Biochemical analysis of blood in pancreatitis, biochemistry

Thanks to a complete blood count, called biochemical, doctors recognize the location of the disease in the body. It results in ten indicators, which each patient can decipher using tables. At the same time, qualitative consultation can be given only by the attending physician who is familiar with the history of the disease. All analysis values ​​are taken in a weight or volume content in a liter of liquid. The biochemical blood test for pancreatitis allows to calculate:

  • glucose( carbohydrate metabolism index) - the norm is accepted 5.8 - 3.5 millimoles, the increase indicates the progression of the disease due to stress and non-compliance with the diet, a decrease speaks about the use of alcohol, drug overdose, poisoning,biochemistry of blood in pancreatitis - an important component of the treatment
  • cholesterol( indicator of the metabolism of fats) - a normal content of 6 - 3 mmol, increasing and lowering indicates a malfunction of the pancreas, the biochemical analysis of red and white blood in pancreatitis takes into account this parameter
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  • amylase, an enzyme for the cleavage of starch, a norm of 50-0 units, an increase means a tumor of the gland

GGT is an enzyme for the exchange of amino acids, the norm is 49-31 units, the decrease is not dangerous,about the problems of the pancreas, prostate, hepatitis.

ASTA is an amino acid exchange enzyme, normal content of 41-31 units, a decrease is characteristic of B6 deficiency, an increase in cancer, pancreatitis, and blood biochemistry in pancreatitis analyzes this index.

ALT is an amino acid exchange enzyme, the norm is 41 to 31 units, the increase is dangerous for all organs, the decrease means an enlarged liver.

Bilirubin - obtained after hemoglobin cleavage, should be contained within 17 - 3.4 millimol, and a decrease and increase means a diseased liver, blood biochemistry is used most often in pancreatitis.

Creatinine is a participant in the exchange of tissues with energy, the norm is 115-53 millimoles, the decrease is characteristic for weight reduction, diet, the increase characterizes the renal function impairment.

Urea - is obtained from protein, the content should correspond to 8.3 - 2.5 mmol, lowering means poor work of the intestine, pancreas, enlargement of the heart, biochemical analysis reveals this important parameter of blood in pancreatitis.

Protein is the norm of 83-62 g, the increase threatens with oncology, lowering with pancreatic problems.

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