Is it possible to warm the kidneys with a heating pad with pyelonephritis, urolithiasis and cyst

Whenever there is pain in the kidneys, many people think that heating up will help reduce painful sensations. In fact, there are situations where heat can greatly complicate the course of the disease, so compliance with caution does not interfere.

How heat affects the kidneys

Kidneys are the most important organs in our body that are responsible for filtering and removing unnecessary metabolites, waste products and waste. A healthy lifestyle, proper nutrition and sport will help to maintain the health of these bodies at the proper level. Unfortunately, urolithiasis and inflammation of the kidneys are not always connected with human behavior - they can be provoked by a number of factors that do not depend on the patient himself.

Treatment of kidney disease should be done only under the supervision of a doctor. Heat - hot baths, baths, hot water - favorably affects the urinary system in some cases and is fatal in others. Usually the first impulse of a person is to warm up the kidneys with pain in the back area, but without specifying the reason for such sensations it is possible to do much harm to yourself!

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Symptoms suggest kidney pathology can be, if available:

  • Pain at the top of the loin under the ribs;
  • More often - the appearance of pain on one side;
  • Urinary discharge disorders;
  • Increase in temperature, pressure;
  • Swelling, circles under the eyes;
  • Blood in the urine;
  • Weakness.

Even after revealing the source of pain, an accurate diagnosis should be made, because the diseases can be congenital, inflammatory, functional, destructive, and the sensations will be similar. The conclusion is simple: without a visit to the doctor to heal the kidneys when one's hurt is harmful, because the heat for the kidneys is not always helpful.

With urolithiasis

Specialists note that the kidneys can be warmed only with the development of nephrolithiasis, or urolithiasis.

The effect of heat on the organs in this case can not be overestimated:

  • Elimination of muscular spasm;
  • Facilitating the excretion of calculi from the pelvis and ureters;
  • Reduces pain, discomfort;
  • Improvement of blood circulation in tissues;
  • Relief of renal colic.

Of course, you can not cure urolithiasis with the help of one warming up. Treatment should be carried out by changing the diet, taking special medications, sometimes supplemented with crushing stones or even surgery. But warming will ease the suffering of a person with colic and help to wait patiently for a visit to the doctor, unless, of course, the case is urgent and does not require hospitalization.

We recommend
For prevention of diseases and treatment of kidneys, our readers advise the Monastery collection of Father George. It consists of 16 useful medicinal herbs, which have an extremely high efficiency in the purification of the kidneys, in the treatment of kidney diseases, urinary tract diseases, as well as in the purification of the body as a whole. Read more ยป

When the inflammatory process with urolithiasis is absent, it is possible to treat sick kidneys with heat. The easiest way is to use a heating pad or a plastic bottle filled with warm water. But it's better to sit in a hot bath - water will quickly relieve muscle tension and reduce pain.

The rules of the procedure are as follows:

  1. The bath should be filled with the maximum hot, but not scalding water.
  2. It is desirable to add a little aromatic oils or decoctions of herbs( larch, cedar, pine, or renal herbal preparations) into the water.
  3. The fluid level should be just above the waist.
  4. The duration of the water treatment is up to 20 minutes.
  5. Nearby must be a close person - in case the patient feels in the water is bad, lose consciousness.

In nephrolithiasis, a noticeable effect is also obtained by heating in a bath. Due to excessive sweating, the amount of sodium in the urine decreases, the load on the kidneys is reduced, some of the salts are removed with sweat. But blood circulation in the organs increases, as well as blood microcirculation, muscles relax, the pain goes away. The temperature in the bath should not be above 60-70 degrees, humidity - more than 33%, and the duration of stay in - half an hour. Contrast rinsing after a hot bath is prohibited!

Inflammation of the

Among inflammatory kidney pathologies, acute and chronic pyelonephritis( inflammation of the renal pelvis) is most often diagnosed, less often glomerulonephritis( renal glomerular lesion).The causes of the inflammatory process can be general hypothermia, chapped kidneys and lower back, as well as penetration into the kidney of an infection from the bladder or with blood flow from other organs. Pathogens are various pathogenic bacteria - staphylococci, E. coli, streptococci and others.

Bacteria for reproduction need comfortable conditions, and heat is one of them. Even with moderate inflammatory pyelonephritis, warming leads to an active growth of microbial colonies, and in severe cases - to the spread of infection from the calyceal system to the renal parenchyma. Treatment in this case will be long and complex, the probability of the transition of the disease to a chronic stage is high.

Other effects of heating the kidneys during inflammation:

  • Enlarged organs in size due to edema.
  • Violation of urination, urinary retention.
  • Increased pain.
  • Fever aggravation.
  • Deterioration of general condition due to intoxication.

When can I warm up?

As already noted, the main disease in which heating with a warmer is not contraindicated, is urolithiasis without the accompanying inflammatory process. Even with chronic nephritis, self-medicate with baths, warmers are not recommended - there is a risk of resumption of inflammation and its transition from a slow to an acute stage.

In addition to cysts, the pain of hamartoma, adenoma of the kidney is occasionally manifested, but only at considerable sizes. Specialists note that with small volumes of cysts, you can warm your back, although there are no more unpleasant sensations at this stage. If to make thermal procedures when there is a large cyst, the risk of its rupture is high - this will lead to the development of peritonitis and other unpleasant consequences. Other benign tumors, not speaking of malignant ones, from heating, can accelerate at all in growth, so you should not take risks!

Categorical prohibitions of

There are situations when any thermal procedures are strictly prohibited. These include the following:

  1. The first occurrence of pain in the lumbar region, kidneys, the origin of which is not known reliably.
  2. Increased body temperature more than up to 37.2 degrees.
  3. Combination of pain in the kidneys with the release of blood, nausea and vomiting, a general severe malaise.
  4. The presence of urine retention or the release of too much urine.
  5. Presence of tumors of unknown nature and size.

If you suspect a kidney disease, it's better to have an ultrasound scan at once and pass a general urine test, then seek help from a specialist - after specifying the diagnosis, he will prescribe the necessary treatment and will answer the question of whether it is possible to heal the kidneys in this case.

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