proctitis, first of all, foods with a high content of vitamins and minerals are prescribed. As a light laxative, bread of coarse grinding, black and with the addition of wheat bran. To activate the peristalsis fruit and vegetables will help in raw form, for example, sauerkraut and white cabbage, beets, turnips, pumpkin, lettuce.

Also in the case of proctitis with constipation, the use of figs, bananas, dried apricots, mandarins, oranges, prunes, black currants, apples, blackberries, viburnum and blueberries is recommended. If there is no intolerance, then the use of lemonade, herring, dill, fruit drinks, parsley is allowed in the diet.

For moderate irritation of the intestines with a diet good for honey, jams and juices from fruits and vegetables in a diluted state. It is possible in the morning to drink a glass of raw water with the addition of lemon and 10 g of sugar.

Mineralized waters are very effective at proctitis. The same effect has compotes and kissels. It should be noted that sufficient fluid intake is required.

What can not be eaten with proctitis?

First of all, products that enhance the secretory function of the digestive glands, as well as fermenting and putrefactive processes are excluded.

It is forbidden to include foods such as: high-quality wheat flour, strong teas, spices, various sharp, roasted and smoked dishes, chocolate, legumes, rice and mango porridge in the process of dieting with proctitis with constipation. Also, do not eat chocolate, garlic heads, rich broth, radish and peppers.

You must never switch on the food when you are on the proctitis:

  • Confectionery and pastry.
  • Fatty meat and fish varieties.
  • Canned, salted and marinated products.
  • Vegetables that have not been processed.
  • Sausages.

Regarding dessert dishes as part of the diet, berries and fruits that are not processed, ice cream and creams are completely excluded.

The diet for proctitis should be made only by the attending physician. Independent treatment can lead to a different kind of complications, so when the first signs of the disease is immediately call a specialist.

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