Frequent urination and dark urine with diarrhea

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Frequent urination is noted in both men and women, but if there are no abnormalities in sensations, this can be normal. After all, about thirty percent of the population noted this fact. However, if there are signs of burning, burning, then it is necessary to search for the causes of pathology, especially if accompanied by a disorder of the stool. Frequent aspirations for deurination can be triggered:

  1. Chronic renal failure, in which killing of kidney cells occurs.
  2. Infection with pathogens of the urethra, ureters and bladder.
  3. Diseases of cystitis, diabetes, nephrolithiasis.
  4. Heart failure.

Sometimes frequent urination is combined with diarrhea. Provocators of diarrhea are the same chronic diseases, which are characterized by frequent desires for deurination. It's about diabetes, in which such symptoms are possible.

When pregnant or before the menstrual cycle in women, it is also possible to combine diarrhea and frequent urination. The causes of such phenomena are:

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  • relaxed muscles of the vagina;
  • irritable bowel syndrome;
  • is an intestinal disorder caused by hormonal failures.

In pregnancy, the increased size and weight of the uterus, press on the bladder, and simultaneously acts relaxing on the sphincter of the anus. When ascertaining the cause of these manifestations, the doctor comes to each person purely individually. First of all, it is determined whether desires end with deurination, or everything is limited to them only. It then determines how much urine is allocated for each act. The danger of frequent urination and diarrhea is the possibility of rapid dehydration of the body. After all, diarrhea, regardless of the causes of its causes, contributes to the removal of nutrients from the body and fluid, which was supposed to participate in metabolic processes.

Diarrhea and dark urine are extremely troubling symptoms. Dry mouth, nervousness, depression, impaired orientation and dark urine indicate the onset of the dehydration process. If urgent measures are not taken to eliminate diarrhea, the consequences will be very serious, up to a lethal outcome. People suffering from rapid deurination, and if there is chronic diarrhea, it is necessary to control consumption and discharge of fluids. From the diet it is desirable to exclude products with diuretic action and irritatingly affecting the intestinal mucosa.

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