What can you eat after diarrhea, diet and nutrition after diarrhea, what to eat and how to eat an adult after an upset stomach?

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The main goal of a diet prescribed by a specialist after severe diarrhea is the normalization of the intestinal microflora and the restoration of enzymes in the shortest possible time. Thanks to this, the intestinal walls again begin to fully digest food and suck liquid, and the patient's chair becomes formalized. Often, people who suffer from a stomach disorder are asked a question about what to eat after diarrhea, and how to eat right in the early days. With this pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, patients are usually assigned a dietary table number 4.It helps to remove irritation from the mucosa of the digestive organs, as well as to reduce the putrefactive and fermenting processes in them. All the food that a sick person will eat, cooks for a couple or boils. For adults, you can apply and the way of baking, but you should make sure that there is no ruddy brown.

Eating after diarrhea also provides for grinding of prepared foods to a puree state. There is a person who has had diarrhea, only in a liquid and semi-liquid form. This minimizes the mechanical effect on the intestinal wall and facilitates digestion. The diet after a stomach upset in the first 2 days should be the most sparing. A patient who has suffered diarrhea can eat grated rice soup, unsweetened crackers and puddings cooked for a couple. Recommended also for baked omelets. The basis of nutrition should be porridge, which are welded on the water. From cereals in the diet menu rice, semolina and buckwheat. About what is after a stomach upset, usually every adult person is individually told by the attending physician, since all patients have their own physiological characteristics, and also may be intolerance of any products.

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What can I eat after diarrhea?

All doctors, giving advice that there is during diarrhea to adults, always recommend products that include tannins. This refers to green tea and black currant juices, blueberries, mountain ash and dogwood. It is due to these drinks that there is an anti-inflammatory and astringent effect on the internal walls of the intestine. If diarrhea is not very severe, it can stop on its own with the action of such drinks. The only condition is that after a severe diarrhea you should drink them on an empty stomach, half an hour before a person starts eating. Disorder of the digestive tract in this case in adults stops quickly enough. In addition, to restore the normal functioning of the digestive organs as soon as possible, you need to listen to the following recommendations:

  • To restore the intestines after a severe diarrhea, jelly and kissels from berries and fruits of non-acidic varieties are excellent. Starting from 2-3 days after the onset of improvement, adults can eat and steam cutlets, which are made from dietary meat or low-fat fish;
  • You should eat a medicinal soup. He has proved himself very well in nourishing patients with diarrhea. Preparing a dish of cereals, which are well boiled in a vegetable broth;
  • In the first and second meals to a person after severe diarrhea, it is undesirable to add sweet pepper and cabbage. Do not eat pearl barley and millet;
  • The diet for diarrhea also involves eating foods with high protein content. Cook for this is recommended boiled chicken breasts and cottage cheese;
  • To restore strength and balance of intestinal microflora after diarrhea for 2 weeks, it is recommended to eat natural yoghurts that contain live bacteria;
  • Within 2 weeks after the liquid stool has stopped, the usual bread should be replaced with white bread crumbs. Black bread should be included in food not earlier than 10 days after the diarrhea ended;
  • Also, with diarrhea, it is recommended to eat baked fruits without skin( pears, apples and apricots).Carrots have a good effect on the restoration of the gastrointestinal tract.

In addition to all of the above, the diet after diarrhea can be expanded by adding soft-boiled eggs, pasta and baked potatoes to the ration. During this period, you can safely eat and porridge, cooked with the addition of diluted milk. All food should be consumed salted, as this helps to retain water in the body. But it is impossible to overdo it with salt, since this prevents the absorption of potassium from the products. Dietary diet after diarrhea should be kept for at least a week, and then you can eat the usual menu. Only to do this should be gradually, so that the intestine could adapt. Do not forget that the drinking regime, despite the fact that the diarrhea has passed, should still remain for some time, as the body needs replenishment of the fluid lost with the recent watery excrement.

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