The incubation period of gastroenteritis, how long is it?

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Gastroenteritis of the viral type begins with nausea and vomiting, later there is diarrhea, the temperature reaches 37.5-38 degrees. The incubation period of gastroenteritis lasts from two hours to two days. Usually the disease passes for a day or two.

The first symptom of rotavirus gastroenteritis is usually vomiting, most often a single vomiting that ends on the same day. Later, diarrhea begins with yellow or greenish stools, watery or foamy, sometimes with mucus inclusions. In an easy stage of the disease, diarrhea is manifested 1-2 times a day, in more severe - reaches twenty or more times, causing severe dehydration. Aching or cramping pains are felt around the epigastrium. The incubation period lasts from 15 hours to 5 days. A considerable loss of strength is felt. The temperature rarely exceeds 37.5 degrees and does not happen in all patients.

The incubation period of parvovirus gastroenteritis is usually 2-3 days. The disease is characterized by weakness, swelling of the intestines, nausea and vomiting, can be accompanied by dizziness and muscle pain. Diarrhea is rare, the pain is weak or not felt at all.

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With a bacterial type, the temperature can reach 39 degrees. The chair is not plentiful, sometimes with painful urges, the contents contain impurities of mucus and blood, indicating a damage to the large intestine. Vomiting happens quite rarely, there are pains in the abdomen in the form of fights. The incubation period of bacterial gastroenteritis lasts from two days to a week.

In the lesion caused by salmonella, the incubation period of gastroenteritis lasts from 12 hours to 24 hours after the use of contaminated products. The disease manifests itself by a sharp rise in temperature, headaches. Later, there is nausea, epigastric pain and vomiting, in the contents of which an admixture of bile is found. Then diarrhea begins and there is a rumbling in the abdomen. The disease often causes severe dehydration.

Staphylococcal gastroenteritis differs in cuts in epigastrium and frequent attacks of vomiting. Diarrhea happens rarely. The disease can last from one to three days. By the end of the first day, the patient usually feels better.

When the disease is mild, painful manifestations last from 1 to 3 days, more severe - can be felt for a week. Most often the disease lasts for a short time and ends with a quick recovery.

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