Astroblastoma: causes and symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

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Headache can be a signal of many diseases. If the pills that are intended to relieve pain do not help, the phenomenon becomes chronic, then a test for the possible appearance of a brain tumor should be performed.

What is astroblastoma

In the brain there are malignant formations. If the basis for their appearance was the mutating glial cells, then this pathology is called astroblastoma.

The tumor develops and cramps the structure of the brain. Rarely gives metastases.

Astroblastomas are distinguished in different degrees of differentiation, which corresponds to their characteristic of malignancy.

There are blastomas:

  • anaplastic,
  • highly differentiated,
  • moderately differentiated,
  • is low-differentiated.

The higher the pathology is, the more the patient hopes for a good prognosis. Such tumors have a clear boundary.

Causes of tumor

Why there is a failure in the genetic structure of brain cells, and they begin to randomly multiply, there are no exact causes.

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The pattern of the appearance of the disease and some of the attendant factors is noted:

  • the presence of a virus in the patient, capable of initiating tumor processes;
  • presence of malignant formations in the body,
  • frequent excessive intake of alcohol,
  • adverse heredity,
  • the patient suffers from one of the diseases that can cause genetic disorders;
  • if you have to come in contact with harmful chemicals,
  • increased dose of ionizing radiation.

Symptoms of

Symptoms of the disease manifest themselves in different ways. This depends on the localization of the problem:

  • Tumor in the frontal lobe area - the character of the patient undergoes changes. Behavior changes occur spontaneously, without a logical reason.
  • A tumor can cause limb disruption. When the left hemisphere is affected, problems appear in the limbs of the right side. And accordingly, on the contrary, - the localization of pathology in the right hemisphere - the limbs of the left side can manifest violations of motor functions.
  • If the pathological formation is in the zone of the vertebrae - a person finds it difficult to perform simple actions: open the door with a key, do sewing, etc.
  • The defeat of the occipital lobe manifests itself as hallucinations of the senses:
    • view,
    • taste sensations,
    • hearing organs,

    as well as deterioration of vision up to its loss.

  • When a tumor develops in the temporal lobe of the brain, it is felt through the bell:
    • speech impairment,
    • impairment of motion coordination,
    • memory loss.

There are consequences:

  • dizziness,
  • drowsiness,
  • headaches,
  • convulsions,
  • with severe headache vomiting,
  • decline of strength.

Diagnosis of pathology

Symptoms, with a complaint that a patient comes to a doctor, can be signs of many diseases.

To test the possibility of a tumor, it is necessary to examine the brain with the help of magnetic resonance imaging. Applied for this purpose and computed tomography.

The methods allow:

  • to see the brain in different sections,
  • to determine whether there is a tumor formation,
  • its localization,
  • dimensions.

To specify the malignancy of the formation, a puncture biopsy is done. Histological studies will give the final diagnostic assessment of pathology.

Treatment of astroblastoma

The most effective way to treat the problem is to remove the education. The task is to destroy the tumor as much as possible, but at the same time to save healthy cells and not to harm the functional capacity of the area of ​​the brain where surgery is performed.

  1. Radiotherapy is irradiation of a tumor to stop cell division and to cause destructive effects on existing pathological tissues. Studies show that astroblastoma exhibits sensitivity to this effect. Radiosurgery is used which, through concentrated rays, affects diseased cells, without affecting healthy cells. The patient is irradiated on a cyber-knife or gamma-knife. The method is able to solve the problem of inoperable formations.
  2. Chemotherapy - its effect on the body causes less harm compared to radiotherapy. The drugs act selectively on the damaged cells, and healthy cells do not get harmful effects.
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