Cyst of the pancreas - treatment, surgery to remove, how to treat?

Pancreatitis is often complicated by additional diseases. One of them is the cyst of the pancreas, whose treatment is hampered by genetic disorders in the organ( and the entire body).The number of findings increased with the emergence of new diagnostic methods( tomography, magnetic resonance and computer, ultrasound).

Pancreatitis is complicated by capsules with a liquid in 18%, the remaining cases are caused by trauma, require surgery. A fifth of patients are cured by folk methods or spontaneously. The remaining patients are discomforted pancreas cyst, the operation of which was considered the only solution( drainage).The operation is considered difficult, threatens with peritonitis, abscesses of the abdominal cavity, suppuration, bleeding.

Pancreas removal of the pancreas

In eighty cases, doctors recommend removal of the pancreatic cyst, warning of possible consequences. The complexity of surgical intervention in the treatment process forced us to look for new methods. The output was several methods that do not require the opening of the skin( operation):

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  • skin drainage - must be combined with organ monitoring with ultrasound( or X-ray)
  • puncture through the skin with aspiration - made with a needle under ultrasound control

In both cases anesthesialocal, the capsule is punched by a needle of 1.7 mm, the contents are evacuated. The canal of the puncture is bougied, they put a three-millimeter drainage. The drawback of the method is the danger of injury to border organs, the communication of the abdominal and internal space. Eliminate the lack of contrast, when the patient drinks a glass of barium sulfate, which makes it possible to clearly distinguish neighboring organs.

Treatment of pancreatic cysts

Safe removal of cysts on the pancreas may not always be, therefore, gastroenterologists recommend decoctions and infusions of herbs. More often used podsarnik, mullein, yarrow, sweet clover, burdock. All of them are taken by the patients before eating, the broths are defended, they are used strained. The dosage is a tablespoon. The complex method uses the folk prescription:

  • celandine, calendula, yarrow in the same parts insist 120 minutes( month of treatment 50 grams per day)
  • after the end of the previous treatment, immediately begin a new one - calendula, plantain( arrows), tansy according to the previous recipe, but six monthscontract

Slows the growth of capsules with liquid infusion of bean pods, stigmas of corn, leaves of strawberries, blueberries and cowberries. A half-month course is safe for any age, a break is equal to the term of treatment, which is repeated many times.

Operations for pancreatic cysts

When it comes to removing the pancreatic cyst, the first thing to choose is a method of surgical treatment. It depends on its size, and location. Radical conservative surgery - resection of the pancreas - is carried out in a place affected by a cyst. To treat this way it is possible, provided that the neoplasm has a relatively small size and is inherently true. In this case, the location of the tumor should be in the pancreas, called the distal.

If the neoplasm is recognized as a pseudocyst, this surgical procedure can not be performed, because the outer part of such formations is formed by nearby internal organs. To operations of a drainage character resort in cases of occurrence on organ of a special type of novoobrazovanija - pseudocysts. If it is in the caudal part of the organ, then cystogastrostomy is done. In cases of small tumors, treatment of the pancreas cyst is performed by transduodenal cystoduodenostomy. It is carried out with the formation of a tumor in the head of the organ. If there is a gap and there is a possibility of a purulent peritonitis, spend marsupialisation. This is draining with the help of sewing it to the peritoneum. To this type of operation is extremely rare.

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