Adhesives from smoking: popular brands, the principle of action, reviews, price

The average smoker tries to get rid of nicotine addiction 5-7 times until he gets it or he does not come to the conclusion that all attempts to stop smoking are useless. Nicotine addiction has a strong psycho-physiological basis, and therefore there are many ways to combat it. One of the most popular methods is the use of nicotine patches.

Antinicotinic plasters from smoking

The wide use of nicotine patches was given about three decades ago. This method is based on a transdermal therapeutic system, i.e., percutaneous administration of a drug substance. The use of the patch promotes a gradual reduction in the number of cigarettes smoked, which subsequently makes it much easier to completely stop smoking.

As a matter of fact, the adhesive patch replaces the cigarette smoker, therefore the failure process proceeds without stress and characteristic nicotine breaking. Of course, to get rid of dependence, a smoker should have a strong desire for this, and a plaster, like a pill of smoking, only helps to speed up the process of failure and make it less painful.

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How the

works Any anti-smoking plaster contains pure nicotine on its surface, which, when adhered to the body, penetrates through the skin pores. This greatly reduces the craving for cigarettes, because the body receives small doses of nicotine from the patch. This phenomenon helps to cope with the physical nicotine addiction.

After sticking the patch, the nicotine content in the bloodstream gradually increases, reaching a maximum value after 6 hours. But such a nicotine is not able to contact proteinaceous blood particles, therefore, there is no pathological effect in this case. Therefore, anti-nicotine patches are considered completely safe for the smoker's organism. But once again, the nicotine patch helps to cope with the dependence on smoking only if the smoker has a strong desire and goal to get rid of this addiction.

On average, nicotine patches are recommended for use during the 8-week period, however, the final duration of the course is determined by the type of patch, the experience of the smoker and the characteristics of his body.
On the video on the principle of the action of antinicotic patches:

Side effects and contraindications

Sometimes the use of a patch can trigger the occurrence of adverse reactions. This phenomenon often occurs at the very beginning of the course of treatment and is associated with the incorrect application of the technique, when the smoker pastes several patches at once or combines the wearing with smoking of a large number of cigarettes.

All this leads to an overdose of nicotine, which as a result causes:


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  • Sleep disorders;
  • Excessive cheerfulness;
  • Changes in some mental processes, especially memory.

Sometimes, adverse reactions manifest as allergies, which usually occurs because of the individual intolerance to the active substances of the patch.

Not every smoker can use this technique.

Manufacturers have determined the spectrum of contraindications, according to which it is forbidden to use an antinucotin patch:

  • Pregnant. Present on the surface of the plaster nicotine is invisible to an adult, but it can have a very negative effect on the fetus. However, specifically for pregnant women there are non-nicotine patches, the possibility of using which a woman needs to consult with a specialist. For the same reasons, the use of such patches in lactating women is not recommended.
  • It is not recommended to use antinicotine patches in cores, especially those who were hospitalized during the previous month for cardiovascular disease such as myocardial infarction, stroke, angioplasty or coronary artery bypass grafting, with unstable angina or uncontrolled hypertension.
  • Since the experience in the use of minors is very limited, the appointment of such a technique to such patients should be individualized. In general, the use of a patch by teenagers is not recommended.
  • Care should be taken to prescribe antinicotinic patch to people who have pathologies like ulcerative lesions of the digestive tract, kidney or liver failure, etc.
  • With extreme caution, antinicotinic patches should be used by diabetics, sometimes such patients may require a correction of insulin therapy.
  • Specialists do not recommend the use of such plasters to persons who have pheochromocytoma( adrenal tumor) or hyperthyroidism( hyperthyroidism of the thyroid gland).

Instructions for use and general recommendations of

Apply the adhesive patch to the skin on the outer area of ​​the shoulders or thighs. These locations are most preferable because large vessels are located in these zones, which allows bioactive elements to be absorbed more quickly into the bloodstream. Before applying the patch, the area of ​​the skin should be thoroughly washed and wiped, after getting rid of the vegetation so that contact with the skin is better.

It is necessary to remove the protective layer from the plaster and attach it to the skin, pressing it for a couple of seconds. One patch works for 18 hours, and at night the patch is better to remove, so that the body rested from the arrival of nicotine. This is an important condition for anti-nicotine therapy - the body must get used to the existence without cigarettes during the day and without nicotine at night.

Advantages and disadvantages of

The advantage of nicotine patches is ease of use, invisibility to others.

The lack of anti-nicotine patches can be considered a rather slow therapeutic effect, the lack of development of movements that replace the gestures of the smoker. In addition, when using the patch, there is passive smoking, so the risk of resumption of nicotine dependence is very high.

Which is better?

Today you can find on sale nicotine patches of many manufacturers.

The most popular and widespread among the population are anti-nicotine patches:

  • Nicorette;
  • Chinese and American plaster;
  • Stop smoking;
  • Niktivin;
  • Protab;


The producer of these nicotine patches is the German-Swedish company Johnson and Johnson. According to the Russians, the plaque Nicorette increases the chances of getting rid of nicotine dependence by 90%.The patch is stuck for 16 hours. The therapeutic course is designed for 3 stages, with the onset of the next stage, the dosage of nicotine in the patch is reduced.

This kind of cunning allows the smoker's body to gradually get out of smoking, which minimizes the likelihood of re-development of dependence. The average cost of a plaster from smoking is about 640-760 rubles.(packing of 7 pieces).

Chinese plaster or Stop smoking

Chinese antinicotine patches are a sticky tape reminiscent of a regular adhesive plaster, only on its lower part are active substances, which provide a therapeutic effect.

Among the active ingredients there are many natural components like:

  • Mint;
  • Licorice root;
  • Carnations;
  • Tobacco.

The manufacturer of such patches is the Chinese company "Zhongbang Pharma-Tech".Chinese antinicotinic patches are sold per piece, the average price of one plate is about 47-102 rubles.


Nictivin transdermal system can be of several sizes - from 7 to 22 cm², which differ in the amount of nicotine penetrating through the skin. The duration of dependence treatment is about 3 months. The size of the adhesive to be glued is calculated in accordance with the number of cigarettes smoked per day and nicotine experience.

The average price of Nicotine nicotine patches is about 320-460 rubles.for packing.


Protab plaster manufactured in China, unlike the other TTS, do not contain nicotine components, and the main active substance is sonikotinel. The duration of treatment is about 3-10 weeks in accordance with the degree of dependence.

The average price is about 315-440 rubles.for a pack of 7 patches.

Reviews of narcologists and smokers

Narcologists comment on nicotine patches as a very effective method of fighting nicotine addiction, however, when using this TTS, there must necessarily be a strong desire of the smoker himself to defeat dependence. Due to the low content of nicotine in patches when applied to the skin, patients constantly receive microscopic nicotine doses, which reduces the desire to smoke.

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